
The Missionary Alpha

This story is built for deep lovers of werewolf combined with romance action and business a billionaire werewolf is about to lose his kingdom because he was carried away with love, his mismanagement unleashed Hell and brought Satan to the world for his set back. Read with speed

Jerrad_Armstrong · Urban
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2 Chs

The Missionary Man

The moon was divided but it didn't fall, as I walk to look outside my window,

standing naked and enjoying the cold night, the sky still looked lighted up but it wasn't day but night fall,

so I stood startle at the moon mood, what abomination has before my world,

what story would I share to my court,

at this point I knew fully that the world has come to an end.

Anyway, my name is Alpha Jack Slayson the forth,

I am a ware wolf, I love to Sing at my lonely moments but feel uncomfortable when am with people even as a wolf,

I killed over 5000 men during the normal world order,I see beyond the sea,

in me is the ability to become human or breast, nobody f*** with me

I don't believe in religion and faith , I don't care if u can feel it, hear it but cannot see it,

I practice freeligion (the act of not worshipping anything big or small,

great or feared) my life is an everyday upgrade. As an alpha, I am built to be stronger,

nothing can stand my way, am bigger than my fears and I can challenge anyone who thinks they can bring me down

I was born to die,I was feed to stave, a man without faith is a man without fear,

I believe in my judgements, I was just as I was.

Let me share with u a short story, you would quickly forget I was saying a story as my staff fell from my hands,

I saw other wolf's escaping for their lives,

my beautiful mother Caterina,

ran into the room where I was and asked me to join her to run,

we ran as fast as we could, non of the other wolf's looked back as they ran with so much fear of what was coming for them.

Caterina is a very beautiful woman, my mother,

who married the king and was able to maintain the godhead in the palace as the queen mother,

she was a witch and habal medication maker,

her powers was Known throughout the universe,

for Satan was delighted in her.

Our race ran as fast as they could, most of them was killed but we didn't find the body because hell consumed them.

finally we reached a forest that was peaceful,

the leaves were green and the land was comfortable,

we all rested and felt relief as we were far from doom.

We built our community and had had buildings big enough to house everyone. Finally we named it Hellout.

Hellout was named the village because of the strange opening of hell that consumed our brothers and the flame that draged people away which made us run as fast as possible untill we discovered this land. Hellout simply means running out of Hell.

My mother was the Queen but her age had drawn closer that her bones no longer stands and her eyes required aids and her voice was shaken but in her anger she can fight as a witch and defend her land.

She disconnected with Satan and decided to rule with magic alone, having nothing to do with hell or it's relations.

As the queen, I was the prince, the next alpha king, I was able to own the gold and silver,

the diamond and precious stones, the wemen and the men alike, I was so powerful,

so so powerful that I got everything I wanted.

Our land soon developed and we had everything, we built a newyork from our own York and established a kingdom in a no where land we called Hellout.

Nevertheless, we never knew that other humans built kingdoms around our boundaries and had established themselves also rich and influential just as we are,

they even had rulers as powerful as we are but they are just human.

My mom Caterina died just as I turned 24,

it was so painful as I have never experienced pain in my life, I cried out the beast in me,

I saw how the world gradually became empty even though people walked around me,

I saw how alone and a nobody I have become, suddenly the world has become lonely and useless,

the only reason for my happiness was lost,

the reason for my pride has fallen and the tears I use to hide was exposed,

my ignorance want hidden, my expression because pure,

my head got heavy and I fell poor to the ground.

If you ever lost someone u loved, then u would cry my cry as there's a feeling of losing yourself when all you have has left you.

Who would I run to I thought, who would guild me I asked,

where's our defense I pressured. Why now I cried.

My mother was an ancient woman even though witchcraft has kept her strong for years,

seems like her disconnection with Satan has made her die or her portions has failed her.

She was the most beautiful, even in her age, nobody could compare to her beauty and glory,

the other ladies Called her God of beauty,

her pictures was hang on every wall and posters everywhere I go, the thought of her couldn't leave my mind and the history Aaaa Aaaa Aaaa couldn't just disappear.

At this point, the responsibility has fallen upon me,

I am now responsible for the the people, their law,

the culture their blood, the riches, the love and their food.

i had to win their love but I never had love in me, I had to defend them but I never cared,

I have to represent but I had my own doings, how to manage the kingdom became a Borden.

Queen Caterina was able to sell her attention to this people but for me I rather run my race.

I went into the woods to hunt with my pack when I came across a girl who was hunting, at first she didn't notice me,I was behind her, her saw her rounded shape from behind,

her tiny waist and her hair pouring down her waist like a crazy wet cat.

Hmmm I licked my lips at the sight of what I saw

Slowly I approached her keeping my eyes on her rounded ass as I walked closer,

wow she even looked more beautiful from the side as she stayed focus trying to kill a deer that was eating from the ground a beautiful fruit which fell.

the deer seems fat and old, I could tell that the animal was a very fast and smart one to have survived to this age,

She then positioned lying on the ground and raising her waist upward as she aimed at the sweet animal she wanted to capture,

her arms were straight and her clothes seems to blend with the forest trees,

what sort of smartness I guessed, just then she released the arrow and I held her waist very tight,

feeling the fleshly smooth rounded shape, it felt like an achievement, I couldn't control the hands as the beast inside of me wanted to feel her,

without thinking, at this point my men went different direction looking for food for the village,

she truned her back and looked into my eyes,

her eyes were blue, her lips were small but cute,

her ears fitted her head and her hands were so tender,

obviously she was a princess.

In her mind, she looked in to my eyes, she started wandering where this handsome rough man was from,

she felt the grips of my hand holding her waist tight just how she wanted it,

a sense of being comfortable was achieved,

she was wishing i could rough handle her a little more before she pushed me away because it was wrong.

In few seconds as we stare at each other, she wanted more but I couldn't relate rather I wanted more selfishly.

Then she pushed me off her body and with a straight face,

I could read that she was angry at my approach and felt disrespected. She asked me,

"who are you and why did u hold me in such manner" I smiled and replied,

I am Lord alpha Jack Slayson the 4th she looked at me confused thinking what kind of a Name is that,

maybe it was his nickname, she asked again, what is your real name,

then I realized she was just a human being and not a wolf so I replied calmly,

I am jack Slayson, what is your name and she said, u are very stupid to think I would introduce myself to a man like u,

you have disrespected me by touching me in an unholy manner, I smiled and said,

I don't know what is holy or unholy, she was very angry as she looked into my eyes,

she spoke out hashly, don't ever approach a woman this way,

as she raised her hands coming towards me with force in form of a slap and a female fight but no,

she jumped on me spreading her legs around me and kissing me so deeply to my lips,

I was confused but wanted it so I allowed her push me to the tree Conner,

she removed my clothes faster than I thought and behold she was asking if I was royalty,

all her eyes opened as she was surprised to see and hear that I was a leader of a great kingdom,

such a big smooth and fresh lips I thought of as I was looking at her cute face standing without balance, she looked at me and said,

"am a virgin, would u love to get married to a virgin, hmmm that was very fast,

I didn't expect all this conversation after the fight we just had,

or she might be a gold digger I hoped, she can't just say anything this fast,

this is not normal I said to myself, I smiled and replied definitely,

I hope to end up with one some day, hahaha I laughed mischievously looking into her eyes.

She smiled back with her hair pouring out like water flow.

It took almost 39 minutes and we were looking at ourselves and talking about irrelevant things,

I could see that she really wanted to hold a longer conversation,

she had a crush on me I guessed, but what princess would meet a man and fall in love instantly,

I feel there might be something wrong about this Princess girl I met

She brought up a topic about making love and feelings and she asked if I had any idea about it,

I had to build a story on a relationship I had with someone in the past,

I had to lie just to keep her smiling and excited about what I was saying.

I explain a relationship where I kissed a girl,

holding her hands and kissing her neck,

telling her I loved her so much, giving her a ring as a sign of my love and planning to get married to her,

I also explained that the girl later died because she fell from a very high story building by mistake and she died.

I could see the ameusement and excitement on her face as she heard the story,

I went on to explain that I couldn't marry that lady anymore because she later died.

This section made her sad as the news wasn't a good one, somehow she was happy because I was single,

I didn't get married to her, therefore,

she might be having me so she continued her playful attitude

Somehow my body was changing to my wolf self,

in a second My eyes change to blue and my clause pulled out of my fingers obviously she noticed my nails sharp and the monster inside me was becoming unleashed she wasn't ready for investigations so she wanted to continue the moments that was unending.

I had to control the beast inside of me so that she won't notice because the beast inside of me was enjoying the conversation I was having with her,

Section 2

same as my physical body was enjoying the mood.

My organ was getting bigger because of the proximity and obviously I knew it.

I knew I had to control my feelings as all this is natural and there's nothing new about it.

We started playing as she picked a stick to hit me on my head, it was a little bit painful and I didn't expect it,

I asked her why and she took another one down to my head, we started chasing each other around the forest trees and picking up of wood to throw at each other,

she mistakenly picked a dangerous snake and threw it to me,

I managed to escape it,

even her herself didn't know that it was a snake not until she dad flinged it to my direction.

We both ran and laughed at the event

I spoke to myself, it's possible that she had already had sex before now and maybe used some magical potions to make herself a virgin again or is it possible that she's a witch just like my mother was and she wants to fool me?

this cannot be a virgin I said to myself in my mind looking at her playful attitude and seduction moves

Soon she said Jack Slayson I like the way you play with me. you seem to be a beast from the inside, I wish to have you come over to my kingdom. She turned put back her ribbon to her hair and her clothes to her body picking up her amor and going towards the dead animal she had killed, she held it by the leg and pulled it through the forests as she walked away, I was just standing and watching, imagining in my head what has just happened, who exactly is this girl and why was she able to control me the way she did, could this be love I asked myself and then I laughed hahaha, no of course, this is simply one of my cheating games I turned around to go and meet with the other men in whom we came to hunt with together.

When my men saw me they were all surprised

Part 3

*** at the way I dressed because I was looking scattered and wood from the forest has particles entered my hair and I looked very unkept they all said long leave the great Alpha, the strongest of all, long live Alph jack Slayson the 4th of his kind, I lifted two fingers as a sign of peace and love and they all continued The haunting.

I returned back home with the feeling of wanting to meet with that lady again apart from the sex that was awesome I also wanted her. I knew possibly that this was not love but somehow inside of me deep deep down I wanted someone to be by my side to be called my Luna for a king without a luna is incomplete therefore i had to consult the moon goddess

Two days later I decided to go for my research.

The moon goddess has always been our guide but unfortunately scince we left our old land, the moon was broken into two and therefore the Queen, the moon goddess must have fallen out into the earth or somewhere in hell maybe, how do I contact the moon goddess to inquire who is my luna with pressure and inconsistency I have to leave the kingdom going into the wilderness I went in search for the moon goddess, how possible will it be that she has landed on earth I consulted some spiritual leaders and other Asian traditional believers who gave me positive response to her presence on earth. what the delights and happiness that filed my soul as I continued my search for the moon goddess, hopefully she would tell me if the young princess I met is my luna unfortunately she happens to be human it's not possible a human can be my luna this might be an abomination I need to communicate to the moon goddess so my journey continued. Long into the wilderness I found no answers to my quests therefore I have to return back to my kingdom just at the gates I met with the same lady I saw in the forests during the hunting period.

Hello she said to me with the very calm voice as gentle as the wind I replied how are you doing princess, she smiled looking at me into my eyes directly without a blink I instantly cut short the eye contacts and said what are you doing here and she replied I came this far to search for you, "I wanted to ask your advice for a project and trying to embark on" hmm I responded come inside then as she walked close to the kingdom gates all the other wolves looked at her and perceived her to be trouble neither did she know that they were all wolves and not human being, if she only knew she would have said the human prayer, "though I walked through the valley and the shadow of death I fear no evil" definitely she would fear this evil because we are not ordinary wolves we are the best of the best kind, As I smiled and looked at the other wolves giving them a signal not to move or attacked as she was my personal visitor, we worked down my palace to my chambers and then the maids gave her a seat to sit where she relaxed. She kept wondering what kind of wealthy rich and handsome man I was just at this moment I asked her what is the project all about and she started.

" I don't have a serious project, I came with the project to kill you, she drew out a sword, I was surprised when I saw the