
The Mortal Artificer

“With great power comes great responsibility” –Winston Churchill/Uncle Ben Such a notion is really overwhelming, but not popularly practiced in the world of Avengale. Avengale is a world devastated by war and conflict of every kind. In the middle of this war… a normal young man is given a gift by a twist of fate… the gift of artifact creation. With a sickly mother at home, and a load of enemies around him, how will he be able to survive in this war-torn era where the strong… devour the weak? Follow him in his adventure and find out how he became… The Mortal Artificer.

Shynobi · Aktion
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19 Chs

Joining the Hunting Group

Chapter 16 Joining the Hunting Group

Han Jin and the convoy once again traversed the wilderness after a few days of staying and resupplying in Awan village.

By this time, the journey became smoother and a particular carriage is traveling with the trucks carrying the supplies.

That particular carriage is being escorted by ten maroks mounted by heavily armed soldiers. The aura around the soldiers looks imposing and even though they are only on mounts… their speed is comparable to the trucks ahead of them.

Inside the carriage, a woman with a veil on her face parted the window cover and tried to peer at the truck just in front of them.

From her position, she could barely see the young man seated at the back of the truck.

He looks like an ordinary soldier with his uniform and his rifle, but she knew that he is far from being an ordinary soldier.

From what she has learned, that guy is able to survive the long journey through the forest for many days ever since the convoy left him.

He was even able to help the convoy after he arrive in the village and heard that they were in trouble.

She learned that even though he was blamed for abandoning his post by his superiors, nothing happened to him in the end.

She was very astonished to learn that there is such a person in this world.

To her own knowledge, only her parents are very powerful because their family has a secret.

Since young, she has been learning this secret and soon, she would be able to reach the peak of that secret and then become one of the Class-B people just like his parents.

She is going to the town of Alfas to meet with her uncle who will be giving her the pill for her advancement.

The Physique Enhancing pill is a family secret of the Lou family which would help a person practicing their family secret technique to reach their peak by 20% to 50%, depending on one's own talent, in becoming a Class-B.

Many in her generation have tried to reach Class B, but only a few succeeded. However, those that did not succeed still become very strong or very fast which is incomparable to ordinary Class-C people.

While looking at the person who seems to be very tired that he is dozing off while seated at the back, she could not help but think that he might also be someone with a secret technique that pushes him above the normal Class-C strength or speed.

"Why are you observing that guy?" asked a playful voice seated beside the woman in a veil.

The voice belongs to a young woman in her teens. She has her hair in a ponytail sporting a boyish vibe on her. But her slightly rosy cute cheeks, small nose, and slightly puckered pink lips made her look very cute and attractive.

She is the sister of the young woman in the veil.

Instead of hiding her beauty, she proudly displays them making her the center of attention everywhere she goes.

Such attention is something that she always likes and never shies on it.

"Hmm… He looks handsome and attractive, but his background is not that impressive. Hey, maybe you can turn him into your boy toy!" She commented on the side with a grin while also peeking out the window.

Suddenly, someone pinches her side which made her winch in pain.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" she exclaimed as she went back to her seat while rubbing her painful side.

"Mom… why would you pinch so hard? Do you want to tear my soft and delicate flesh with your powerful strength?" she coyly cried while looking at the stern woman seated beside her.

"You little brat has been spoiled by your father. Why are you talking about a boy toy or something? Do you think your sister is like you who always want boys around her like honey attracting all the bees?" their mother snorted.

The woman is Special Officer Min Chen, the wife of Special Officer Ben Lou from the Awan village. She too is a Class-B with a normal strength of 150 kg, and a reaction speed of 180 kph.

Unlike her husband who is very strong at a normal of 500 kg, she is faster and possesses deadly fighting techniques she has gotten from her maternal family.

She is here to escort her two daughters in visiting the Town of Alfas for her eldest daughter's chance to reach Class B.

The bickering between her mother and her sister made the young woman in the veil show a slight smile on her face while she lets go of the curtain and leaned on the seat.

However, she still could not help but wonder about that guy who is a normal Class-C guy but is able to survive the dangerous forest alone.

Two days later…

The convoy has finally arrived at Alfas town with battered and beaten trucks. It only shows how dangerous the path they have taken just to be able to bring the much-needed supply to this town.

In fact, the convoy could actually opt out for a safer road, but that road would lead them to a longer time of traveling. Plus, Han Jin learned that this is actually a maiden voyage on this path which is considered a shortcut.

If the journey is very smooth, it would only take about 5 days or so… to travel from the town of Alfas to the City of Galia and vice versa.

And if the road is paved, then the journey would even be faster.

Hence this journey they have taken is actually a monumental undergoing that the military base decided to finally request the assistance of a Special Officer to join.

Many in the higher-ups feared that the secret journey would fail after they received the information that someone is actually secretly targeting the convoy.

In that meeting that he attended in Awan village, he learned that his name was not supposed to be on the list.

He has already known that he is being targeted by someone, but he feigned ignorance after hearing and answering the investigation committee.

But deep in his heart, he is already bearing the name of Sergeant Mido Sasaki who is the real culprit behind all of this.

He could not fight against that person as he is a Class-B individual according to Old Onyx.

So he has to bid his time and slowly grow until he is able to fight against that guy.

And so, upon arriving in the Town of Alfas, Han Jin decided to join the hunting group. This way, he would be able to obtain both the experience and the Chi energy he needed to continue growing his strength.

He knew that if he did so, he would be able to fight back against those that are planning behind his back.

As he alighted from the truck, a few soldiers patted his shoulder with friendly smiles on their faces.

"Hey, Private Jin… Let's have a drink in the pub… I think we ought to treat you after saving our skin many times back there." A soldier said with a grin.

The others chimed in as they agree with his words.

"Yeah, I owe you my lowly life. I can only thank you and pay for your beer! Hahaha…" another one chimed in.

"Yes, I agree… Guys, you don't have to worry about the meal… It's on me! I will treat you guys and will also have the honor to treat… "The Specter"… for a meal." a soldier with a big build suggested with a slight fervor in his expression.

Han Jin did not know whether to laugh or cry at the enthusiasm of the people around him.

He might have saved them as he did not have any choice but to help in the battles while traveling, but he did not do anything overboard, right? That is what he thought.

But he did not know that his simple action has actually saved literally the lives of the soldiers in the convoy.

Ever since he joined them, the convoy has not lost any soldiers in their journey, unlike the time when the group is traveling after he was left to die in the forest.

The enthusiastic discussions and the laughter of the soldiers have irked a person amongst the officers.

He was instructed to make sure to get rid of that fellow, but in the end, he has no choice but to stop with his plans.

Due to the presence of Class B and the ghost-like sharp shooting of that loathsome guy, his mission was turned into a failure.

He did not know how the people behind him would react if he reported this matter to them.

But for now, he could only glare at the back of that Private Han Jin before leaving.

That night…

Han Jin was called by a high-ranking officer to his office.

As he walks down the empty corridor, he could feel that there is something wrong. In fact, when he was called this late at night with an excuse of investigation, he already felt a strange feeling of suspicion and danger.

He wanted to ask Old Onyx but, there are no trees inside the barracks in the town.

So he could only rely on his own instinct and gained fighting experience to be able to overcome this kind of troublesome matter.

As a soldier he knew that he has to obey the orders of his officers, so he decided to follow.

Soon, he noticed that the person he was following towards the officer's office vanished in thin air.

From that instance, he knew that his suspicion and bad feeling were correct… someone is really after him even inside the military base.