
The Mortal King

In a world where ancient myths and modern reality entwine, a mortal boy named Adrian becomes the chosen champion of Zyron, the enigmatic creator. Tasked with dethroning the Olympians, Adrian must rise as the Mortal King of Olympus. With the gods' malevolence catching up to them, Adrian learns the secrets of New Olympus, a hidden village for demigods and mythical beings. But as his training unfolds, an impending evil approaches, and Adrian must gather allies and master his divine powers to protect his newfound home. Will he conquer the gods and become the savior of Olympus, or succumb to the forces that seek its destruction? The world's fate hangs in the balance as Adrian embarks on an epic quest of destiny and redemption.

PurebloodKing · Fantasie
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21 Chs

<Chapter 1 - The Ticket>

Look, I never expected my life to take a mythological turn.

So if you're reading this hoping for a fantastical adventure, please proceed cautiously. What I'm about to reveal isn't a fairytale. It's the truth and comes with consequences you can't even begin to fathom.

You see, I always thought I was just an ordinary teenager living an ordinary life. But as I write these words, I understand that my existence is steeped in ancient myths and extraordinary powers. And I can't keep it a secret any longer.

So, if you think you might be like me if you've ever felt the stirring of something greater inside you, then listen carefully. Brace yourself for the unimaginable, the revelation that will forever change how you see the world.

Being more than human is a perilous path to tread. It invites danger, tests your mettle, and throws you headfirst into a world that shouldn't exist alongside ours. It's a world of gods, monsters, and prophecies that shape the very fabric of our reality.

If you're a normal kid reading this, I envy you. Embrace your normalcy, and let the pages of this book remain a mere work of fiction. But heed my words if you feel a pull or connection to something beyond the ordinary. This is your only chance to turn away, to preserve the semblance of everyday life before it's too late.

For once you glimpse the truth, once you're aware of the existence that lurks in the shadows, there's no going back. They will sense it, those seeking to control and manipulate you. They'll come for you, and you won't be able to escape your destiny.

Consider this your final warning. The choice is yours, and it will shape your life in ways you cannot yet comprehend. So, if you dare to embrace the extraordinary and risk everything for a glimpse of the hidden realms, then turn the page. The adventure awaits, and the world as you know it is about to change forever.

To start, my name is Adrian Evans. When it all started, I was a sixteen-year-old working at my grandfather's restaurant in Rye, England, called the Round Table. So please sit, and get comfortable as I tell you the story of how I  became the man I am today.


I wiped the sweat off my brow as I balanced a tray of steaming dishes, skillfully weaving through the bustling crowd at my grandfather's restaurant. "Excuse me, coming through," I called out politely, careful not to spill a single drop of the piping-hot soup. 

As I set the dishes at the customer's table, a middle-aged man with a kind smile nodded in appreciation. "Thank you, Adrian. You're a hard worker, just like your grandfather."

I offered him a small smile, grateful for the compliment. "No problem, sir. Can I get you anything else?"

He shook his head and began to peruse the menu, leaving me to tend to the other customers. With each step, I couldn't help but reflect on the path that had brought me to this point. My mother had passed away during childbirth, and my father had landed himself in prison shortly afterward. That left me in the care of my grandfather, who had become my rock and guiding light.

At the tender age of thirteen, I started working at the restaurant, learning the ins and outs of the business from my grandfather. It was my sanctuary, where I found solace in the whirlwind of my tumultuous life. But little did I know that an encounter that very day would shatter my understanding of reality.

As the evening wore on and the dinner rush began to wind down, I stepped outside to take out the trash. The cool breeze provided a welcome respite from the kitchen's heat, and I relished the momentary tranquility. But my peace was short-lived.

An old homeless man shuffled toward me, his eyes downcast. "Excuse me, young man," he murmured. "May I have a moment of your time?"

I hesitated, feeling a mixture of empathy and caution. "I'm sorry, but I don't have any spare change," I replied, trying to be polite.

The old man raised a frail hand; his voice tinged with resignation. "No, no, my dear. I am not here to ask for money. Just a small kindness."

Curiosity piqued, I nodded and motioned for him to continue. "What do you need?"

He glanced at the trash bin and sheepishly said, "Would it be too much trouble if I looked through the trash? I haven't eaten in days and hope to find something to sustain me."

My heart sank as I realized the depth of his desperation. I couldn't turn him away, quickly throwing the trash away and closing the bins as I turned to the old man. "Please, come inside. I'll get you a proper meal."

Gratitude washed over his weathered face, and he followed me into the restaurant's warmth. I guided him to a table and served him a plate of food. As he savored each bite, his eyes glistened with appreciation.

My grandfather, observing the scene, approached with a gentle smile. "Adrian, it warms my heart to see you show compassion to those in need. It truly reflects the kind man you are growing to be."

I nodded, my gaze fixed on the old man, who now seemed to radiate a strange aura. As he finished his meal, he looked up at me and winked, a twinkle in his eyes that held a deeper meaning.

After he left, I went to clear his table, tidying up the remnants of his meal. As I picked up the last plate, I noticed a folded note and a glimmering ring placed delicately upon it. Intrigued, I unfolded the note, revealing a message written in elegant handwriting:

"You have been chosen, Adrian. Everything shall come to play soon, and your life will forever be changed."

His pleading eyes tugged at my heartstrings, and I couldn't turn him away. "Wait here," I said, quickly rushing inside. I grabbed a warm meal from the kitchen and led the man to a table we had set for those who wanted to eat outside. "Here, this should help."

He accepted the food gratefully, sat down, and began eating, savoring each bite as if it were a feast. I watched him silently, curiosity and compassion mingling within me.

Once he finished, the old man looked up at me, his eyes twinkling with a pearl of mysterious wisdom. "You possess a kind heart, young Adrian. A heart that is destined for greatness."

Confusion flickered across my face. "What do you mean? Who are you?"

He smiled enigmatically. "I am but a messenger sent to deliver a message. You are chosen, Adrian. Chosen to embark on a journey that will change the course of your fate."

My heart pounded in my chest as his words sank in. Chosen? Journey? Fate? It was all too overwhelming, yet there was an undeniable spark of excitement within me.

Before I could ask any more questions, the old man rose from his seat and began to walk away. But as he turned, he glanced back at me with a knowing smile. "Trust in yourself, Adrian. The path will reveal itself when you are ready."

And just like that, he vanished into the night, leaving me standing there, my mind spinning with a whirlwind of emotions. Who was that old man, and what did he mean by my destiny?

I returned inside the restaurant, my thoughts consumed by the encounter. It wouldn't be for another month that I would meet the homeless man again. It was a cold night at the start of the winter season as snow danced through the air as they coated the ground in a blanket of white. I made my way to the trash bins behind the restaurant, carrying a bag filled with discarded leftovers, when I noticed a figure huddled in a corner—a familiar face from a month prior. It was the old homeless man, his weathered features illuminated by the dim streetlight.

He looked up at me, his eyes twinkling with a mix of curiosity and mischief. "Well, well, young lad, fancy seeing you here again. Got any more of that kindness to spare?"

I smiled and placed the bag of leftovers beside him. "Of course, my friend. It's the least I can do. How are you holding up?"

He chuckled, his voice filled with a rough warmth. "Ah, life has its ups and downs, as it always does. But I've learned to find joy in the little things, like a warm meal on a chilly night."

I sat down beside him, feeling a sense of comfort in his presence. "You know, I've been thinking a lot lately. About my dreams, my passions, and what I want to do with my life; after you left that night, it's all I could really think about."

He nodded, encouraging me to continue. "And what have you discovered, lad? What makes your heart sing?"

I paused, contemplating my words. "I love cooking, creating dishes that bring people joy. It's what I do at my grandfather's restaurant. I've always dreamed of taking it to new heights, making it a place where people feel welcome and cherished."

The old man's eyes sparkled with genuine interest. "That's a fine dream, lad. But let me ask you something—what if you were given a chance at a different life? A life filled with opportunities and grand adventures? Would you take it?"

I stared at him, taken aback by his question. "I would turn it down. I can't leave my grandfather after everything he has done for me. Besides, he needs my help here at the restaurant.."

He leaned closer, his voice softer. "Adrian, my boy, sometimes the greatest journeys start with sacrifice. You may find that your dreams and love for your grandfather can intertwine unexpectedly. Life presents us with choices, and it's up to us to decide if we'll take that leap of faith."

I pondered his words, wrestling with conflicting emotions. The allure of a different life beckoned, promising excitement and unknown wonders. Yet, the thought of leaving my grandfather and the restaurant felt like a betrayal.

The old man laughed, breaking the heavy silence. "You're a remarkable lad, Adrian. Your heart is in the right place. But remember, opportunities come knocking only once in a while. Embrace them when they do, and trust that life has a way of working itself out."

Standing up, he reached into his tattered coat and pulled out a small envelope. "I'll be waiting for you at the London City Airport. If you ever change your mind, take this ticket. It may lead you to the adventure you never knew you needed."

With that, he slipped the envelope into my hand, his eyes filled with a mysterious twinkle. And just like that, he disappeared into the night, leaving me with more questions than answers.

I stared at the envelope, my heart pounding in my chest. The weight of the decision bore down on me, but deep down, a flicker of curiosity burned. It was time to step out of my comfort zone, chase the unknown, and discover a world beyond my wildest dreams.

With uncertainty and a newfound sense of possibility, I clutched the ticket, knowing that my choice would shape my life. I closed down the restaurant, and as I walked home, the streets quiet and the city lights shimmering in the distance, I couldn't help but wonder where this journey would take me and how it would change me forever.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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