
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime und Comics
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/Frank POV/



Well, it's already been a couple of days since we last met. I gotta say, the defenses are going pretty well despite it only being about five or less days since I last talked with all of you. Now I know that you're all wanting to see what exactly is it that we were able to get up. Well then, first and foremost, we decided to start with trenches for all of the plains. Now it's not all just trenches, that's dumb. Trench warfare normally has a no man's land and I can say with a great amount of certainty that I have a good enough amount of Lasturrets that can quite literally light up the fucking night like a damned Christmas tree if we shoot enough of them at the same time.

Not to mention the normal guns that use bullets and you got yourself a firing line that can both cauterize your wounds after you get riddled with bullets. Except the cauterization is a lot more than you'd call okay and it may as well be turning your ass into Two-Face cuz I can assure you, it's not gonna be a good time for you. Well, the Kriegers know their way around how to deal with trenches so I leave the expertise to the experts. And now the forest, honestly I was really stumped at what I could do to make this place somewhat defendable. I was originally thinking punji sticks that were laced with either neurotoxins, or shit. Yes, I mean actual shit. You'd be surprised how easily you can give somebody sepsis if you just pick the right material.

As for why I wanna try neurotoxins, well, it's only gonna be the type to paralyze the prey, nothing completely deadly. Sure it may or may not be the thing that's gonna require you to have to hack your bloody leg off just to get out of the trap, but don't worry, it's not gonna be fatal if you're smart enough. Well, I could so something pretty bad and have a couple mines also there, and if we can do it, we could also paint some oft he nullifiers and then make them looks like tree trunks to put people off from understanding why the hell they're incapable of making use of any of their Profound Energy. Oh boy, that's such a bad fucking thing to do to them that I love it.

As for the mountain range, hmm. We could just make it into a sort of mountain base and then use the height to out advantage and make the cultivating fucks know what the hell a barrage really is. And as for the city itself, we already started with fortifying the walls and placing rotation orders for the soldiers, Kriegers and the Orks to follow whenever they're necessary. The Kriegers will handle the trenches, the Orks will man the walls, they'll also be unleashing the bird things (you all know what I'm talking about) and the Citadel soldiers will police the insides and provide artillery help when requested.

I fully and completely understand that there's always the chance for things to go bad at any moment, and that's why I will personally be looking and wandering around all three circulation areas for monitoring purposes. Yes, I'm gonna play the role of a Commissar in the army, despite being the actual leader of the city that hosts and trained the army. We're gonna take these lands in the name of human rights, and we will not extend said rights to any of the beings that aren't human, and remember, I don't regard the cultivators as human, in any sense of the word. And you knowebgat that means, it's time for Geneva Suggestions! Wooh!

And so, I then started helping the soldiers and others by fortifying the walls with the use of bedrock, since I'm the only guy that can actually and effectively make use of the shit. And slowly but surely, we'll also be getting reinforcements and resupplies from the logistics chain that we got going on. As long as we keep the air superiority, we can slowly but surely build up a ground system for us to also use as well. Oh yeah baby, we're most likely not gonna get it easily knowing that those cultivating fucks aren't gonna be that stupid. Their world was made by the people that had Sun Tzu, so they do know their ways around war.

But that means that they haven't exactly experienced all the types of war, and by the name of Papa Franku, I'm about to make all of their crimes look like toddlers arguing over a block of Lego. ( Ladies and gentlemen! It's been five days, and I have to say that I'm happy and proud with the progress that we've been getting over these few days. We've got a couple trenches and guns ready, but we still need to steel ourselves. The enemy is very well learned in the art of war, but we, we do not wish for war. We wish for slaughter!) I said as the Orks and Citadel soldiers all cheered as I continued (We wish for their blood to irrigate these lands!) as I spoke, one of the Kriegers then walked up the makeshift podium that they made and whispered something in my ears.

(My Lord, there has been reports of dissent amongst the people, and there has been word of them wishing to try and rebel once more.) they said as I frowned within my mask as I gave new orders. (Apply them all with amnestics, and give them the necessary memories and have them shipped back to the minor cities. We don't want to have to fight an internal battle when we have external threats as well.) my orders were clear as the Krieger then saluted me as I then watched as they marched off and looked for where they could possibly start with.

(As I was saying, THEIR BLOOD WILL IRRIGATE THESE LANDS AS WE WILL GROW THE SEEDS OF THEIR DEFEAT BEFORE THEIR VERY EYES!) I said with fervor strong in my throat as they gave me a sonorous and positive answer to my little leader speech. (And if they were to get close, well, we'll show them what makes us so fucking mad, understood?!) I said as they all cheered as they then went off chanting my name and continuing their jobs. {I am still absolutely shocked that they're just mindlessly following me and still thinking this way. I'm not complaining about it though, it has its uses.} I thought as I then walked off of the podium and then thought was else could I possibly do within the confines of this place.

{Hmm, I guess I could just watch the construction again, but that would just be boring. There could also be some hunting that I could do, but that's just idiotic. Well, if nothing normal is gonna satisfy me, I might as well just get myself some more buffs.} I thought as I then walked off to someplace that's relatively discreet and then looked at my luck. Still in an extreme amount of zeros, and if I am correct, I could purchase one creature that could absolutely turn the tides when it comes to getting rid of threats like gods.

{Come to pap- wait, I need to bring her here first.} I thought as I then went out of the place that I was in and then went to closest soldier and said to relay the information that I was going out of the city for a moment. If you guys wanna know what I was gonna buy, then here's a little tip, I looked a the price of this thing when I first started out, and now, oh now. We can do so much damage to them with this little reptile. {Beam me back Domain.} I thought to myself as I was covered in the white light as I then saw that there was just the few adventurers that were stranded here since most of them already left back on the Mars ships back in MHA. (Alright, get me to Abigail.) I said as the Domain saluted me with a bright and innocent smile on her face, as if she was actually innocent. \Understood master!\ she said as I followed the little mascot/super breeding facility and yes, technically speaking, she does breed a bunch of creatures together and then looks for ways to make them even more deadlier than the last time, and then walked behind her as I took in the sights of the walls around us. She was slowly but surely changing up the final floor to be a lot more, well, wood-styled than what I originally anticipated, but hey, it's a good aesthetic.

And there was a lot more decoration than what was originally there. The throne room that was suppose to be me sitting in it was still the same except it looked bleaker yet simultaneously livelier than what I thought. Oh boy, and this isn't talking about the rooms, great looking shit, top tier stuff inside, if you're somebody that I liked. And when we hit the girls' rooms, I was heading them play inside just like the old days as I slowly twisted the knob and saw them all playing Mario Kart with each other as they were doin some surgical precision shit with their controllers.

Abigail, Eri and Lilac all saw me as they immediately stopped playing and hugged me. And just for them to feel a little younger, I made myself bigger for them to feel like the old days when I used to play with them. (Abigail, there's something very important that I'm about to do.) I said to her in a serious tone as she then took up a worried expression. (I have a way to bring Mr. Scaly here. And I need you to keep him calm, can you do that?) I asked her as she then nodded at me as she soon brightened up since she was about to get one of her best friends back.

{I sincerely hope that it's not gonna backfire badly.} I thought as I then took her hand as I had the Domain teleport us out of the confines of the dungeon and out into the beast mountains place. (Alright sweetheart, Mr. Scaly is going to most likely be very confused, and I can tell you right now that Mr. Scaly doesn't like being confused, and he's gonna be mad. Can you calm him down?) I asked her while kneeling down to see her eye-to-eye as she then nodded with a very confident face.

{Alrighty then, system, purchase SCP-682.} I thought to the system as I braced myself by giving myself a metric shit ton of Strength and Resistance to really give myself the extra oomph to handle that giant shit. And when the system finally confirmed the purchase, the giant creatures with it's skin peeling off was right in front of us, looking around at its surroundings as it immediately laid eyes on Abby. (Mr. Scaly?) she asked as the SCP then bowed it's head and almost made a purring sound as it's skin slowly regenerated from the effects of the hydrochloric acid that it was originally in.

(Master.) it said in a rough tone as the hydrochloric acid was already gone by the time that it let Abby's hand near it. (It worked Mr. Frank! Mr. Scaly is here now!) she said in such an innocent tone as it then immediately laid it's eyes on me. (Child of the Scarlet King.) I greeted I as it's pupils then sharpened as it then talked back to me. (Slayer.) it said as it immediately put itself betweens me and Abby. (I remember Slayer, when you ran into the court of my father and beat him to an inch of his life before he expelled you. Now what doth thou wish to do? Kill me? Kill my mistress and gain the honor that you lost?) he said as I then shrugged. (I have no gripes with you 682, I didn't like your dad since, well, he was who he was. But I only brought you here to keep Abby safe. And I care for her so much that I'm willing to damn this reality to having to deal with a spawn of the Scarlet King. Just know this. If you even have any ideas to try and harm anybody that I call a friend, I will break you apart, skin you, and consume your fucking soul, do you agree lizard?) I said as it grumbled at me and then replied (So it shall be, I follow the will of my mistress foremost, and I suppose that this makes us, allies?) he said as I then remove all of my buffs as a show of faith. (Allies, indeed we are.) I said as I smiled as I then knew that I got another person who might be a good friend.

2184 words. Alrighty then, we got ourselves a giant fucking super adaptive lizard as a pet for Abby, now then, what else could we possibly do to make the lives of cultivators even worse? Hmm, you know what? I think that I might have something for that. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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