
The Monarch of the Sun (dropped)

A teenager gets reincarnated with the power of the sun in a world full of magic and sword with two goals becoming a harem master and the most powerful being in the world. Cover is AI generated

Dio_3740 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 School

A/N: Sorry i couldn't pubish earlier my comouter has crashed and needs repairing

This redheaded man introduced himself as Larry Hirylos the Headmaster of Tyrukia, he was a towering man packing quite the muscles, he had a sword and his redhead was arranged in a ponnytail (reference image in comments) the only-noble school in the capital because as I said previously I'm a noble to be more precise my father is a duke nobility is organised in lower and upper nobility. Lower nobilities are barons, viscounts and counts while upper nobilities are dukes, archdukes and king/empreror. So after my fifth birthday I'll have the duty as an upper aristocrat to go to school. That being the only good news is that I feel like my system will awaken during my birthday since the only response I get from it is [SYSTEM REPAIR , PLEASE AWAIT 4052 HOURS UNTIL REPAIR IS COMPLETED ]. As his gaze met mine, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. He then proceeded to approach me and annonced with a voice that carried both autority and warmth "Your fifth birthday marks a pivotal moment in your live you shall go to school make connections, friends, enemies but most importantly you shall learn about your responsability, " he said. "As an upper aristocrat, you'll have to answer to a lot of responsibilities that extend beyond yourself. But with those responsibilities comes the potential to change the life of others.The journey you're about to embark upon, at Tyrukia and in your noble role, will also involve understanding yourself and your powers which you'll also awaken during this fateful birthday ' It's a journey of self-discovery, power, and the legacy you'll leave behind." Because yes during our fifth birthday, parents must bring their children to church to have a holy knight awaken your talents may them be in magic or in body. Suddenly someone chops my head "Ahh" dragging me out of my thoughts, it was my mother, she then said "Mister Hirylos, here came specially to recruit you to his school, a demand which both your father and I agreed on. So in a few months you shall go to school and begin your real life not staying inside the library all day (A/N: thoughts will be ( ) system [ ] and dialogs " ") (This really hurt me, I nerver realised i became a neet ). "Alright but how will i go to the famous capital of Guardiara, Altaroi since I'm also supposed to begin training both my magic and swordsmanship?" "Well it's simple: You're going to train them: I heard that the school recruited a 5-star mage and a gold-sword knight to train you!" Mages are classed from 1-star to 10-star while swordsman and knight are classed according to their strengh and technique going from dirt sword, wood sword , stone sword , bronze sword, silver sword, gold sword, emerald sword, ruby sword, diamond sword , platinium sword and finally void sword being the most powerful one can be (monarchs are nor included, they are out of the power sytem)." Indeed, we did. We beleive the future of the continent resides in the young nobles, so we have made our goal of growing them into fine knights or other proffession of their choice." "*sigh* Alright, I agree, it's not like I had a choice anyway." "Very well then i shall expect to see you during the beginning of the school year!" saying this, the headmaster turned around and said goodbye to my mother and teleported back to the school.

Five and a half month

Today is my birthday first of all i got waken up by my little sisters. Oh did I never mention her well i have two twin little sisters Evie and Anda Heralds. They both have blond hair and blue eyes like me but they look more like princesses than warriors like me (reference image in comments). They jumped on me like it was actually theirs but I know they just care about me, so after greeting both of them and getting up i washed myself, got dressed and wen downstairs only to find all of my family with our maids shouting """"HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY/YOUNG MASTER/BROTHER """" I couldn't suppress a single tear from leaving my eyes, seeing i was too baffled to move my family pulled me toward the group and evryone wished me well. After a few hours of talking and laughing, my parents got p and told me to follow them, nerver having seen them so serois I immediately understood where we were going: to the church for my awakening deciding whether i will be a hero or a useless man. As soon as i heard them, I got up and followed them. The church was a giant wild and gold building (image in comments). Not wasting more time i hurriedly entered, a single person was standing amongst the almost empty church. It was a holy knight in his full armor, (image in comments), he had a shining white and gold armor with some touches of red and a shining white and red greatsword. Having sensed me he said in a calm voice "Welcome young one, please approach so i can begin the ceremony of awakening" hearing his saying, i wasted no time and approached him , he then extended his hand and pus his palm on my head and said in a pious voice " Today we are here to awaken a young one. Oh greart monarchs oh great goddess (explained later) please bless this one whith enough power to protecct himself, his family and his country... I, Gavin Aurelius, holy knight, pledge to be as truthful as I can on the power of this one." As soon as those word rang, I was engulfed in a shinning bright light and heard and emotionless voice say [INITIALISING SYSTEM... WELCOME TO THE AETHERIUM SYSTEM! PLEASE SAY STATUS TO GET THE INITIAL WALKTHROUGH] [Ding] [Awakenink detected! Awakening special talent Knight of the Sun ] as soon as the voice stopped talking the knight asked me what power did I awaken. Not wanting to lie I answered "Knight of the Sun" without knowing how much trouble this would lead me to.

First 1k chapter hoped you liked it. If you did I'd appreciate If you'd tell me what i can do to make it even better and if you like it ? Add it to your library!

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