
The mightiest disciples ansatsuken.

Author reborn as Kenichi but with powers of ryu Still learns everything his masters teach him.

ian_brooks · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

The super satsui seiken.

The fight heated up.

the elder dashed up to me going for a straight lunge.

but I parried it pushing it back with my wrist. And back fisted him in the temple stepped into his form drove my elbow into his gut fallowed by an aura powered straight lunge releasing a black aura. Boom. The punch pushed the elder back five feet and that was the super satsui Seiken. I said. It's actually my own technique and not ansatsuken.

Well now you have impressed me so I will let you train with all the masters here.

"Nice!" I said and changed back. I walked up to the group and bowed it is an honor to train under you Sensei's. The masters smiled well now why don't you begin with kensei ma sense your style seems to be chinese kenpo based. He smiled how do you prefer to fight up-close in personal at a distance or mid range. Sort of all three. I said. Very well we will teach you Taijiquan and bagua zheng I began training in the first five sets of motions until the end of the hour then I began training under akisame Sensei he lead me to the room where he kept his stone grappling statues and I began practicing throwing them. bam! the statue hit the ground.

After an hour of training with Akisame I began sparing with apachai he was fast but thanks to my senses I was able to dodge his attacks in The arena I learned me some Thai boxing, so I think I did pretty well as I managed to land a cutting elbow and a Spinning angle kick. The blows managed to connect with apachai and I actually got lucky enough to land a straight and cross punch combination but he caught me with a roundhouse kick and I was knocked back a good bit but I held a guard so I Didn't get hurt to badly.

After an hour of sparing with the death god of Mauy Thai I began to practice sword training with shigure . I had been given the sword art of zankuken from Jesus and in middle school began crafting a gunblade shigure was surprised to see me use the rough divide on her a move where I drag my sword along the ground and preform a rising slash she managed to defend and asked me what style that is it's called zankuken-ryu. She never heard of it but I explained it was a style I had been developing and she nodded

"anyway let's continue beautiful sister!" I said and she blushed.

After I finished my training for the day I began practicing my own techniques I call shin satsui ryu. Practicing the methods of my ansatsuken with implications of Thai boxing kenpo and karate witch I had yet to train under sakaki shio 100 Dan but soon he found me and began teaching me the fundamental techniques and the yama-zuki of pasai.

Witch I upped with my hadouken to create my yama hadouken.he was impressed to see me employ my own move into this technique.

I also added a hover to my spinning angle kick and a dash to my seiken witch emulate the slashing kick of joe higashi and the burn knuckle of terry Bogard.

from SNK"s king of fighters. I also began to develop more control over my ki and began creating energy punches. I began becoming closer to achieving mu no ken. The power of nothingness Emanuel informed me that doing so wouldn't dispatch my satsui no hado but instead push it even further I also began learning the warping power and the shun goku satsu the technique could inflict damage to someone's body by Reflecting the past sins of their Life.

After school Miu came upon tsubaka beating a boy into the ground and got into a scuffle.

But that's when I came over wearing my Nehru jacket open

'I'll be your opponent!" i said.

"you your the man who humiliated my friend!" he said he put his fist up to his chest And began bouncing on the balls of his feet. i decided to give him a good beat down I dashed into him landing a Yamazuki pasai punch.

(a pasai punch is a double fisted punch in Kung fu this is called an arhat punch.)

After landing this I went into a five punch combination left straight, right low punch., right jab, left uppercut, right knuckle swipe. The boy went for a roundhouse kick but I caught it using ugyuu Haito dragon turns the head catching his leg in my arms nearly crushing it and landing a headbutt to his chest then preforming a jumping back tasumaki senpu kyaku.

the tsubaka lunged at me I got him in a grapple by his shirt collar and center then threw him to the ground he came back up and went for a crescent kick I knocked him down with a slashing kick a sliding high angle kick then decided to end this useing my yamazuki hadouken.boom you fight dirty there are no dirty moves in a street fight. I said and then ended it useing the shun goku satsu I hovered across to him and struck him with an openhanded thrust immediately he was put through the experience of every beating he gave the victims of his prospect inspection