
The mind of the Cursed Game

After buying a puzzle game called "Mind Master" from the bargain bin at the local gaming store, Iru finds himself at the boss floor with his team, but something seems off. This boss was without weaknesses, he was left with no peaceful way of getting out of this alive. Using a previously collected weapon he destroyed the terrible beast and was faced with punishment, the laws of this world clearly state that no violent methods can be used to solve a problem. Finding himself face-to-face with the so-called leader of the dark side, Fukitsuna, he's faced with becoming his slave or death. But Fukitsuna challenges him to a game, win and be rewarded with who knows what. Defeat meaning slavery or worse, death. Iru having no other choice just asks of Fukitsuna one thing, that he could pick the game. Granted his request he picks chess. A game that Iru knew like the back of his hand. Being given his victory he assumes he has won freedom, but he was dead wrong. (Not literally dead) Fukitsuna becomes so interested in Iru's will and intellect, that he wants him to become his husband. A smart person like himself deserves the reward of somebody who understands him, right? Will Fukitsuna get what he wants? Or will Iru escape from the game. Read to find out (please) I am not held responsible for the loss of any innocence. Beware because a fujoshi has been given the power of writing. Also don’t expect the best update schedule, I manage 2 very popular YouTube channels that I don’t want dying on me as well as maintaining As and Bs in school during this tough period. Plus I have other books in writing (3) so I am terribly busy and stressed, so please be patient! Oh and I almost forgot- I have my health to manage too so that takes away like 4 hours because I gotta get in that sims time.

Sento_Writes_Stuff · sci-fi
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: You’re doomed

Powering on his computer, Iru found himself lost thinking about the warning on the back of the game cartridge. What was it supposed to mean?

Was this game encoded with a virus? Was it going to fry his computer?

Well he didn't care. His boredom was becoming lethal, not for him but for other people, he'd do anything to ease his suffering. People that got in the way would soon come to regret it, and that was that.

The joyful tune of his computer's powering on rung through his ears. Quickly typing in his password for entry, he watched as the little loading circle chased it's tail, getting itself nowhere.

His computer background screen was of Deku and the rest of class 1-A, his downloads and games were organized in a way that they didn't cover any of the characters. A pop-up with the notification ding appeared on his screen.

'Unfamiliar program trying to open, proceed with caution'

Jeez, even his damn computer was telling him this wasn't the best decision. Clicking the 'Open program' button to find his screen going black with a glitched white bar through it that was seemingly moving.

Black print flickered across the white bar saying 'Put on goggles to proceed'

Goggles? Where? Iru didn't remember anything about goggles. Looking around his desk to see right next to the cartridge a pair of goggles that almost appeared to fold into itself.

Picking up the goggles to examine them he noticed a small black button on the side, pressing it inwards the goggles almost popped out into a bigger pair of goggles, resembling a VR headset. How did they fit this into the cartridge? What kind of wizardry is this? Certainly a cheap game like this one didn't come with a VR headset, did it? It was utterly impossible that the games creator could afford to do so. Plus it's in the bargain bin- the goggles probably don't even work!

Setting the goggles back down he clicked to proceed but the game wouldn't let him. The words 'put on goggles to proceed' had gotten slightly bigger and flashed as he continued to click. How did the game know he hadn't put the goggles on? He picked up the cartridge and read over the manual unlike how he ignored it before. Blah blah blah senses warmth blah blah blah detects motion blah blah blah can see you blah blah blah you're doomed.

Wait hold up- did he just read the words 'You're doomed'? Without realizing it he was sweating, his heartbeat had gotten a lot faster. Was this game going to kill him? He wasn't ready to become the next Kirito. Much less Sora. Was he really ready to leave the real world behind? Or was he even going to find anything when he put the goggles on?

No nothing will happen, it's probably just a cruel joke on some unsuspecting kid that happens to purchase the game. Why was he worrying so much?

Placing the goggles over his eyes and adjusting it to fit, he then clicked proceed.