
The Great Outdoors

Alora's POV-

Most of the time I'm kept inside I was never allowed outside, I was always told it was dangerous and that the outside world is scary but I didn't get it.

"Ok we're going out for the night ok we'll be back before you wake up, We are trusting you to be in bed for 10" Mum said warningly

"Of course mother" I replied

"Now if you need something ask the house elves" Father said

"Yes I will I quite like their cooking especially polly's" I stated proudly

Yes we have house elves, after I got there they took me to a room and I went outside the front once with mum and father of course;they wanted me to see the house because I would be living there for awhile even forever.

They hugged and kissed me goodbye and headed out to god knows where. I was wondering if they remembered my birthday; I would be turning 11 years old. They told me of a school of witchcraft and wizardry but they want to homeschool me so I could perfect my skills even though I have been doing wandless magic for basically as long as I can remember but I haven't told them yet.


I went into the kitchen I decided to check the clock it was currently 4:30pm I didn't know what they had to leave this early to be gone all day. I brushed it off and decided to change out of my red and white dress and into something more practical for an adventure.

I changed into a cream and orange jumper and brownish orange jeans, a hat that is the same colour of the jeans and orange converse I also added a belt to be extra ( yes my mum and father like muggles even though they are purebloods)


I snuck out but letting my favourite house elf Poppy know because I knew she wouldn't say anything. As I was about to leave the telephone rang and yes I said telephone for some reason they have a really old phone but I answered it anyway.

"Hello?" I questioned

"Alora, dear" said a voice

"Mum?" I asked

"Yes, this was unexpected but your dance teacher said she is moving up your practice because it's a new routine and you need to head there as soon as possible. Is that ok?" She replied

"Oh um ye it is I'll go get my bad ready" I said unsure

"Ok see you in a bit darling" Mum said and ended the call

I rolled my eyes at the audacity of the woman I mean I know she's my mother but come on she ruined my adventure, I bet she knew I think they have cameras anyway I need to stop overthinking and get my bag ready.

I guess I should tell you a little more about my parents (you can imagine what they both look like) they are quite conservative but they are very outgoing in general. They are both amazing at magic. Father was in Slytherin which I think is amazing and Mum was in Hufflepuff what an amazing love story in my opinion!!

Anyway I feel like I'm a little more of a Hufflepuff but when I learned about the other two houses Ravenclaw and Gryffindor I still wasn't sure to be honest.

My mum and father met in their 6th year at Hogwarts only because father was a stuck up Slytherin and hadn't noticed she was there for the Tri-Wizard Tournament the year before with Beauxbatons Academy of magic but she left that year also because she preferred the teaching in Hogwarts and because father peeked her interest.

Anyways back to Me


I packed my bag after I rang my dance teacher because I needed to know what we would be doing and the routine was a ballet routine, I quite enjoy ballet but I love the rush of hip-hop I did get nominated for best dancer and influencer last year and won in the ballet portion but that was it but I'm so grateful and proud of myself.

You might be curious how I get there considering I'm not really allowed outside well I'm allowed if I'm with my mum of my father but I would never be on my own.

I packed my point shoes specifically my black ones and tights and my black leotard I also brought legging and a hoodie for afterwards because I'm not wearing jeans after practice I did that once and it was so uncomfortable. I tied my hair up into a bun, put my ballet slippers on and left to use the floo network to travel

(I'll show the outfit for after practice later).


I got to the studio and went to put on my point shoes which I was not ready to put on just yet so I decided to stretch first.

I went over to stretch by the bar and not to my surprise this was a private lesson once again, I usually do these a couple of times a month so I guess I get special treatment but that's not my fault.

"Ah, Bonjour Madame Willow" my ballet teacher greeted, we all call her Madame Mimi

"Après-midi Madame Mimi" I greeted back

(I'm not great at French so sorry if I offend anyone)

"Right this routine you will be doing it's called Fatal it's got lots of emotion it's quite a dainty dance it's very beautiful and then if this goes well you may be able to do the Black Swan in a few years" she explained

"That's amazing what colours will my costume be" I asked excitedly

"It's here hold on" she said as she hurried into her office 

She comes back in just as I had finished my stretching

"Here is is isn't it beauté" she exclaimed

"Oui Madame it is" I said as I gazed at the dress

I couldn't wait for my next performance I felt like a child on Christmas Eve even though I am 11 that doesn't matter I was so excited

That's that chapter done I hope you enjoyed this little insight on her life and excuse my French it's not great so if you want or need to correct it you can.