
The mind of the Cursed Game

After buying a puzzle game called "Mind Master" from the bargain bin at the local gaming store, Iru finds himself at the boss floor with his team, but something seems off. This boss was without weaknesses, he was left with no peaceful way of getting out of this alive. Using a previously collected weapon he destroyed the terrible beast and was faced with punishment, the laws of this world clearly state that no violent methods can be used to solve a problem. Finding himself face-to-face with the so-called leader of the dark side, Fukitsuna, he's faced with becoming his slave or death. But Fukitsuna challenges him to a game, win and be rewarded with who knows what. Defeat meaning slavery or worse, death. Iru having no other choice just asks of Fukitsuna one thing, that he could pick the game. Granted his request he picks chess. A game that Iru knew like the back of his hand. Being given his victory he assumes he has won freedom, but he was dead wrong. (Not literally dead) Fukitsuna becomes so interested in Iru's will and intellect, that he wants him to become his husband. A smart person like himself deserves the reward of somebody who understands him, right? Will Fukitsuna get what he wants? Or will Iru escape from the game. Read to find out (please) I am not held responsible for the loss of any innocence. Beware because a fujoshi has been given the power of writing. Also don’t expect the best update schedule, I manage 2 very popular YouTube channels that I don’t want dying on me as well as maintaining As and Bs in school during this tough period. Plus I have other books in writing (3) so I am terribly busy and stressed, so please be patient! Oh and I almost forgot- I have my health to manage too so that takes away like 4 hours because I gotta get in that sims time.

Sento_Writes_Stuff · sci-fi
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8 Chs

Chapter 8: I didn't know that was an option

"Alrighty!" Iru said with a big smile plastered across his face, "How are you guys going to help me?"

"By doing this." Every animal in the room got on their haunches and started to get enveloped in glowing particles, their outline changing into a humanoid appearance. As the glow faded off, standing before him were humans?!

The deer's skin was a brownish color with dark freckles on his face and brown hair. He had light brown eyes and was slender but well dressed.

"Oh, and I never introduced myself. My name is Malakai." The former deer, now human, announced. Putting his hand out to shake Iru's; which he gladly accepted.

"I didn't know you could all turn into humans!" Iru sat there in awe.

"Well you do now!" Malakai gave him a humongous smile.

Iru smiled back and looked around the room, point at a brown haired fellow with huge rabbit-like ears, "Who are you?"

Irritated, he yelled, "I'm the guy who brought you here, idiot!" Calming his nerves he continued, "My name is Jeremiah."

"Oh, why didn't your mouse ears disappear?"

"I keep them so I can hear better. Also I'm not a mouse, I'm a Greater Egyptian Jerboa!"

"Potato-potato, tomato-tomato. Same thing." Iru rolled his eyes and shrugged.

Jeremiah angrily shook his fist at Iru but to no avail, as Iru had already turned his head and looked away.

"Alright, and who will be coming with me?" He asked the crowd. Surprisingly, he saw five raised hands. Among them were Malakai, Jeremiah, a girl with brown skin; long white hair and yellow eyes, another girl with pale skin; long blue hair and blue eyes, and lastly a boy with brown skin; short curly black hair and green eyes plus two pointy protruding bottom teeth.

Thinking for a moment, Iru paused and then spoke, "Other than Jeremiah and Malakai, what are your names? Go in order of height I guess.." The three looked at each other measuring to see who was taller, until the dark skinned male with oddly grotesque teeth walked forward.

With a steady, but grating voice, he spoke, "My name is Gus, and I am a Warlock." Stepping back, the tanner girl stepped forward.

She had a smoky voice, speaking with confidence, "I am Anastasia, but just call me Ana. I am a Wood Fairy." Leaning back and grabbing the paler girl, she pulled her forward.

Her shrill yet wobbly voice was quite irritating, leading Iru to cover one of his ears as she spoke, "Um.. I am uh, Luka... but uh most of my friends just call me Lu or Lulu, I'm a water fairy.." As she stepped back into the group she tripped on her own skirt and fell on her behind. Quickly rushing to help, Anastasia reached her arm out and helped Luka up.

"Uh, so, is there anything we'll need to be ready to head out?" Iru looked at Jeremiah expectantly.

"Well, no, but actually yes." He said, pulling out his wallet and flipping through the dollar notes inside.

See the appearances of the characters https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zWLxlc1cWY6uWdmGzp2jRh-QeNy4vckpP0cWSmVUou4/edit?usp=sharing

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