
What were you the God of, again?

As Thor's Quinjet entered Asgard, he immediately noticed the fluctuations in the Bifrost. The Rainbow colors were sometimes mixing with each other and sometimes spilling out of the Bifrost Bridge.

"This...What is happening!?"

Thor and Valkyrie both were astonished and scared at whatever the fuck was happening with the Bifrost.

They soon saw a great black wolf who didn't even pay attention to them as he was sitting at the gates of Heimdall's Observatory.

"You have wolf the size of Elephants?" Asked Banner with a little confusion.

Valkyrie was sweating bullets as she looked at the wolf and Thor had to snap her out of it for her to explain

"This...is..Fenrir. The great wolf companion of Hela. He..he is not to be underestimated at any given moment. Even if he is mortally wounded, he could ravage you."

Valkyrie obviously knew about the beast but was confused as to why it was not attacking them.

"Let me handle him then." Said Bruce as he started to turn into Hulk.

Bruce immediately turned into Hulk and jumped down the Jet ignoring Valkyrie's warnings to not engage.

Tony too sensed Hulk and went back to being normal and sat on a chair as he materialized a game controller in his hands and pressed the start button.

As soon as he did that, the needle inside Fenrir broke into hundreds of smaller pointed particles which went to the different part of its brain and touched a specific spot which immediately made Fenrir stand up and stare at Hulk with absolute dread.

Hulk suddenly slowed down in his tracks when he felt the giant Wolf in front of him radiate absolute death.

Tony then moved the joystick on the controller which made Fenrir run towards Hulk and suddenly he pressed X on the gamepad, making Fenrir jump.



Thor and Valkyrie were moving towards the Majestic Asgardian castle.

As they were moving, they were having an extremely bad feeling about something.

'Why was the barrier suddenly opened, why did Fenrir didn't attack them? What was happening with Bifrost? Where was Heimdall? And where was everyone?'

As they went forward, they encountered no one and it only made them even more nervous.

They kept walking when suddenly Thor detected the Magic of his brother. He suddenly felt some ease in his heart when he made sure that Loki was here too. No matter what happens, he would always be there for Loki.

With a renewed confidence, Thor started walking fast towards the Palace and soon entered it. The palace was also empty till they reached outside the Throne room.

Thor and Valkyrie both stopped at the door and looked at each other. As they confirmed the will to fight in each other's eyes, they both nodded and opened the door.

"I was waiting for you, Brother" Said Hela in a half sleeping position on the throne as her hairs were covering her face without her headdress.

"I don't know what you are plotting but I shall seal you back in your Hel" Said Thor as he started walking towards her and Valkyrie readied herself for the fight.

"Oh? And for what crime? For….Thinking good about Asgard's future?" asked Hela with a smirk

"Future? The future at the price of Innocent's blood is no future at all!" replied Thor with a little bit anger as is eyes flashed with thunder.

"Innocent's Blood?" Hela started chuckling at Thor's ignorance and just pointed at the Mural in the ceiling.

As Thor and Valkyrie looked up to the ceiling, they both saw Hela and Odin conquering the Nine Realms with slaughter and violence.

Thor's eyes went wide at this scene as he absolutely refused to believe such a scene.

"STOP DEFAMING FATHER! He was an honorable king who ruled all the Nine Realms with peace." Said Thor with anger.

Hela gave Thor a mocking smile and said while pointing at Valkyrie

"Oh was he? Well then why don't you ask her? She was there to witness it all. Maybe you'll believe her."

Thor looked at Valkyrie to find her staring at the ground trying to avoid any eye contact. Thor's eyes started to turn red with anger as he launched himself on Hela with absolute disbelief.

"You can't defeat me brother" Said Hela as she caught Thor in midair and twisted his arm before continuing to speak

"I am the Goddess of Death….What were you the God of again?"

Thor immediately summoned lightning in his hands and struck Hela with it while shouting


Hela and Thor both went outside while fighting as Valkyrie too joined in the fight.

Valkyrie and Thor both tried many different things to overpower Hela but everything ended in failure. Valkyrie was starting to realize that Hela was still the same when she slaughtered all her companions in front of her eyes while Odin saved her.

Valkyrie was reliving all the deaths of her companion and in a fit of anger, she screamed and went to Hela with full power.

"Idiots...You don't alert your enemies by screaming." Mocked Hela as she appeared behind her and stabbed at her. Thor very narrowly saved Valkyrie from the killing blow and she still got stabbed in her shoulders by a sword when they all heard an earth-shattering scream.

Everyone's attention went towards Bifrost and when they saw what was happening there, Hela smiled while Thor and Valkyrie both froze in horror.

Fenrir was ripping apart Hulk's arms whilst Hulk had many parts of his muscles bitten off. Fenrir then suddenly smacked in Hulk's stomach, knocking the giant out and going back towards the Observatory and sitting at the door to guard it.

"Good boy" Said Hela with a smirk which brought both Thor and Valkyrie to reality.

Thor had finally accepted that he was nothing in front of his elder sister and looked at her with absolute hatred.

"You can't defeat me, Thor" Said Hela again but this time she didn't call him brother.

Thor smiled a little and asked in his mind

'Is it ready, brother?'

'Yeah! I Just have to put this weird mask into the eternal flame, right?'



Thor's smile grew a little as he thought that Loki has successfully resurrected Surtur and brought Ragnarok to Asgard and said while looking at Hela

"I know, But he can"

Thor pointed at the Asgardian Palace and waited.

Five seconds, ten seconds, twenty seconds….Even after a minute when nothing happened, Thor's face fell as a horrible feeling rose in his heart.

"You know why I dragged this useless fight this long?" Suddenly said Hela with a satisfied smile as her headdress appeared back on her head.

Both Thor and Valkyrie looked at her with confusion and fear as she continued

"It was to make him feel that the price I had to pay for Tesseract was huge. It was to make him feel that I even killed my own brothers to get what he wanted. All this time, I did everything for him.

And now that you know this, Die for me."

Suddenly Loki appeared under Hela's foot. His eyes were bleeding as he tried to look at Thor and started raising a hand at his brother.

Thor's minds started to break as he saw his brother die a painful death. A tear escaped Valkyrie's eyes too as it was the same painful death as her sisters and both of them, in a fit of rage, launched themselves upon The Goddess of Death in a last ditch effort.



Hela was standing proudly over three dead bodies when suddenly she detected something. She immediately turned around to find Bifrost stable again but now she felt something different. She instantly saw where Heimdall and other Asgardians were hiding with a thought and a sudden realization made her completely shocked.

"He did it…"



Tony was flipping the Necrosword which was now a little different with the glowing red repulsor at the base of the hilt and the tip of the blade.

His surroundings were back to normal but his eyes were glowing with a yellow light as he was watching someone with the help of the Rainbow Bridge.


A fun fact about Loki & Thor -

No matter what happens in the comics, Thor always supports Loki. There was a time when Loki brought Asgard's destruction but dies later. Now even though Loki was responsible for many lives and destruction, Thor mourns for him day and night and when he comes to know about Loki's reincarnation on earth, He quickly goes there and brings his brother back to Asgard, much to EVERYONE'S anger.

Lumpish_Haggardcreators' thoughts