
The Monster's Bride

I have one request, please "I said but he said nothing . "Can I see your face?"I asked. "Why ?"He asked. "We're married. I should at least see the face of the man am married to" I said. "Is my face the reason your sister refused to marry me instead?"He asked and I shook my head. "Not at all . I willingly came here, I don't even think a good to do man is gonna come for me anyway . My sister is prettier and more skilled than I "I said. "In other words, your king sent the ugly and unskilled daughter to me" He said. "You've misunderstood. Am not ugly neither am I unskilled. My sister just happens to have more of it and my father isn't aware am here in place of my sister. I wonder how you found out "I said with a raised eyebrow. "Go to sleep, Avery. it's late already "He said and I sighed in relief . "Your face?"I asked. "Its up to me to show you my face "He said and I nodded. I removed my bangles and ornaments and dropped them on the table then turned to see a handsome man with blue coloured eyes. How long did it take the gods to sculpt his face, his face looked so smooth and without a single boil. "Can I touch your face?"I asked. "You didn't let me touch you "He said and I chuckled . "How about we just touch our faces"I said and he scoffed. "I can't spare you after touching your face alone" He said and I nodded. "How come you're handsome?"I asked and he raised an eye brow . "I mean. You're supposed to be ugly" I said. "Is that what you were expecting?"He asked. "No. I meant everyone said you were ugly and your face is filled with boils and you're crippled too "I said. "So?"He asked. "You don't have any of that "I replied. "So what lesson did you just learn now?"He asked. "Don't believe what people say without seeing for yourself "I replied. "You didn't even state it right but that's by the way. Go to bed now" He said. "Are we going to sleep on the same bed ?"I asked. "Aren't we married?"He asked. "Yeah . We are but sleeping on the same bed this night? I think we're rushing things "I said. "No one told me king Lazarus has a parrot for a daughter "He said and I frowned . "I don't talk much. Am just surprised by the turn of events. If anyone told me last week that am gonna be married this week I would have called the person a joker "I said. "I see. So what were you intending to do with that dagger ?stab me to death?"I asked. "Nah. I just wanted to scare you off but I don't know how you found out "I said and he chuckled. Even his chuckle is handsome as well. His black hair complements his handsome face. "I found out my dagger was missing the moment I came into the room . Who else will have it but a girl scared her husband will force himself on her "He asked and I smiled . "I love your vibe "I said shamelessly. "I let you see myself for a night and it got you drooling and loving my vibe. If I let you see it for a week then you'll wish I was your baby sitter " He said. "Your face ain't that handsome. I have a male friend that is way more handsome than you. You're gonna drool if you see him and wish he will be your bride" I said and the door suddenly opened. "That's enough talking for the night. Sleep" He said, my eye lid turned heavy and I lost consciousness. ** *** ** Liam rumoured to be the monster king is an immortal who's seeking for a way to end his unending life after losing his mate, Isla. He later married one of the princess of marooni kingdom, Avery after so much pressure from his subordinates, however, a twist occurs when he discovered that Avery has a strange connection with his dead mate. Is she Isla's reincarnation, or a vessel possessive by Isla or something bigger than that? Find out in this book My WSA entry Check out my other books: The devil's flower Stuck with a ruthless billionaire?! Goddess of vengeance

Authoress_Eve · Fantasie
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34 Chs

Pure blood Vampire

Liam's POV

I asked of Avery and discovered she went to the temple. She didn't even inform me before leaving. I heard a call in my head. The only one that has the ability to call me is Isla but she's dead and Avery once did it though am yet to discover how she did that. I covered my head with my hoodie and disappeared only to appear in a dark room.

"My husband will kill you. The monster king will shred you into bits so stay away from me" Avery said

"We've chatted enough, it's time to eat" The vampire replied.

"She didn't lie" I said and stabbed the vampire's heart and he screamed in pain along with Avery. What's happening?

"Prince of hell" The vampire said with a smirk.

"She's one of us" He said and took his last breath.

"Avery" I called and shook her body but she didn't respond. I heard her heartbeat and sighed in relief. She's still alive. There's another heartbeat in this room. I turned to see a small boy looking at me frighteningly.

"Forget whatever you just saw" I said and placed my Palm on his forehead. Penelope will be here by the time she perceives the stench of this vampire. I carried Avery and disappeared. I appeared in our room and laid her on the bed. How's she able to feel that vampire's pain.

I went to the dungeon to meet my latest prisoner.

"Who's your master?"I asked and my claws became sharper

"I'll tell you" He said and I nodded.

"My master is...ahh" He screamed and blood bursted out of his ears and nose then he took his last breath. He must have taken an oath not to reveal who his master is and when he tried doing so, the oath killed him. Who is messing with me?

Penelope's POV

I watched the servants give food to the people when I perceived that smell. A vampire is here. I walked to the direction the smell was coming from. I held my dagger and used my foot to kick the door open. I saw the vampire lying lifeless on the floor and a small boy who was just staring into space. He must have gotten lost. I sniffed Avery and Liam's scent in the air. I get what happened here. Avery must have been attacked by the vampire and Liam came and saved her. I took the boy to where the other villagers were staying and his mother recognised him immediately. How did a vampire penetrate this temple? Vampires are scared of crucifix and holy water which is why they can't go into a temple. Something is not right here. I saw a lady coming out of the temple. She wasn't among the rescued villagers so I approached her.

"I want to meet the priest in this temple" I said and she told me to follow her.

"The priest is here" She said and pointed at a room.

"You can go" I said and she nodded.

I opened the door and saw the priest, his eyes were closed and he was holding a cross.

"You should knock before entering a room that isn't yours, young lady" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"I just saw a vampire in the temple. How's that possible? Aren't these crucifix and holy water supposed to scare them away?"I asked.

"Am shocked to hear that a vampire penetrated the walls of this temple. We've sprinkled holy water on every corner of the temple" He said.

"Then how did one manage to get in?"I asked him and he shook his head.

"I have no answer to that" He replied.

"Well, I do" I said and walked closer to him.

"That vampire managed to get in because you the priest, are a vampire" I said and he smirked.

"You're a vampire and one of you just got killed, there are more in this temple, am I right?"I asked.

"You're not wrong" He replied.

The villagers are in danger. I turned to leave the room when he attacked me and I defended myself. I used my dagger to slash his arm and the injury closed up.

"You're a pure blood" I said and he smirked.

Liam's POV

I went to the room and saw Avery still sleeping. I was about to leave when she shouted and held her arm. She screamed in pain again and held her chest. A vampire is being attacked. I teleported to the temple and saw the villagers lying dead and blood was splattered on the walls and floor but they were few. Meaning some were taken alive. I heard a sound and teleported to a room only to be blocked by a young lady.

"You're a witch" I said and she smiled.

"You really are the Prince of hell" She said and disappeared. I entered the room where the sound was coming from and saw Penelope fighting a vampire.

"Stop, Penelope" I ordered.

"Why should I ?" She asked with a frown.

"Because his mate takes double of the pain inflicted on me" The vampire said and jumped out of the window.

"What is he saying, Liam?" Penelope asked.

"Avery is my mate" I said.

"You getting married to Avery doesn't make her your mate. Isla is dead, can't you get over it?" She asked.

"Avery might be a reincarnation of Isla" I said.

"Now how is She connected to the vampires?"She asked.

"That's what we'll discover " I replied.

"The villagers?"She asked.

"They're dead and some are missing"I replied.

"This vampires have a strong back up we don't know of" She said.

"The vampire you captured is dead. He died when he was about to reveal his master. They're under an oath. If they try revealing their master, they will die" I said.

"Am going to meet Eric, the hunters need to get to work as soon as possible and am getting the potions from Silas today. With the way they're growing, they will conquer every kingdom in no time" She said and I nodded.

"Can we borrow help from hell?"She asked.

"Am not allowed to do that" I replied and disappeared.