
The Moon's Mighty Alpha

Goosebumps raised throughout my body at the sight of my own hand. Claws replaced my nails and my normally clean hand was now covered in pure white fur. I frantically crawled around the hut to look for a mirror in spite of the vigorously flowing power making my steps heavy. Muddleheaded, I moved to the end of the room and found a large mirror before me. The view in the mirror was one that I could not believe. What is happening to me? What even is going on?! ° ° ° Cassiel, an omnipotent Omega who has yet to discover the hidden truth behind his abilities and power, finds himself trapped in a series of eerie dreams and unanswered questions. To put an end to his disquieted feelings, he is led on to a journey unnerved, where he finds himself captivated by the beauty of the Mighty Black Wolf.

Scorpious_star · LGBT+
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185 Chs

Fear Creeping In

Cassiel's POV

*He kept running away from what he couldn't understand. It was as if his legs kept moving on their own to take him to an unknown destination. He stopped for a second and looked at his reflection just to scream out in shock. Fear crept through his vein as he realised his body was covered in red.


I woke up once again covered in cold sweat. Breathing heavily and scanning the room with eyes wide open. It sure was the scariest of all dreams I've ever had. This is happening too often these days. I thought to myself. Confused I dragged myself to the bathroom to do my business and walked to the kitchen for breakfast.

Walking towards the bus stop my mind kept wandering back to the dream. The most unusual of all kinds of dreams I have ever had.

Why was I covered in blood? What had happened? Why was I running? What exactly was I running away from? And most importantly, whose blood was it that I was drenched in? These thoughts kept creeping in on me. I found myself getting confused even more trying to find answers to those questions.

For now, let's focus on my classes. I said to myself and made my way to my first class of the day. Math was extremely fun for me. Solving questions was like relieving stress. It made my mind calm. Sitting at my usual spot I noticed half the class was empty. I was early to college today. I sat down and opened my diary to continue writing down from where I last left off. I was so emerged in writing that I didn't notice Silas standing at my desk with his gang.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" he said slamming his hand on my table. I looked up and out of reflex shut my book holding it tightly close to my chest.

"Are you hiding something from me Cassiel?" He raised his eyebrow questioningly, his voice dropping a few octaves.

I kept holding the book and looked up to meet his eyes which were boring holes into my soul. I immediately averted my gaze and answered in the smallest voice that ever came out of me

"No... no why would I?" I never imagined I would be so vulnerable in a position like this until he pushed my chair which landed back first on the ground with a loud thud.

"Don't lie to me, Cassiel!!" He barked near my ear making me flinch.

My head was hurting like hell from falling like that and I could swear on my life that the world started spinning at fast speed. I closed my eyes and waited for the harsh blow but it never came, instead, the atmosphere got chilly.

I slowly opened my eyes to see pale hands holding onto Silas's collar and another pair of hands lifting me from my fall. Before I could process what was going on around me, I could see black spots appearing in front of my eyes.

"Are you okay?" I heard someone ask before I could answer them the world suddenly turned into spots of black and everything started becoming blurry. The voices kept getting farther and farther away from me.

"HEEYY! LISTEN TO ME! CASSIEL!!" and the last thing I could hear was someone shouting my name until everything went black.

*The moon was shining extremely bright in the night sky. Making the stars shine even more. The night seemed to be peacefully beautiful.

Suddenly the moon turned red... not just any red but Blood Red. It was as if someone had angered it. The sky became darker and the moon became even bigger and brighter.

"Who are you? Why have you come here? a stern voice asked. I looked around to find nothing but darkness.

"Cassiel. I am Cassiel Evert. Are you the moon goddess? Rezso had asked me to see you" I spoke into nothingness. Despite my surroundings being creepy, I was comfortable. It felt as if I belonged in this place. It felt safe. It felt like I was home.

"Oh! You've finally come. I've waited for you! All these years, every single day every passing second, I've waited for you and protected you. I have finally managed to keep my promise to Zendaya" spoke the voice again. By now I was extremely curious as to who I was exactly talking to.

"Can I know who you are? And who exactly is this Zendaya? Why would you wait for me? Do I know you?" I asked a marathon of questions that bugged me into nothingness and waited for a reply, surprised that I was not freaking out.

After a few minutes when I heard nothing, I was a little disappointed and unsatisfied but still started walking away from the place until I heard rustling from behind me. I turned around and was met with vivid lights shining as if the moon itself had come down. The brightness covered everything around it making it look like the milky way. I tried adjusting my eyes to the sudden lights but could barely look at anything.

Suddenly the light started fading, making it easier to at least open my eyes. I looked carefully at the source of the light and was stupefied. What I was staring at was no one else but a spitting image of myself.

"Y-you... you are? You are me! Wha. what exactly are you?" I couldn't keep my curiosity nor my increasing heartbeat calmly locked up, so I babbled everything that came to my mind at the person in front of me.

"I'm you and you are me. I'm Lunar your heart's other half". He said looking straight into my eyes. By how stern his voice was and how calm his expression was he sure was not joking around.

From the look of it, we were exact copies of each other but the only difference was he had a shade of purple in his hair and his eyes were icy blue while mine were brown and my hair was a dark shade of caramel brown. He also had a stern face and a strict aura, unlike mine.

I tried processing what he said. Nothing made sense at all. How can someone be just like me in so many ways but not be me at the same time? I looked up to meet his eyes still locked on me and his face emotionless.

He walked closer raising his hand close to my face. Before his hand could make contact with my body suddenly strong wind started blowing from all directions. and everything around me became bright again. Before I could grasp the situation, everything started fading in front of my eyes

"We shall meet soon Cassiel Evert," said the brightness around me. "Until next time". *

I opened my eyes and was suddenly hit by strong lights forcing me to shut them again. I could hear faint noises around me of machines beeping and people talking. I opened my eyes again this time slowly to adjust to the brightness I was surrounded by.

"Hey, kid! Can you hear me?" I looked around to meet the familiar face of our head nurse in college. Not being able to speak I simply nodded my head and looked around once again to remember what I was doing here.

I looked to my left to see none other than a pale boy standing leaning against the walls all the while playing with a pen that he was holding in his hand. I must have been staring hard because he abruptly turned his head in my direction and for a second I thought I saw red in his eyes.

Maybe it's the medication playing with my brain. I averted my gaze and looked at the IV that was connected to my left hand.

"You, okay?" I looked up to meet the familiar pale boys' eyes again.

"Um. y-yes" I had no idea why I was stuttering but whenever he was around a sudden rush of shivers would run down my spine making my insides cold. He looked at my face for a minute more and started walking towards the door.

"Thank You! Dáinn" Before I knew it the words had left my mouth, I looked at him and he had already stopped in his tracks. He turned around to look at me and our eyes locked for the third time today.

But this time I didn't look away. It somehow felt as if the warmth in his eyes was making me feel safe. I felt like his eyes were speaking to me and telling me that all this pain would go away soon.

Maybe since the time he came to our college, this was the first time he averted his gaze before me. Turning around once again he reached the door handle and stopped with his hand still on the knob.

"Anytime!" Without any other word, he turned down the knob and walked out. I sat there thinking how he would never speak more than 2 words. Or even a proper sentence for that matter. Since he has come to our college, the only things he would say would be nothing more than 2 to 3 words.

However, this time when he spoke it was not like the cold Dáinn. It felt more like I was talking to someone I knew for ages. Someone I was close to. Someone I have known for a very long time.