
The Monarch of the Sun (dropped)

A teenager gets reincarnated with the power of the sun in a world full of magic and sword with two goals becoming a harem master and the most powerful being in the world. Cover is AI generated

Dio_3740 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 Awakening

Somewhere in the void between worlds a small white ball began to appear. This white ball is what we call a soul, this one in particular is the soul of a teenager killed by a thief as he came back home, his name is Henry Heralds and he is an orphan who was abandoned by his parents.

POV Henry:

(A/N: It's my first time writing so please excuse the errors in my grammar )

After I was stabbed by the robber and felt the world going black, I woke up in an empty space with nothing just emptiness. "Hello young one " a powerful and dignified voice said "Welcome to the void between worlds also known as the path to afterlife. Because you didn't do anything good or anything bad in your life at all the judges couldn't decide where to send you so they decided to give you a second chance. You now get 3 wishes to begin your new life. And before you ask you will keep your memories. " I was dumbfounded I then thought about all the possibilities of wishes I could get… after a few hours of thinking I told the mysterious voice (A/N: he didn't show his body he only talks to him and out mc just talks towards the voice )

"My first wish is to have a system " "Granted" "My second wish is to have the power of the sun and my last one is to be able to create and merge skill infinitely" "Granted but the third one will be limited to your comprehension of the laws behind the skills you want to create. Now it is time for you to go! Goodbye young one and try to live your life like you should "

"Thank you " I shouted before I was expelled from the void.

"You can do it miss, just push a little further!" "Ahh" I only heard people shouting and then I saw a white light and I went towards it.

4 years later

My name is Liam Horraf and I was also known as Henry Heralds in my previous world.I have wavy blon hair and blue eyes all of the peoples I have met have called me cute and sometimes i myself admire my beauty,.. But let's go back to the main subject, after my reincarnation, I found myself in a world full of wizards and swordsman. People here are classed using different ranks:

F ranks are the weakest people most of the time being poor due to their strengh. Their TP (Total power) is between 10 and 99.

A/N: TP is the all of the staits combined into a single number (like if you have strengh 100 ; agility 75 and intellignece 50 your TP will be 75 ) //// end A/N

Next are E ranks are average people most of the time commoners. Their TP is between 100 and 299

D ranks are like E-ranks but a little higher in strengh and in society (most of them are small merchants). Their TP is between 300 and 599

C are rich merchants. Their TP is between 600 and 999.

Next are the B ranks from this ranks are only nobles or people whith a great amount of providence. Teir Tp is between 1000 and 2999.

Finally A ranks are either knights or greater nobles (explained in next chapter). Their TP is between 3000 and 9999

From then, S ranks ,SS ranks , SSS ranks and EX ranks are either great heros, gardians of a dynasty or monarchs for the last one, no one really knows their boundaries.

Let's go back to talking about the world in the present there are 12 continents each supposed to be ruled by a monarch unfortunately there are only 5 monarchs known to humans:

The monarch of Dragons, The monarch of Protection, The monarch of Faith, The monarch of the Sword and finally the monarch of nature.

After having to suffer the pain of being an infant, because the sight of my mother half naked was more than the teenager inside me could take. Speeking of my parents: my mother's name is Aleta Heralds and she's an high B ranks. She has blond hair and auburn eyes but the things that catches the eye the most is her voluptuousness: two pairs of H- cup boobs and one firm ass. My father has black hair and blue eyes, he's a lower A rank and he is what people call a workaholic. He has an handsome face and is pretty tall.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Thanks for reading this first chapter it's my first time writing.

Next chapter is going to be also an info dump and from the chapter 3 and onwards there shouldn't be too much info to give

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