
History- Emergence of the Demons

To much of her displeasure Tea watches R come into the classroom taken longer then he needed. Sinds there was no one sitting next to her R slowly made is way to her maken her wonder if he was actually part turtle spirit instead of rabbit. As he sat down next to her Tea could not help but ask: ''What took you so long i told you that you had to hurry since it was Grandma Tree givin the lecture today."

"Hey i made it on time didn't i, grandma tree is not here yet and besides haste makes waste ."

As she hadn't heard of that saying and wondering what it means she was going to berate him before someone else did first."

"Well I am sorry to disapoint you R but i have been here since the beginning."

As he heard the warm voice R broke out in a could sweat knowing who said that he looked towords the middle of the Garden and saw a giant Oak Tree with its leaves gently swaying in the wind. She was Windura Romana Solas or as everyone know her by Grandma Tree.

"Um...." are did not know what does say if specially with how surprised was, how did he not notice there till now.

To that the system replied to his displeasure: "it's because you're too weak."

"You dont have to come up with an excuse i know that you were being lazy as usual and moving slowly but because i heard you say a great proverb you will not be punished for being late."

R sighed in relief while Grandma Tree called out to all of the young spirits to come closer since her lecture was going to start. Alright first i will teach about the beginning of the spirit world, so everyone quite down.

In the beginning the World was nothing but a desolate place with no qi, spirit power or magic. Back then there roamed only one species, the demons who thrived there because of their ability to adept and terifiying bloodlines under the lead of the Demon Sovereign. The other demons revered him as their leader, feard him as a demon and craved after his bloodline.

Some demon emperors under the sovereign reign could not hold themselves back and attack the him so they could devour him and assimelate his bloodline and the demon kings under their lead were the first cannon foder to go.

The demon sovereign was strong but could not face almost all the demons in the world and after a long and hard battle the demon sovereign was dealt a mighty blow by his mightiest general and once friend

With his last dying breath he utterd these final words: it is in our nature to do what we can to become stronger but all of you have taken it to far, hear my words as the very power you all grave will become your shakkel as the well as the death of this sovereign will bring a calamity of our race."


While coughing he looked to his former friend and said.

"As you see are bretheren dying as our race dwindle down as you reign over a land of nothing but desolation, death and Corpses ask your self was your avarice worth all this."

While he left those last words the demon sovereign died with his a laugh and a look of resignation on his face.

After the massive war that cause the death of most of the powerfull demons and the death of the demon sovereign came the extinction of those that carried their bloodlines.

As if a curse were used on them more and more demon clans started dying out. Soon no demon emperors were born anymore even the once plentifull demon kings could be counted with both hands.

There he stood the once great friend of the sovereign the one who dealt the final blow to his dear friend. The once desolate but thriving world was now dying as if a grieving widow decided to follow her husband in death. As he saw all this he had only one question WHY did he do it Why did he become a slave to his lust for power.

Lost in grief and despair a few years went by the one thriving demon race dwindle down only to a measely 100000 , with a 100 demons that were the strongest of their race over.

Not knowing if he was overtaken by despaire, became hopefull or just crazie the 100 powerfull demonic demons followed the once dear friend of the traitor to leave this their birth place in hopes of finding a way for their race to continue existing.

By exuasting the their power and sacrificing the majority of the 100.000 weaker demons and those with weak bloodline the traitor was able to open a portel and lead his race to another world, their New World The Demon World.

Countless millennium the demon race return to their birth world.However It was not for the love of their World it was because they were being chased.

Maybe it was fate playing a trick on him or maybe it was the curse of the demon sovereign or it might have even been the resentment of all the demons he sacrifieced to open the first portel. The place that he and his bretheren thought that would be their new paradise was actiually their hell.

For the first few years the demons thrived on that World their once declining race started to reapear but not knowing why it seemed like their bloodline also degraded. Instead their once all power race become more diversed akin to beast the traitor named these new demons the demonic beast.

Eventhough theyre bloodlines were not fully of the Origin demon race the new demons the demonic race were still powerfull they might not be as mighty as they once were but instead of that their race multiplied faster.

After givin it some thought the leader decided not to worry about and organasized the new demon clans by beast bloodline. After countles years of progress the demonic beast thrived but with the ever increasing races also brought plenty of infighting.

The traitor seeing this defeated all of the leaders of the various clans and truly united the demon race once more, he the traitor No, the new Demonic Sovereign crowned himself as the true leader of their race. The clans at first did not want to yield but as he was not only the strongest but also the last of the Demon Origin Race they relented and bowed.

Thousnds of years went by as the demonic beast race made more progress they were blissfully unaware that there was danger lurken on their new world.

It just happend one day the Sky turned red the stink of sulfor in the air, signaling their descend they have arrived the Devils from the abyss.

Seeing the devils first emergence the demonce race didn't care at first but the later they change their mind as the devils brought with them chaos and corrosion of the abyss to the Demon World.

At this point they were on the verge of war, all that was needed was a fuse and the one to light the fuse was one of the new Demonic sovereigns trusted aids. Following an failed assassination attempt by powerful devils he was struck a powerfull blow out of instinct he was able to keep his life but he was heavily injured.

He could not believe this, was this retribution for what he did to the former sovereign. Carrying his injured body he ecaped but what he did not know that this was only the first of the devils plan. Out of nowhere a civil war broke out and all of the clans were fighting each other.

The demonic Soveirgn not knowing this nursed his wounds in solitude, only after a couple of years when his injururies almost recover did he go back.

But what he came back to was only desolation knowing what happend the Demonic Sovereign enterd the civil war and by fighting a long bloody battle and exausting himself he was able to kill everyone who opposed him even his aid who betrayed him.

He was not finished here however as for the prime culprits he went on slaughtered their entire clans but not comeplete wiping out their blood lines.

Right after the Demonic sovereign united his race again the devils invaded. A new war started but this time the Demonic sovereign did not think he could win not only did they go trough a civil war but the devils were to cunning.

After years of battle the entire demonic race was brought back to the point of almost extinction but they didnt give up just like a wounded beast they were prepairing on taken the devils down with them. Maybe knowing the Devils never went all out.

At first he did not know but after years of fighting them and being exposed to the corrosion of the Abyss the Demonic sovereign figured out why.

Their new world, the Demon Word was almost completly corrupted, it was then he realized that this was their plan from the start not destroying their race but corrupting thevery world and making it part of the abyss.

A few years went by and the demonic race tried countless things but they could not save their World. Knowing this some of the demonic beast clans surrenderd and pledged their allegiance to the abyss hoping to be spared, they were spared but in the end they also became devils corrupted by the abyss.

Knowing that surrendering would be the death of his race the Demonic Sovereign decided to relocate his race as he did eons ago.

But the problem was that he did not know where to go what if he led his race to a world with a similar situation as the demon world, targeted by some outside force. In the end he decided to bring the demonic race back to their home World the desolate and dead world they originated from, it was at leat better then taking another chance.

After years and the contribution and sacrifices of countless demons he was able to open a portal back to their home world and relocated his race. But what he did not know is that he left a trace behind, a trace that the abyss was able to track across time and space all the way to their homeworld.

After a couple of centuries and the recovery of their world and race the abyss invaded seeing this the demonic race fell to despair asking themselves when will this end.

The demon Sovereign cannot help but think about the final worlds spoken by his former friend the Demon Sovereign.

The day the abyss arived it attached itself to their world like a parasite trying to drain the world while also trying to corrupted it.

The abyss opend and out came the devils this time it seemed they were being personally lead by someone and finally began another war between devils and demons the war lasted a harsh bloody decade as the demons were losing the demonic sovereign brought the remaining demons to an island the final sanctuary of the demons.

The demonic sovereign was not only fighting and creating the sanctuary when the abyss came he was also studying it. Searching for away to defeat it but in the end he did not find one. At one point he came to the conclusion the abyss can not be defeated.

Another year went by and the demonic sovereign found a way to save their World steeling his resolve he called all of the powerfull demons and told them his plan.

At first they did not agree with his plan not because they were afraid of death but because they were afraid for their race.The demonic sovereign calmed them down and told them that he already has a planfor their race the rest of the demons will be put to slumber on the island and they all will leave their inheritence behind in the hope for their race to rise again, he will also leave beind the inheritence of the Origin Demon race, seeing their sovereign's resolve they all agreed.

The Final battle between the demons and the devils began, the devils thnking that this was the demons last stand also went all out without expecting anything after a huge fight between the sovereign and leader of the devils the demons started their plan.

The demons burnt all of their essence and lit on fire all of them became like torches in the wind and send their overwelming power to their sovereign. Seeing his bretheren burning away the sovereign did not even shed a tear because he knew what he had to do with the comebind strenght of all the strongest demons of the demonic beast race.

As his power increased using he fought leader of the devils. Fearing for his live the leader of the devils called upon the abyss to give him strength, however even with the help of the abyss he was no match for the sovereign he was defeated and slayed with his body falling somewhere on the world deep within the earth.

Feeling its champion slayed the abyss roared in anger trying to summon a new one, but not wanted to give the abyss the chance the sovereign rush to the abyss. Feeling threatend the abyss send all of the devils out to block him but they couldnt stall him for long but it didn't need long, for it was summoning its new champion seeing this happend the sovereign fought even more desperately.

He could feel it the newcomer was stronger than former leader he slayed.

Evenhough this new devil was stronger he could still kill it in a fight but his body couldn't hold on much longer.

Not knowing from where the demonic Sovereign felt a type of energy being send to him, it felt like being one with nature, his eyes flashing he immediatly undersood from where its from but did not care since he had to finish his mission he didn't hesitate and with the help of this energy he was able to break to the wall of devils and make it to the abyss as he arived at the abyss the knew leader of the devils was summoned.

In suprise he gasp and then shouted in despair as he looked at the glowing demonic sovereign.

As the sovereign let out a laugh he then exploded with a smile on his face muttering something. The energy of this explosion was so great it destroyed part of the World and annihilated all of the remaining devils not to mention the new lead devils that was just summoned.

The greates effect of this explosion however was destroying the part of the abyss that was attached to world, knowing that it would be heavily injured the abyss quickly detached itself and roared in anger as it faded through time and space.

The world was brought back to silence but suddenly there was a voice ringing to the world saying

"Dont worry i will let your children know of what their ancestors have done for them so go with a piece of mind.

As this voice finished with a loud giggle the world was brought back the peace of silence


Yo guys please leave a comment about what you thought of this info dump and again i am sorry about my english im working on it.

Next chapter is also gonna be some lore.

Also please Vote with power stones i could use your support.

Zavercreators' thoughts