
The Monster's Bride

I have one request, please "I said but he said nothing . "Can I see your face?"I asked. "Why ?"He asked. "We're married. I should at least see the face of the man am married to" I said. "Is my face the reason your sister refused to marry me instead?"He asked and I shook my head. "Not at all . I willingly came here, I don't even think a good to do man is gonna come for me anyway . My sister is prettier and more skilled than I "I said. "In other words, your king sent the ugly and unskilled daughter to me" He said. "You've misunderstood. Am not ugly neither am I unskilled. My sister just happens to have more of it and my father isn't aware am here in place of my sister. I wonder how you found out "I said with a raised eyebrow. "Go to sleep, Avery. it's late already "He said and I sighed in relief . "Your face?"I asked. "Its up to me to show you my face "He said and I nodded. I removed my bangles and ornaments and dropped them on the table then turned to see a handsome man with blue coloured eyes. How long did it take the gods to sculpt his face, his face looked so smooth and without a single boil. "Can I touch your face?"I asked. "You didn't let me touch you "He said and I chuckled . "How about we just touch our faces"I said and he scoffed. "I can't spare you after touching your face alone" He said and I nodded. "How come you're handsome?"I asked and he raised an eye brow . "I mean. You're supposed to be ugly" I said. "Is that what you were expecting?"He asked. "No. I meant everyone said you were ugly and your face is filled with boils and you're crippled too "I said. "So?"He asked. "You don't have any of that "I replied. "So what lesson did you just learn now?"He asked. "Don't believe what people say without seeing for yourself "I replied. "You didn't even state it right but that's by the way. Go to bed now" He said. "Are we going to sleep on the same bed ?"I asked. "Aren't we married?"He asked. "Yeah . We are but sleeping on the same bed this night? I think we're rushing things "I said. "No one told me king Lazarus has a parrot for a daughter "He said and I frowned . "I don't talk much. Am just surprised by the turn of events. If anyone told me last week that am gonna be married this week I would have called the person a joker "I said. "I see. So what were you intending to do with that dagger ?stab me to death?"I asked. "Nah. I just wanted to scare you off but I don't know how you found out "I said and he chuckled. Even his chuckle is handsome as well. His black hair complements his handsome face. "I found out my dagger was missing the moment I came into the room . Who else will have it but a girl scared her husband will force himself on her "He asked and I smiled . "I love your vibe "I said shamelessly. "I let you see myself for a night and it got you drooling and loving my vibe. If I let you see it for a week then you'll wish I was your baby sitter " He said. "Your face ain't that handsome. I have a male friend that is way more handsome than you. You're gonna drool if you see him and wish he will be your bride" I said and the door suddenly opened. "That's enough talking for the night. Sleep" He said, my eye lid turned heavy and I lost consciousness. ** *** ** Liam rumoured to be the monster king is an immortal who's seeking for a way to end his unending life after losing his mate, Isla. He later married one of the princess of marooni kingdom, Avery after so much pressure from his subordinates, however, a twist occurs when he discovered that Avery has a strange connection with his dead mate. Is she Isla's reincarnation, or a vessel possessive by Isla or something bigger than that? Find out in this book My WSA entry Check out my other books: The devil's flower Stuck with a ruthless billionaire?! Goddess of vengeance

Authoress_Eve · Fantasie
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34 Chs

Cat and Mouse

Avery's POV

"You can assume whatever you want to, Liam. Am not jealous of her. So who's Penelope to you?"I asked.

"Why don't you go ask her?"He asked.

"I would have if she's not always glaring at me" I said.

"Penelope doesn't always glare at you" He replied.

"Now you're taking her side? You should have married her instead"I said.

"Am a king and I can have as many wives as I can, especially when my current wife doesn't want to perform her marital duty" He said.

"You can have as many wives as you want. it's not my business anyway"I shrugged.

"That jealousy is eating you up slowly, little one" He said and turned to leave.

"Where are you going?"I asked.

"Where do you think am going?"I asked.

"To see Penelope" I blurted.

"She's got a condo in your head already" He said.

"So where are you going?"I asked.

"Where you think am going" He replied.

"Am going with you, then" I said and walked to him .

"You're really stubborn, Sleep" He said and I lost consciousness.

Liam's POV

I laid Avery on the bed and went to Anastasia's room. I knocked and she smiled seeing me outside the door.

"Come in my king" She said with a smile she thought was seductive. Humans! A succubus can drag a man to the ground with just a wink and here she's over working herself.

"You're prettier than I expected, Anastasia"I said and she blushed.

"Thanks, my king. I would have married you if my father didn't insist my sister takes my place. Am sorry, my king" She said and I nodded.

"That's alright. There are many scars on Avery's body. Where did she get those scars from?"I asked and noticed a discomfort in her body reaction.

"Well, she's always been a rough kid when she was little, so father often punished her with whips on her body. I got the same punishment too but mine have faded so there are no scars on my skin" She said and pulled her dress, showing me her skin.

"You've got a very smooth skin, princess"I said and she chuckled. I ran my fingers gently on her back and she moaned.

"I know my sister hasn't been intimate with you, my king. Let me satisfy you" She said.

"That's one tempting offer but I've got a very important matte to look into. Maybe next time, princess "I said and she nodded.

"Am available, whenever you need me , my king" She said and I left. So Avery got those scars from the punishments she was given.Who will punish a princess in that manner? I detected a lie when she mentioned her father punishing Avery.

Eric's POV

I went to a village where I knew hunters resided mostly.I entered a hut and two kids ran to me and hugged me.

"Mom, Uncle Eric's here" One shouted and Beatrice came out.

"Long time no see, Beatrice" I said.

"You two go and play" She ordered and they left.

"The vampires are out again" I said and she gasped.

"How's that possible?"She asked.

"I don't know yet. The other hunters must be informed and its time to get to work" I said and she nodded.

"How did you get the information?"She asked.

"Penelope told me" I replied.

"Is she still bossy?"She asked.

"Nothing's changed about her. I've got to go now , Beatrice. There'll be a meeting by 10pm at the usual place." I said and she nodded.

"See you later, Good bye" She said and I left after bading the kids good bye.

Avery's POV

I woke up, surprised to find myself on the bed. How did I get here? I was having a conversation with Liam and I suddenly slept?

This thing's not making sense at all.

"You've finally woken up" Liam said.

"Yeah. How did I sleep here? I recall conversing with you but I don't falling asleep and coming here. This is not the first time this is happening Liam, during our wedding night.."

"I don't want to recall that night, Avery or it might make me want to do the needful with you"He said.

"I just want to say that that night I suddenly fell asleep" I said.

"What about you suddenly falling asleep? Aren't you supposed to sleep?"He asked.

"Yeah, but why don't I recall.."

"You sleep like a hibernating bear, Avery.That's why you don't remember a thing"He said and I frowned.

"Now you're gonna mock my sleeping habit?"I asked.

"Everything was good till a certain lady asked a question about her sleeping habit" He said with a shrug.

"I didn't even ask. Am just curious how I suddenly don't recall falling asleep when am with you" I said.

"I have some important things to do. Let's talk later" He said and turned to leave when I blocked the door.

"King Liam, don't you think I deserve a tour in my own kingdom?"I asked.

"What about that?"He asked.

"This habit of answering a question with a question is frustrating anyways I want us to go and have a tour in the kingdom" I said.

"Am a king, Avery. I don't have time for that"He said and I shook my head.

"You should. it's your people we're talking about here" I said.

"You make it sound like a big deal" He said.

"How about I go with the guards since you have an important task?"I asked.

"Sure. I'll send Penelope" He said.

"No, send Mary instead" I said.

"Either Penelope goes with you or you forget about it"He said.

"Fine, I'll go with her" I said and he nodded.

"You'll be leaving in thirty minutes" He said and left the room.

Liam's POV

I insisted on Penelope going with Avery not only because I want her to get used to Penelope's presence, but I trust Penelope with Avery's safety even though they're like cat and mouse.