
The Modern Soul as Gregor Cleane (GOT) (ASOFAI)

[Long Chapters] [Add this fanfic to your library for more chapters] --------- Gregor Clegane was one of the worst people to have ever existed. But what if someone else lived his life? What if a modern person of sound mind and honorable character was reborn as The Mountain? How would his rational and reasonable mind impact the ultimate outcome of Westeros? He just might be able to change the world for the better... --------- A young American federal agent is killed in the line of duty. He is reborn into his favorite fantasy world… as one of its most feared, most hated, and most notorious characters. He quickly discovers that he can make that work to his favor, and to the favor of many others.

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Chapter 27


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Gregory Welch had gone back to his hometown of Seattle a few times after he joined the CIA, but for the last six years of his first life, his officially town of residence was Fairfax.

Then again, he had only spent about twenty-three months of that time in Virginia. For the remaining forty-nine he was elsewhere.

During his days as a Special Agent, Gregory had been all over the United States. At some point or other, he had visited all fifty of them, including Alaska and Hawaii.

He had also been in Mexico, Canada, and several countries in Europe and Asia. He rarely stayed in any one place for very long. Oftentimes he felt like a nomad.

Even so, he enjoyed the lifestyle. Although the main reason for the traveling was to solve the problems of others, they did not come without recompense.

He got to see more of the world and have his own adventures on the sideline.

That was why he formed the Legion without Banners as he did. His frequent travels around Westeros had the same purpose as his operations in the CIA, and they came with the same benefits.

He was able to protect the realm and fulfill his thirst for adventure simultaneously.

Reading about Westeros was one thing. It was entirely another to see it firsthand. In the span of its 2,000-plus miles, there were glaciers, mountains, swamps, grasslands, forests, and deserts.

All those landscapes could be found in the United States, too, of course, but not all in such a small distance.

Gregor was aware that the terrain of the Seven Kingdoms was supposed to be modeled after that of England, the terrain of the Free Cities was modelled after France and Italy, and the terrain of Slaver's Bay was modeled after the Middle East.

He had been to all of those countries as Gregory Welch, and he could verify firsthand that the sizes and shapes were the only things they really had in common with Westeros and Essos.

Still, despite the other dissimilarities, he had to appreciate this world. It was huge, it was exhilarating, it was gorgeous, and it was breathtaking.

The same could be said for the first female member of the Legion without Banners.

Dacey Mormont became accustomed to the Legion with little difficulty. That was not to say Gregor's decision to recruit her had faced no disapproval. Of course, he had anticipated that.

In this male-dominated society, the concept of a person wielding a sword without having been born with one did not sit well with many men. That did not bother Dacey in the slightest.

After all, Gregor himself authorized her entry. With his approval, no one could reject her. That did not prevent them from voicing their opinions, though.

The Northmen and the Dornishmen presented no opposition whatsoever to Dacey's enrollment. The Valemen, the Ironborn, the Stormlords, and the Riverlords only put up a little protest.

The Westerlords, the Crownlords, and the Reachmen were the most vocally opposed. Some went so far as to challenge her competency with a blade. That was a grave error on their part.

They did not provoke Dacey into lashing out, but they did encourage her to challenge their skills in turn. She managed to defeat Robert Brax, Godry Farring, and Axel Florent in a three-on-one duel.

After that, overall opinion of Dacey's participation in the Legion was strongly directed in her favor.

There were still some men who did not acquiesce with her being among them. At the very least, all the men respected her now. Dacey and Gregor were pleased by that.

That was the beginning of something grand.

Dacey demonstrated her abilities many times over in the Legion. She was deadly with any weapon, be it axe, sword, or any blunt object.

She could kill a man as easily as charm him, and she was a superb rider. After just three months of service, she became one of Gregor's top lieutenants.

Through her actions, Dacey became an inspiration to women all over Westeros. Her involvement in the Legion incited many other women to enter in the Legion, as well.

Two of them were Obara Sand and Nymeria Sand, Oberyn Martell's eldest bastards. Interestingly, the Red Viper himself enlisted alongside his daughters.

Given how daring, venturesome, and infamously impulsive Oberyn was, Gregor was hardly surprised that the Dornish prince opted to partake in the largest free company west of the Narrow Sea.

Gregor vaguely recalled reading somewhere that Oberyn had once served in one of the free companies of Essos.

Most likely the Second Sons, seeing as how he was a second son by birth. The Red Viper was always one to add a touch of irony in things.

On the subject of irony, Gregor formed a quite unexpected friendship with Doran Martell's younger brother whilst the latter was in the Legion.

In the original universe, Oberyn Martell would have died (and did) for the chance to slaughter the Mountain.

Of course, he had done that because the original Gregor Clegane had brutally assaulted and murdered Elia Martell and her children.

Since the Gregor Clegane who had once been Gregory Welch had risked everything to save Oberyn's sister, niece, and nephew, Oberyn harbored no hostile feelings towards the massive knight. They would not be fighting a skirmish to the death anytime soon.

Still, Gregor wondered who would actually win in a fight: him or Oberyn? He was the younger by seven years, and he was also far larger and stronger.

All the same, Oberyn was quicker, more agile, and adept with just about any weapon. All factors considered, both men stood an equal chance of besting the other.

Gregor decided not to risk finding out the hard way who was the better warrior. Not if he could help it, at any rate. If Oberyn offered to spar with him, Gregor would not refuse him.

But only out of courtesy and to test his own skills. However, he partly hoped that Oberyn would not suggest a duel.

Much of Gregor's influence was attributed to the belief that he was unbeatable. So long as that was the established norm, he would be recognized as a symbol of might and awe.

With that in mind, it would not do well if the soldiers of the Legion discovered that their supposedly indestructible leader could be knocked on his back by an older man who stood two feet shorter than him.

To Gregor's good fortune, aside from their friendly bouts in Moat Cailin's training yard, Oberyn never asked to spar with him.

However, the Red Viper did express some interest in getting Gregor on his back in another sense of the term.

By this point in time, Ellaria Sand had already become Oberyn's paramour. She had accompanied the Red Viper on his journey north.

When she arrived at Moat Cailin, she was riding near the front of Oberyn's company. She was ahorse at the time, but she only held her gelding's reins in one hand.

In the other, she had been cradling an infant girl close to her chest. That was her and Oberyn's first daughter, Elia Sand.

Ellaria had not come to sign up in the Legion; she was just there in 'service' to the prince. She tended to provide those services to him quite often. Several times a day, matter of fact.

It was worth noting that apart from the canal and the harbor, several new buildings had been built around Moat Cailin.

They included a sept for those in the Legion that worshipped the New Gods, a vault for all the revenue the Legion had earned from their endeavors, a library for those who desired to further their knowledge of the world, a couple inns for anyone passing through the area, a small village for those of the Legion whose families had come with them, and a brothel… for those who needed some respite after an assignment.

Oberyn and Ellaria tended to spend much of their leisure time in the brothel. Within a month of their arrival, Gregor was certain they had sampled every gigolo and whore in that establishment. After that, they broadened their horizons.

There were plenty of soldiers in the Legion that were willing to bed Oberyn's paramour. However, Ellaria only accepted those of them that would accept Oberyn, as well.

While that criterion severely limited their options, the two of them managed to find at least one man from each of the nine regions of Westeros who enjoyed intimate company with both sexes.

There were even a few whose interests were exclusively in Oberyn. One of them was Ser Lyn Corbray.

Despite the fact that Ser Lyn had killed Oberyn's uncle, Ser Lewyn Martell of Aerys' Kingsguard, at the Battle of the Trident, the Valeman and the Dornishman got along famously.

It appeared as though the Red Viper did not hold a grudge without justifiable foundation.

At any rate, while Gregor and Oberyn had a great friendship with each other, there were times when the latter vied for it to become more than that.

Oberyn still did not propose a duel between them.

However, every now and then, when they were alone together, Oberyn put forth the idea that he and Gregor could test each other's prowess in a less physical but equally invigorating manner.


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