
Chapter 10

Disclaimer: I do not own the 'Dragon Ball Z' anime/manga or 'Fallout 3' and the other games in the saga; and the only thing I own is this alternate/parallel story that I wrote for fun.

The Misadventures of Goki-Kakaroko

Chapter 10: Fear of Injections



"KameHameHa!" Attacks / Skills / Ki / Techniques

Reading / News / Intercoms


Our beloved protagonist had finished her part of the mission, so after putting on a new Gi; she started walking in the direction of the laboratory.

"Dr. Lesko?" said Goki the name of the guy standing in front of a strange metal box with black screen and green letters.

The scientist stopped typing on his portable terminal; then turned around and met a curious glance from the woman in exotic and striking orange and blue clothing.

"I did it, Mrs Goki!" exclaimed Dr. Lesko with evident ease because from now on he could finish his research with certain insects. "I have detected remarkable changes in the queen's incubator; no doubt an incredible job on your part," he added in the same happy tone.

The black-haired woman with palm-tipped black hair blushed slightly at the 'mad' scientist's elegies, as she wasn't very used to them; she didn't even remember if anyone had complimented her at home, but there was a very strong Saiyan who treated her in a special way.

"Hehehehehehe... It was nothing..." said Goki with a nervous smile; while at the same time scratching the back of his head further demonstrating his nervousness.

The man in the white smock slowly approached the woman of superhuman strength to admire her more closely for more than obvious reasons, but for the moment he had to act like a professional.

"How did you eliminate those horrible abominations?" asked Dr. Lesko rather intrigued, but obviously he already knew in a roundabout way the woman's answer; and even for a moment he regretted having taken out the security cameras of the tunnels because this way he would have had a better chance to see how she eliminated the guards of the anthill and study it for future research.

The charcoal-dark-eyed woman backed up a step at the approach of the weird guy, as her instinct told her to stay away from him or directly fly away from the place.

"With my fists," Goki answered with his hands close to his oversized breasts; and this was because since he came to this world, he felt different ... she couldn't explain it in words, but for now it wasn't so annoying that she couldn't go about her business.

The scientist swallowed saliva at the unexpected movement of the woman, since it was undoubtedly difficult for him to concentrate on the main subject with those huge breasts distracting him at every turn; but he quickly shook his head a little, pushing away those carnal desires of his.

"But how is that possible?" asked Dr. Lesko once he had completely averted his gaze from those huge breasts, and then concentrated on the woman's fists with which he obviously beat certain abominations to a pulp.

The Saiyan woman shrugged her shoulders at the weird guy's question; not giving him much importance of what she is capable of doing, because it is a very normal thing.

"I am strong," Goki replied with a neutral tone; as he formed fists with both hands, and even got into a turtle-style fighting stance that again surprised the man in front of him a little more.

Many ideas and possibilities went through the dark brown-haired man's brain, because one of those possibilities was that he could research on the special genetics of the woman to see where he could prevent that superhuman strength together with other equally interesting things; that could bring benefits to the humans of Capital Wasteland and even the world, benefits that would help them to survive in this hostile world; where they are very low on the food chain.

"Well, let's leave that subject for another time," said Dr. Lesko unexpectedly; as the Saiyan woman nodded her head. "For your service you deserve a reward, Mrs Goki," he stated with a strange smile on his lips as he saw out of the corner of his eye a certain young woman; who perked up at his words.

The charcoal-dark eyes of the woman in exotic orange-blue clothing lit up at the word 'reward', as the first thing that came to her mind was a mountain of food for having eliminated the said ants; the thought of this caused her mouth to water.

"Tell me, Miss Goki," Dr. Lesko said with the intent to get the Saiyan woman's attention; once he approached her desk where her lab materials were lying next to other equally important things. "Which do you like better, the vision of an ant or the strength of an ant?" he asked expectantly awaiting an answer from the woman.

The black-haired woman with palm-tipped black hair tilted her head to the side showing her confusion, as she wasn't quite sure what to answer about it; but there was something that caught her attention in the weird guy's question and that was the 'ant vision'.

"I don't know... Ant Vision?" replied Goki with her left hand index finger on her chin, but again she shrugged it off because she didn't need those things that she could be said to 'already possess' in a way.

The man in white scrubs formed a small smile as his hand grabbed a special syringe from his desk cluttered with medical supplies.

"Excellent choice," opined Dr. Lesko with a nod; as he prepared the injection with said mutagen into the special syringe. "But before I inject the mutagen into your body, I need ... A sample of your blood," he said with a strange gleam in his blue eyes; as he grabbed another syringe with a hypodermic needle with which he would have to extract the blood sample from the woman, while at the same time he put the injection of the mutagen with 'Ant Vision' back on a tray on top of his desk.

Almost instantly the Saiyan woman's head turned robotically towards the scientist; and when she saw that the guy has a hypodermic needle in his right hand with the intention of sticking it somewhere in her body ... Her expression quickly changed to one of pure horror.

"Miss Goki?" said Dr. Lesko the young woman's name as he noticed the latter's lack of response.

When the scientist turned around; strangely the black-haired woman with the spiky black hair in the shape of a palm tree was no longer standing where she had been seconds before.... This caused his 'happy' expression to change to an uneasy one; while at the same time he was running towards the entrance of his laboratory, but the woman was already gone with no indication of ever coming back.

"Shit!" cursed Dr. Lesko loudly and angrily; as he threw the syringe with hypodermic needle to the ground shattering it to pieces when it made contact with one of the rails of the old metro. "You can run away, Mrs Goki ... But nobody hides from science!" he shouted with his arms outstretched above his head; while at the same time letting out his typical mad scientist laugh from his mouth.



The Lone Wanderer had been watching from the window of the Wilks house as all of a sudden, the fire ants started killing each other in a brutal manner ... He unconsciously formed a smile as he realized that a certain woman in exotic orange with blue clothing had managed to find this 'Dr. Lesko'; and in the process somehow destroy these damn fire-breathing ants.

"Mr. David," said Bryan the name of the 19-year-old; who appeared to be watching something out the window of his house.

The blond was snapped out of his state when he heard his name being called.... For a moment he was about to retort to the boy not to call him sir because he is still quite young, but he let it go.

"Yes?" said David once he turned around; finding a certain boy a little better than he had been minutes ago upon learning of his father's death.

The boy looked around the place as if he was looking for something or someone, but when he didn't find what he was looking for his calm expression changed to a somewhat frightened or uneasy one.

"When will Miss Goki return?" asked Bryan with obvious concern in his tone of voice; while at the same time again concentrating his gaze on the young man who might be his older brother.

The young former inhabitant of the 101st vault remained thoughtful for a while because, like the boy, he had no idea when the woman in the peculiar orange and blue dress would return.

"I don't know... But, Goki should be back any minute-"

The blue-eyed young man was suddenly interrupted when in a 'flash' a certain woman with exotic black hair in the shape of a palm tree appeared; inhaling and exhaling oxygen at an accelerated rate.

"Mrs Goki!" exclaimed Bryan happily the Saiyan woman's name; the moment he saw her appear in the midst of him and the Lone Wanderer.

The woman with striking charcoal-dark eyes shrieked in fright when she suddenly felt someone hug her waist, but quickly calmed down when she saw that it was a certain boy, she had saved from the fire ants.

"B-Bryan?" said Goki the boy's name with an obvious stutter in his voice, while at the same time looking around for a certain scientist not to be around; and not seeing him anywhere he calmed down a little bit more.

Man and boy (the latter as best he could tried to look up because Goki's oversized breasts obstructed his view) watched the Saiyan woman with concern because it was the first time (since the short time they had known each other) that they had seen the ever cheerful young woman frightened of something or someone.

"...Did something happen, Goki?" asked David cautiously at what might have happened to the young woman on the metro.

The Saiyan woman shuddered at the question she dreaded because she didn't want to remember that horrible moment when a certain strange guy pulled out a syringe.

"I ... I saw something in the metro that scared me," Goki replied with a forced smile, while at the same time reluctantly breaking the embrace with the boy; and at the same time began rubbing his right arm rather nervously.

The blond could tell at a glance that the woman with coal-dark eyes was lying, but decided not to press the issue any further; and let her alone reveal what happened to her under the metro.

"And ... Now what do we do?" asked Bryan with the intention of breaking the awkward silence.

Both young men looked at each other not knowing what to say to the boy; until the blue-eyed man came up with an idea that would temporarily get them out of their 'predicament'.

"Let's go to Megaton," assured David with a smile that reflected confidence; for from now on things would start to get interesting with the company of a certain woman with a voluptuous body.

Bryan's light blue eyes lit up when the blond-haired young man said the name of said famous settlement.

Meanwhile, Goki stared at the Lone Wanderer with a clearly confused expression at the strange name 'Megaton'.


End of Chapter Ten


The chapter has 1900 words.


Uploaded: 17/07/22

Updated (Corrected): 16/11/22