

It's believed in the moon kingdom when a moon child is born, a beautiful jewel blessed by the Goddess would appear in any kind of shape. The mooners were unfortunate to loose their leaders and the unborn prince along the war and it didn't help the fact the curse was lurking around them and only a true prince as said by the prophecy would be the one to tame it. Luckily one day the jewel shook everyone. Jungkook, the prince of the sun had a mission from the day he was born, it was hard written on the ancient books that his mission was to find the prince of the moon back. His fate had been already decided even if he was to leave his fiance back for his mission. OR Jimin a senelophile, a kind human (though everyone thinks he's mad) decides to help out Jungkook for his search since he looked nothing more dumb like a sheep to Jimin's eyes. He helps him out to make his goal true. Amidst the journey search they discover lots of secrets that lay beneath the earth and so high of it. And so the feelings lingering......

Mariam_Michelle · Fantasie
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18 Chs


'Keep the warmth of the sun, in your heart'


"Sir we've lost them" one of the men who was chasing after the intruders in the old abandoned house spoke with his head lowered he knew he made the boss angry and he will be on the receiving end of it. A man in his 50s with a metallic stick, a dragon head at the top of the handle as he limped his way near the cliff, a bunch of men beside bowing to him respectively. 

"This hell a long cliff" he pointed away "sir down below the temperature is 70 degrees F, and it's streaming high tide they wont survive for a minute" the guy looked proud but all he got was a hit onto his head making him almost fall back but held his posture while blood flow down to his face "i would appreciate if i tortured and shot them myself because someone trespassed my property, now go find their dead bodies" he ordered angrily "yes sir!" the men bowed and walked off to find a way down the cliff....


It was night but the water was flowing in angry waves like it had some personal grudge with someone but it was just nature's way. But among that dangerous wave a hand snapped out of water followed by Jungkook who came up panting "i can't believe we made it up, Jimin" Jungkook was loud for Jimin to hear but Jimin wasn't there now "i was holding his hand" Jungkook didn't think much and dived back with panic. And there he saw Jimin sinking down in the depth of the water his blood mixing up with the water, Jungkook widen his eyes and tried to swim to him but the tides weren't helping now that he was out of his grasp. 

Jungkook tried his best to reach Jimin yet when he was almost catching up to him a strong wave tries to sweep him away 'am not letting you go' and with enough patience he swam much harder fighting off the tides and before Jimin disappeared into the water he caught him immediately and swam up to the surface panting hard. 

He held himself on a tree branch and pulled themselves out of the running water and flopping down on the grass "damn it" looking at Jimin who was unmoving, and not breathing "no no...Jimin...no" he gave him CPR.

Jungkook pumped Jimin up but he was still not getting up, his pulse was getting weaker. He pinched his nose and leaned down to his mouth, 'this should work right' he gave him air through his mouth and Jimin responded by coughing up the water in his lungs and groaning "Jimin!" Jungkook called out with a broken voice he was scared to shit that he couldn't help than cry "you're alive" he pulled him to his embrace as he stroked his wet hair.

"Jungkookie" Jimin tried to call out almost in a whisper but Jungkook heard him "yes am here your okay, your safe" Jimin only chuckled "am okay....stop crying...." but Jungkook wouldn't, he was really scared all he did was pull him up to his embrace glad he was alive at least or barely. "Jimin?" Jungkook called but Jimin was oddly quiet, looking back to him he had passed out "shit your burning up" and that didn't help the fact he was bleeding heavily.

"You will be ok" he promised and stood up getting Jimin on his back, he was hurt too but that didn't matter now, Jimin was to be taken care of.

They were absolutely nowhere and lost and Jungkook knew he couldn't make it on time to safety. A cave lay a few steps from them and Jungkook knew it was the only option for now or the bleeding would get much worse they needed a hide out for now, what if those men were somewhere around near, and ready to capture them.

After checking out it was safe and no wild animals would come from nowhere he went inside and lay Jimin down while he got his bag which was luckily still strapped on him. He took a piece of cloth out and tied it to Jimin's forehead to stop the bleeding first. He took his shirt and lay it down trying to create a nest to keep him warm but...."this won't work, urghh" he groaned in frustration and looked around more but it was obvious nothing would help with the cold now that Jimin's body was trembling it was lucky he made it out of the water but the cold he wouldn't wake up to the morning to it, he would already be frozen to death "there is only one way it should help" Jungkook spoke to himself. He looked at Jimin checking his temperature and it was a getting worse.

He carefully pulled him up and made him lay onto his chest "you will be ok" he patted his hair and closed his eyes getting the calm to his muscles he knew it would work he was desperate and indeed it worked.

With Jungkook's eyes closed his body immediately glew creating a warm light transmitting from his body to Jimin's which immediately glew too and like a fireball it wrapped the two into it's warmth and barrier from everything.

Jungkook was at his weakest and the glow was to help him regain his lost energy and heal his wounds and it wasn't just about a night to heal. It was a hibernation process.


Jimin slowly opened his eyes blinking a few times to take away the blur and looked around himself. He was alive, is the first thing he noted to himself and he felt warmer and less pain, he was confused wasn't now supposed to feel those broken ribs but he felt better. Where he lay he felt more warmth engulf him and looking down was a naked chest making him go beet red, who was this?? looking up was Jungkook peacefully sleeping with his mouth a bit open reminding him of a baby, it was a cute sight.

Like Jungkook felt a stare, he managed to open his eyes too meeting with Jimin looking him red like a tomato "well hello there" Jimin spoke playfully with a smile and the next thing he knew was Jungkook bringing him to his embrace hugging him tight "you woke up" he spoke with a relieved voice making Jimin smile "am ok Jungkookie, are you okay?" Jimin quickly checked him and to his surprise Jungkook had no bruise or anything "I know you have questions... " Jungkook started awkwardly and Jimin smiled before standing up "tell me later, where are we right now?" Jimin asked while getting his shirt on and packing whatever they had currently.

"I don't know" Jungkook sat up with a pout he really didn't know anything "I panicked and brought us here" he explained and Jimin chuckled "I must really thank you a lot thanks to you am okay don't worry will find our way home" with that Jungkook wore his shirt back on and walked behind Jimin like a lost puppy.

On their way Jimin told him a few stories of the forest he lived in and Jungkook was intrigued to say that, Jimin's stories never bored him at all it was always nice and calming to listen to him all day.

"Am so hungry we must have slept for days, are you hungry?" Jimin asked Jungkook whose ears peeked up to the mention of food "yes, I miss Jimin's food" he spoke honestly and Jimin chuckled ruffling his hair "and am gonna cook you lots of delicious home made food" Jimin promised and Jungkook had a bunny smile on him "let's go home"...


Jungkook waited patiently till Jimin was done cooking don't get him wrong he almost burnt the food he tried to help cooking and Jimin threw him out of the kitchen making Jungkook sad and feel helpless but Jimin gave him the plates to lay on the table and Jungkook was happy he could help, and a few minutes later it was done and they took their seats diving into the food like hungry beasts "am so hungry" Jimin spoke while eating to his fill "me too" Jungkook added as he enjoyed himself and Jimin couldn't help than smile at him he swears Jungkook was really cute and kind.....

"So am a Suryan" Jungkook started as they were done eating "I know" Jimin replied "am from the sun" Jungkook thought Jimin would freak out and wouldn't believe him never the less but the other was just smiling not fazed "aren't you scared of me?" he was wide eyed "why would I be" Jimin shrugged "and am from the moon" he joked to release some tension in the air but Jungkook didn't respond making Jimin turn serious "you see this..." Jimin pointed at the objects and telescopes hanging onto the wall "these are used to study about the moon and the sun my grandfather taught me a lot and I know about Suryans and mooners" now Jungkook was wide eyed "you knew about me?" he asked and Jimin nodded "I could tell you were different when we met, yes you were dumb but you were just new to things you were like an alien you know it was obvious" Jimin simply spoke like the sky was blue "all my life I have been studying about the moon and sun so don't worry your in good hands" he genuinely spoke and Jungkook relaxed Jimin understood him "but thanks for the necklace and forgive my rude behavior earlier I was just angry" Jungkook shook his head "am sorry too for prying and hope you accept my apology" Jimin handed him the necklace and turned his back at him "I accept your apology help me wear it" and Jungkook obliged.

While putting the necklace on him he notices one half moon tattoo on Jimin's back and didn't think much about it right now he was in position to judge what's fake and what's not beacause the moon tattoo wasn't one but the whole cycle, so he shrugged it off and let the necklace lay onto Jimin's neck beautifully "it suits you" Jungkook spoke and Jimin giggled "thank you."

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