
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime und Comics
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My Name Is Moto Moto

/Frank POV/



After such an annoying meeting I was back at my grandfather's office at the woodwork shop. I mean seriously, how the shit were they able to get a rustic design in a city that's almost completely modern in this day and age?

Bah, probably the laws of reality pulling a fast one on me again. It wouldn't be the first fucking time that they did. And thus, this was how my "vacation" went for the next few weeks before my grandma got wind that I was here.

Yeah I think you can imagine what happens to my gramps. It's suffice to say that we had quite the hospital bill after that sort of occurrence. And now, back to reality!



/Present day/



Things were going rather okayish for the time being. There was a couple assholes who can't seem to help but try and bully me. It's petty fucking obvious that they're not the smartest people. So I did what any mafia heir would do, best some asses in and make them serve me like dogs! It's the best method!

As the great Immortal Bloody Pig King once said: " If Hypixel had taught me anything, it's that the solution to all your problems, is s l a v e r y." Great words to live by, and those same words are the reason why I abducted a couple dozen adventurers for my own personal use.

Can't have my most loyal people got out and risk their lives when I have the numerical advantage! And That's the reason why I like having monsters that grow into godly amounts, mob mentality can be useful in the right situations!

{But damn, these guy are just straight up fucking annoying.} I thought as they knelt down and called me Aniki for absolutely no reason. (Oi shits, I ain't Yakuza and you lot for sure as aren't either, so you'll all be calling me boss, you hear me?) I said as best as I could ask they shook in fear from my voice.

The things that I said to then beforehand were, well, somewhat questionable if you heard them, but you haven't! So there's absolutely no use for you to go on and continue to snoop about it!

(A/N: We would like to have your attention please thank you very much. Now it has come to my attention that people have been sporadically been leaving rather, questionable reviews. Now it would be something that I'd over look and take to my mind, but I noticed that people don't like it when he acting insane, and I say to you, have you read the fucking tags? I mean EVERY TAG? I made it completely clear, since day fucking one that Frank is gonna be a fucking lunatic to everyone and anyone. What are you on about? That's my question thank you for your time and let's get back of the story.)



/Time Skip to Main Day/



Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Today's the fucking day baby! Today's the day that canon occurs! Oh my fucking Jesus I have been waiting for so fucking long! I even went so fa ras to go and find a hooker to fuck for the last year or so. I'm just kidding I didn't do anything that shitty, all I really did was just handle some of the family business since there wasn't a point of me to go to hero school.

I mean, I'm the grandson of a mafia leader, what do I need school for?! I could just train for the family business an it would keep me fed for life if I wasn't travelling the fucking multiverse. But I digress, shit happens, and now I get to ply the fuck around!

The last couple years have been interesting to say the least. Midoriya is now officially a part of the gang and Bakubitch is still constantly trying to be a hero when all he's decent for is as a fucking super bomber, and not even a suicide one at that!

I mean, holy shit things are just spiralling out of fucking control. But the funny thing is, Midoriya is constantly going into the dungeon to study the monsters inside of it. Hell, I even got a notification from the Domain itself that a very strange group had just went inside.

From what the report she gave me said, they came in with dozens, and left with only five members. It's a shame that I never went and took the little blonde blood loving girl away from her fam- sike! I did that and she was completely happy, well, that's the simple version, here's the longer version.



/*flashback sfx* a couple years ago/



/3rd POV/



Himiko Toga was a simple girl who couldn't seem to make her parents happy. They always said thing to her that made her sad. Things like "Cover up that disgusting smile of yours!" or things along the lines of "Your only purpose is to make a good impression with others, don't you dare to mess this up!"

She didn't really know why she was treated this way, only that she did it do that she wouldn't be starved again. The day that she got her Quirk was the day that things started to cascade into oblivion for her.

Her parents, when they learned of her Quirk were disgusted by it. They called her a freak and hated it whenever they saw her teeth. They called her a villain in the making, an abomination to society.

And now, they were on their way to yet another gala for a reason that she never learned. All she was told to do was stand there and look pretty, and never smile with her teeth.

She don't want to make them mad again, so she agreed. They put her in a fancy dress and led her into a car where they were chatting amongst themselves. Along the way, all she ever felt was empty inside. That is, until the car crashed into a truck. After that, thins went dark for her.



/You already know who's POV this is/



{Well well well, nice to finally meet you Himiko Toga.} I thought to myself as Tim as right behind me with a couple strongmen. They grabbed Himiko and her parents out of the crash and got them into cars.

I specifically told them that they don't need to be gentle with the parents, so that's all fine and dandy when they accidentally broke one of the husband's arms.

(Ah sorry about that boss.) he said to me as I chuckled it off. (Ah, there ain't no problems Jimmy! It's just another piece of shit who bests their kids just because they gots the odd Quirk! That's a funny phrase, "odd Quirk", haha.) I laughed lightly to myself as I pat the guy on the back. He was a good guy, he may not have been the smartest tool in the shed, but he was a decent guy.

(Ey boss, wuz we gonna do 'bout this car?) one of the other boys said as I scratched my chin. (Do you boys have any of those random dead bodies that I asked you for?) I queried as they don't disappoint me.

You see, an accident is a very simple thing to fake. The boys wore gloves, they had full hazmat on where not s single fucking thing can be traced off of them via the normal means. Unfortunately that only worked that far, meaning that Quirks could prove to be a bigger threat.

But I had an idea, as it would either work or not, and I wanted to actually know if it would. I had the Domain cause a breaking in one of the major cities in Japan, letting loose a hundred or so into Iit, killing many.

This was a pretty decent plan, considering that there was absolutely no real point to not use the Domain for my own personal plans. The only problem would be if there were any of

those heroes to go and defeat the monsters but I really don't think that's the case.

The reason why is that they aren't strong enough. I went and told the Domain to go and buff up the monsters, even the goblins, to a better level. The best way to describe the goblins now is that they're capable of being at the level of Special Forces if they had the gear.

Right now they could probably handle Eraserhead if he went against twenty of them at the same time, but knowing his combat prowess, I really doubt that. So every other monster was also more powerful than their original versions. A good example is the Sword Stag.

Basically Bambi except he has mutated metal antlers that are really fucking sharp. The best way to make this monstrosity a fucking nightmare to deal with is by turning the entire stag itself, into a mish mash of sharp objects!

Instead of the Sword Stag it's now the Blade Stag! And did I mention that it's now capable of doing some basic Magic?! Not only is it extremely fucking op, it can also use fucking swords like those shitty shitty cultivators! Now they're gonna start to have an idea as to how fucking annoying their owners are!

They get a fucking enema of their own fucking medicine, and that please me by a large margin. Well there are other things, such as making the Valgang dragons have the ability of more fire type Magic shit, such as setting themselves ablaze while they charge right at people.

And then there were the Kobolds, oh boy did they get a fucking upgrade. They would randomly be spawned with a different element each and every time. And they are bigger, and I mean BIGGER than before.

Hell I even think that they're bigger than the average werewolf, and I mean the big hairy kind that look like actual wolves, and not that creepy dandruff infested mutt from Harry Potter. But to be fair, this doesn't exactly cover the entire thing, oh no, it really doesn't.

What really makes you question how crazy I am is what I did for the TEBD. I let it be capable of laying eggs. Yup, the biggest monster that the dungeon spawned, and I let it lay eggs. Now this may seem boring to you, but what if, say, I made it so that they would be capable of mutating and mating without any problems to their genetic material?

Yeah, Imma have to pull some evil fucking laughter for that, there is no way that any cannon fodder in this world is gonna be capable of breaching the entire dungeon. The only possible people that could do it emis All Might and AFO working together.

*cue extremely long evil laughter* Oh yeah, that felt goooood. There isn't a thing now for me to wait for, aside for the exam. Except my deer parents have decided to have me skip the physical test in order for me to just do the damn written exam.

Hell! I didn't even want them to go and let me become a hero! They just came into my room as I was thinking about how shitty the music was in this era when they told me that I should become a hero! I didn't even get to say anything before they gave me a piece of paper.

They were saying to me that I should try and go make something for myself instead of learning how to do organized crime. I told them (Ma, Pa, gramma, gramps, what makes you all think that I wanna be a hero?)

They then looked at me like I was stupid or something. (Why don't you wanna be a hero sweetie? Isn't that what all the kids want to do these days?) my grandmother said as I shook my head.

(Gramma, the heroes are a brand, that's all they really are. There is no good to them, only the naivety and the depression when it kicks in for them. I don't wanna be a hero since they can't do anything actually good for the society. We're weaker than him.) I said to her as she then looked at me.

(You're going to hero school okay?) she said as she smiled at me. Shit, this ain't good. And that ladies and gentlemen, is how I was forced to join UA. And fucking shit this is gonna be a nightmare.

2089 words, alright, when I was writing this, a lot of things were going through my head. I don't really have that great of an attention span. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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