
The Miracle Clinic

[NEW CHAPTER EVERY THURSDAY!] Do you believe in miracles? Well for two high school students named Marcus Veridan & Ronnie Everst, they certainly do as they've managed to make a club all about making miracles happen. Despite the club struggling to find its footing, they manage to quickly find two new members in the form of Elizabeth Moore, a shy nerdy girl that somehow gets into drama pretty easily, and Alex Smith, a hot heated athletic dude that thinks with his fists. Together the four of them and their club named "The Miracle Clinic" will slowly but surely begin to shake the entire groundwork of the city they live in, one miracle at a time. ________________ this is my first ever webnovel story I've ever done so I'm sorry if some things are a bit rough at the start.

Preston108 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 35 - The MSA Winter Gala

As the shocked screams of citizens echo through the gala, Marcus sits there in complete shock of what just happened. Not only did some person attack Ronald Sampson live on stage, but it was none other than his brand new neighbor.

"Vanessa?!" Marcus shouts in confusion.

Up on the stage, Ronald puts his hands up and states, "Look kid, I'm not trying to get into any fights here! If you have something to say, then let's do it peacefully aye?"

"Peacefully?" Vanessa remarks before reiterating furiously, "PEACEFULLY?!"

Ronald's face drops as Vanessa grips the blunt object in her hands tighter.

"Your lot has no right to say that," Vanessa utters before striking the fashion designer on the head with the blunt object.

As Ronald falls to the ground, holding his head in pain, Vanessa seizes the opportunity and makes a dash toward the microphone on stage.

"For years this corrupt company has been parading around as a beacon of hospitality and hope for this community. But it's all lies! The Moon Shadow Affiliate has only been able to build their empire off of stomping the common folk into the ground," Vanessa yells, "You need to revolt! You need to stop listening to these demons! Do it for The People of Lakeview! For those that they left to rot! For-"

Vanessa tries to continue speaking however the microphone she grabbed seems to have been deactivated. Several security personnel all begin to run at Vanessa, however before they can touch her…

All of the lights go out.

As screams begin to echo out and people start to rush toward the exit, Marcus sees Vanessa opening the back exit. Without much thought and wanting answers, Marcus decides to give chase.

As he does so, he begins to hear his friends call out to him.

"Wait! Come back!"

"Where are you?"

"What are you two doing?!"

Marcus looks a bit confused before realizing he isn't the only one chasing after Vanessa.

"Alex?" Marcus asks as he sees him run next to him, his face filled with pure determination.

The two pass by the stage and as they do so, Marcus overhears Ronald telling the security guards to let Vanessa go.

Eventually, the two manage to bust open the back door to see Vanessa entering a black van. Snow has started to fall once more as Marcus looks puzzled at the sight he sees in the street.

"VANESSA!" Marcus shouts.

Vanessa stops and looks behind her to see Marcus & Alex.

"What are you doing?" Marcus asks.

"I…I'm doing what I have to," Vanessa responds, "You wouldn't understand."

"Understand what?!"

"The truth," Vanessa says, "I'm sorry for using you but I didn't have another option."

As Marcus stands there stunned, Vanessa ends up locking eyes with Alex. 

Vanessa smiles slightly before calmly saying, "It was nice seeing you again Alex. Maybe next time it'll be under different circumstances."

As Alex tries to find the words to say, the only thing he can muster is "...what… what happened to you?"

Vanessa Deli is silent, words stuck on her tongue that she wants to speak, but ultimately she doesn't. Instead, she closes the door to the car as whoever is driving it steps on the gas. As the exhaust fumes linger behind where the speeding car once was, Alex & Marcus stand there in shock. Eventually, Ronnie, Elizabeth, Cameron, & X exit out into the street and spot them.

"What the hell did you two think you were doing?!" Ronnie yells.

The two are silent however their silence is interrupted by Elizabeth shouting, "What is that?!"

Everyone looks to see where Elizabeth is pointing, only to see billowing smoke coming from elsewhere in the city. An area they're all too familiar with.

"It can't be," Ronnie says.

Curiosity getting the better of the crew, they all run towards the source of the smoke, and as they run down the streets, passing by confused and frightened people. They finally reach the street that the fire is on.

Up in flames is none other than Starlight High.

As fire trucks begin to swarm the street, Ronnie looks to see they aren't the only people watching the flames. Because on the other side of the street lying on the grass, is Hunter Huntingson & Mesto-Presto.

"What the fuck is going on?" Ronnie thinks out loud as embers blow past him.

As the others stand there in shock, Alex mentions something to Alex, "That car Vanessa entered ... it was coming from this direction."

As he hears Alex's words, Marcus recalls something Vanessa told him earlier. She was going to the gala, but the other two people with her – Blanko Deck & Graham Dirt – were busy elsewhere. A pit in Marcus' stomach starts to grow as he realizes that the attack at the gala and the fire at Starlight High aren't just a mere coincidence.

This was planned out.

See You Next Chapter!~