
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime und Comics
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325 Chs

Plot A Course To The Night

/Frank POV/



Good morning children, God has allowed Anti to live another day, and he's about to make it everyone else's problem. So read.

(Alright shitsacks, let me simplify. I don't give two fucking shits about who the fuck any of you are, or whatever the fuck is your reason to pull this sort of shit. The talk is done, humanity, got a fat fucking advantage, so go back wherever your useless asses came from and tell your fucking boss, or whoever you report to, that if they get out of line, I will be here, in this shed, ready with as many guns as it takes to kill a god.) I said as I placed the gun back and looked at them.

(So do any of you want some mashed potatoes on your way back? I made a bit too much.) and when I said that, they took three steps back as they then noticed that the fucking bedrock wasn't even there anymore. They were confused, that's normal when it comes to trying to speak to me.

(Don't worry, it may be Hungry Jack's, but it's not that shit. It's oddly pretty palatable.) I said as I tapped my boots on the ground and walked in to see the angels about to leave. Cao Cao and Michael squared the fuck up almost immediately as I stared at the two of them. (Michael if you even attempt to pull that shit, I will tear your wings off and make teriyaki out of them, and Cao Cao, try that shit, and you'll be the first experiment on how we try to harvest a Sacred Gear from a soul.) I threatened them as I went to the stove as there was a very very minuscule amount left from Rossweisse eating so fucking much of it.

Damn, that's some capitalism levels of starvation there Odin. (Alright, turns out there ain't that much mash anymore, but there's a small small little bit of putty of this shit, so might a well fill something up for the road.) I said as I finally found a good item to use on it. So hear me out? Remember the Carolina Reaper I had laying around from that one roll? Crushed that shit up, and folded more butter into that little putty to make it less conspicuous. And don't worry, I made use of King Crimson to slow time just enough for me to pull this shit off.

(Okay there! Who wants some mashed taters?) I asked them as they stared at the lightly red patty of potato, looking back up to see me smiling. (Come on, if I was gonna poison you, I would've done that gas chamber style.) I gave them a miniscule amount of hope as they divided the already small patty into even smaller bites. It's still a fucking pepper with a good million Scoville, so that won't really do much.

And once they bit into it, one of them fell down as they panted and panted for water. (P-puweeeze, wo'oh) Arthur said as I put my handover my mouth in shock. (You can actually say it that way?! Oh yeah! You're British after all. Unfortunately, water won't do jack shit to a pepper running at a good million Scoville at the least. You are going to suffer for making me annoyed with destroying my fucking plants, and trying to disrupt a fucking peace talk.) I finished off my words as he fell to the ground into a fetal position as the other members weren't doing too well either.

Cao Cao? Pretty much vomiting outside. Jeanne or Joan? I don't know anymore, she was trying to cut me up with her shit spear, so I dragged her outside, so that I could lock her in another bedrock box. What a fun fun time for me to be such a bad bad boy. The others, also suffering. {Well if there's a way to make this work, I can make my special hellfire shots.} I thought and smiled as I knew that when you mix mint and pepper you get pain. But what happens when you mix the basic chemical compounds and then intensify that shit with excessive amounts of drugs? Drugs that you snort, we're not putting it in the mixture that would be very illegal.

There's a mint chemical that's stronger and more extreme than the basic flavor you find in the wild, and pure capsaicin tastes like pain on your tongue, when taken straight. When you dilute capsaicin within oil or alcohol, the effects will go batshit. Yes, that's how bullshit it gets in chemistry. The more you know~

(Alright numbskulls, get off of school grounds, or I will personally strap you to a mass driver and launch you halfway across fucking Earth, understood?) I asked them as politely as I could as I pulled out a bucket of Minecraft milk and smacked it to their lips. They weren't gonna drown, they were "heroes" after all. They're too fucking strong for drowning. (W-why are you making us hurt this bad?) Morgan Le Fay asked me as I then rubbed my chin. (I dunno, why does anybody do whatever the fuck it is that they do? They do it out usually our of stimuli, or boredom, whichever counts as more scientifically correct. I dunno, I'm not smart enough for that.) I gave her the shortened answer as I knew that if I gave the full one, this fucking chapter will be taking more time than what it takes Robtop to finally give the next update to Geometry Dash.

(But an even shorter answer is, just cuz.) I said as I pulled out the Yamato and cut open a rift to London and yeeted the Loli respectfully through, and then I threw Heracles corpse afterwards. Will she get squished by the body? Who fucking knows, I sure as hell won't be checking if she's alive. After that, her brother, Jeanne, Leo the kid that has Annihilation Maker, and then Cao Cao as I waved at the rift and closed that shit.

{Alright, we got that shit out of the bag, what the hell is gonna be ne-} I thought as I just realized that I didn't fucking call in the Daedalus to send a fucking scout fleet to come over and visit. {God fucking damnit.} I thought as I slammed my head into the wall, as I again realized that I had fucked up even more by breaking said wall. Now that shit, that's coming straight out of my fucking paycheck GOD FUCKING DAMNIT.

(GGGGGGRAAAAAAAAAH FUCK!) I shouted out loud as I realized that I really shouldn't have just said that shit, at three in the fucking morning, how the fuck are people not calling the fucking police as a noise complaint?

You know what? Anime logic, fuck it, when you can't explain shit good enough, rely on old reliable. It's worked before, it'll work again. So I call the Daedalus and tell them to lock onto my location, you know why? Because I wanna give this world a good little shock. Indra and Asura are scary scary gods, that much I will admit. But then again, can't exactly be a god when you have little to no followers. And from what I recall from the anime, it was about some shit of why certain gods were weak when their legends are strong. Domains, their places of origin are where they are most powerful, and that's completely balanced.

Now I do realize that at least one of the gods in The Indian Pantheon has a divinity in destruction, but this is where we replicate myth busters. Can we overload a divinity and break it? Now hear me out, yes they're very strong gods, hell their legends are pretty much galactic in their strength, but the Daedalus in of itself, is a pretty chunky structure with a couple suns and black holes itself. Plus I do have reality anchor, I just need to exercise that a little better. I need more fighting skills, because I am out here trying to figure out how the shit do I handle gods at this level.

The Slayer's good at that, however the normal people are a different issue. You know what? Just keep shooing stronger and stronger rounds until they eventually stop breathing, and existing. That's usually the way to go about it. So you know what? I might actually have to give them a visit beforehand. But, first, a drop pod came at about eight hours later when it was near noon. At this point, I didn't really need the janitorial job, I got little to no shit left in it that makes it useful for me. So I brought a Krieger, told them to take off their mask and uniform and had them work there in my stead.

Let me remind, these guys look pretty fucking good when comparing to Earth standards. They're pretty close to looking like models, and when there are boys who want to try and befriend them, they speak in Low Gothic. I'm joking they speak in English since if they did speak in Low Gothic shit would get hella edgy in this place.

Well, not really edgy but very very very much of an issue to the point where they might need to be sent to a psychiatr- I am just rambling aren't I? And at that moment when I was riding my bike to an airport with as much of the legally gained money that I had, I realized two things again. First, I could've just used the Yamato or flied my way to India. Second, I'm fucking Eldritch in nature, that's a pretty pretty good baseline of power. It's a corrupting energy, and that meant that if Indra or Asura tried to do anything funny, I could just corrupt their fucking existences. Or you know, I could call up some family, like the normal "evil" guy, or a smart one.

I never fucking said that I was smart, only that I wasn't THAT stupid. So, Yamato, then go to England for a very very quick little visit to some "family", and then appear right about near a really cool looking temple. There was a street sign that was pretty pretty fucked up, but it was good enough to show that it was a temple in use of some monks, soooooooooo *pulls out the BFG* (BEGIN WAR CRIMES!) I said with insanity coursing though my mind and soul as I squeezed the trigger to the weapon. Oh yeah, it was still enchanted from the last time I used it s-


And what was left, well, not that much. Ya know, a fucking hole. I don't know it seemed a lot cleaner than before, who knows right? (WHO?) I heard one word coming above me as I left my invisibility and changed my face to what Ophis was rocking, the old man face that they had. (Which, one, are you?) I made my voice as close to what the god would expect as I then realized that they weren't as strong as I had originally anticipated. {Oi, no, this could be a soldier, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves here.} I thought as I pointed at the god that appeared as flames then surrounded me. In retaliation, I just blasted out a fat fucking pulse of pure Eldritch Energy as the god was hit by it and started to show strange symbols that seemed to change over and over again.

Oh, is, is that the language? Well with as little as I knew of the actual mythos, this seems pretty fucking accurate. The god then started to get strange dark veins as they collapsed on themselves and turned into a black dot, in real space. I don't think that this is a very smart thing to allow to still be here. But my curiosity, oh my curiosity, it's such a fucking thing ain't it?

{I'll just touch it a little bit, it can't be that ba-} I thought as the walls of the buildings behind me suddenly crumbled as a towering tentacly mass then came.

{My Lord, what doth thou asketh from thine servant?} the good old sleepy High Priest said as I smiled. (Now now Cthulhu, you're just in luck! I like this mortal vessel, so don't break it too quickly, it would be a genuine shame if that were to occur But if you want something to do that proves you are loyal to us, for touch that dot. That used to be a god from one of the other pantheons.) I said to the hulking creature as I was genuinely smiling. This guy was the poster boy of the entire mythos, you could say that he was the family mascot, in a horrifyingly eldritch sense.

He's not exactly top in the whole scheme of things, but he does have to be very important. He's got them connections to the others that make him good. (Once you're done with that, go and unlock your daughter will you? It's saddening to think you'd treat your own child that way.) I said as I couldn't give two shits if he actually did that. It means something really really really fucking scary to get placed in the Domain, and the Domain will get a creature that's very very very effective at keeping people dead in the waters. The Reaper Leviathan was cute, but I think a good ecosystem requires them to be predated upon as well, so, eldritch kraken thing get!

And when Cthulhu touched the dot, the power that he was just exuding off of him bursted out and fucking skyrocketed. (Ooh, I didn't really see this happening.) I said as Cthulhu stopped squatting and stood more upright. (Feeling more unkillable than ever Cthulhu?) I asked him as he then genuflected in front of me, kicking up a dust storm from him knee hitting the fucking ground. (Good good, you'll need that to go and kill the others. I suspect that was just a grunt, go and wait until more arrive. I'll bring one of my unruly little children to come over and stretch their muscles as well!) I told him with a chipper voice as I then saw another portal appear. But this time, it was golden. And it expanded, and expanded and expanded til it was bigger than Cthulhu himself. And out of the portal, a giant golden hand came out and tried to recreate the burden of Atlas with Cthulhu instead.

{Is it really him? If it is, I don't really know how to react to it.} I thought as I then saw another one come out on Cthulhu's left. (It might be him.) I said as I watched the Priest struggle until he slowly but surely got up again. And he used his wings to jump off the ground, and cut off the hand above him with his claws. Mind you, they were still pretty fucking big, and this shit, was actually fucking awesome to watch. That is, until I heard a voice behind me.

2530 words. Alright, I swear, once I write enough of these, I'll start the fucking original. My drafts have not hit the fucking point yet, and I'll do my best to make the original actually good. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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