
The attack

"We will attack today." The king rose from the table. "Get prepared."

"Today?" Rain furrowed his brows. "Isn't it too....." He sought for the right words to use.

"Urgent? Impromptu?" The King provided.

"Yes." Rain nodded. "Don't we need time to prepare?"

"No, we don't." The king gave him a pat on the back. "If we don't attack them now, how are we going to use the element of surprise?" The king smirked. "Don't worry, son. We will attack today."


"I believe someone is selling out information to the white wings. It sounds plausible, right? I know, but I think that's the truth. Someone is selling out information." The king sadly shook his head.

"That's not true." Rain placed a hand on his chin. "I don't think any of the guards will attempt that." He said, trying to look as natural as he can, to avoid earning him a raised brow from the king.