

After my training schedule, while I was going back to my dorm I lost my footing on the stairs and fell due to unbalance of my foot.

I am Hans. I'm 36 years old this year. I'm an orphan who was raised in an orphanage. I was abandoned at the young age of 8. I still remember the day I was abandoned, the sky was gloomy and dark. but somehow I couldn't remember the face of my parents who abandoned me. I was bullied a lot from a young age at school because I was raised in an orphanage without parents. Due to the poverty, I dreamed to be a military officer so I won't be in lack money. I studied hard and always got in the top 5 in my whole class in my high school days but I wasn't in a situation where I can continue my higher education so I had to give up my study and only graduate from high school. because I wanted to be a military officer I applied for it. I failed three times in my physical examination due to a lack of physical exercise. if I became a military officer the government will pay for my housing and give me a monthly salary with high wages. I passed on the fourth try and joined the military at the age of 23 with the minimum education of only high school graduates and physical examination results. I tried my best to get a promotion from my post but due to my lack of education which is only a high school graduate I couldn't get my promotion even though I was outstanding in everything I do So I tried every means possible but still couldn't and now I'm dying at the age of 36 in my 13 years of career as a military officer, I couldn't get over the fact about my lack of education which indicates me as a high schooler. all of my juniors were promoted and I had to salute them whenever I see them cause they were my seniors now. it was humiliating and embarrassing for me to face them, all the other officers nicknamed me an illiterate high schooler, a useless person so it's better to die than be alive and face humiliation.