
The Life of Anonymous

I'm bored.

Honestly, that's nothing new, but the new monsters? Well, I haven't seen them in a long time. but that's fine, they're perfect target practice, you know? Still, I'm bored. will anything exciting EVER happen? Olp! That little voice in my head's yelling again...

Pfft! that's pretty funny. don't you know you're apart of me too, just like who I'm narrating to? Whatever. It's about time to go out anyways, let's play!

Ooo, that's awesome! But, mister, has anyone ever told you I don't like that... the way you dress, no, that look? It's like you think I'm crazy, but no. you're the scarecrow, not me. yeah, that's right... I'm perfectly fine, right? mister? D-don't give me that look! don't reach your hand out! Just talk! Why won't you talk?!? Wait, that's fine, (stab)'cause the (splatter) dead (kick) don't (kick) speak (kick), like dear aunty and uncle. You're all just (drip) bad guys, so you need (drip) to go bye-bye! (drip)

YUP, that's right, it's eternal Halloween, and I'm the boss, but I'm still bored. Why won't anybody come help me?

I want to go back home! To Mommy and Daddy! To my fun!

[doctor #1 "How's patient #1087? How did She react to the new psychologist? Are there any improvements?"

doctor #2 "No, sir. She killed yet another one. It seems that she's stuck."

doctor #1 "Stuck?"

doctor #2 "Yes, sir. Everyone seems to be monsters to her... She's essentially got a plot stuck in her head. To her She's good, and everyone else isn't."

doctor #1 "I see. Continue monitoring. Limit her interaction with others and focus on the other patients. Remember, this is for our country. If we can find the key to her, no, the outer being's strength, we can defeat the rest of them."

doctor #2 "Yes sir!" ]