
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime und Comics
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325 Chs


/Frank POV/



I was right in a ruined section of a temple, holding onto some interesting scrolls that I happily perused and immediately conflagrated.

(Ah, this? MHM, yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda will of the gods yadda yadda yadda yadda death to enemies yadda yadda yadda yadda more beautiful than other races yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda.

Wow, this is the worst sort of things that I've ever read. And this, this was written by your gods! Well, the ones that proclaimed themselves to be your gods, at the very least.)

All of the Scriptures, their leaders, their council leaders and whatever words I could use to say about this situation is more or less just a blur to me at this point.

How do I make a proclamation about who I am to this world? How would I make it up to Ainz for exposing the entirety of our existence?

My answer to that, well, I won't. Oh and don't think that I forgot about the half-elf that lives around here, I also had her tied up here, with that shitty Rubics cube of hers with her.

(And don't get me started with how you decided to turn a literal applied mathematical equation turned toy, into a symbol for your god! Seriously, do any of you actually know that there's a proper formula that relates to how this interesting little tool is made?

Do you? Hmmmm? Because I could almost smell the sheer ignorance coming off of you. It's either that, or the smell of piss in the morning from you pansies pissing yourselves silly in fear.

It's very bad taste to do so.)

I had the Floor Guardians post themselves outside, and I had to even pacify Shalltear with a promise to teach her how to actually code.

Yeah, truth be told, I don't really know if she intends to go forward with it, but there's that little part of me that's kinda wanting to see nerdy vampire girl wearing baggy clothes and glasses, looking angry at a screen because her checks somehow fucked up in fifteen different ways, each because of the exact same line of code, written the exact same way, and yet having the worst time over it.

There's a part of Anti that decided to just burst itself out of the bushworks with that one right there.

In any occasion, we've beeb doing rather well for ourselves, aside from the fact that the crazy half-elf lady wants to go out of her way to bone me to eternity for "strong" children.

(Well, I do wonder why exactly you of all people wish to continue what your father wants?)

She took a hell of a minute to try and get a good answer to my question, going (What?) almost immediately.

(Listen to the logic that you yourself want to try and throw into your life. Your mother turned you into a weapon to excise your sad excuse of a biological father to ensure that nobody ever got hurt again.

She was a goddess of your kingdom, and yet she was assaulted by a strong elf. It's, well, saddening, truth be told. But what and how would that have affected you?

My dear, all you do as of this moment is try to continue the horrid legacy and perhaps even bloodline of the bastard that violated your mother.

It's not horribly inconsistent for you to try and perform, but all accounts that would just make you a finer example of daddy's little girl.)

When I finished all of that up, she had a really angry face on her. Yeah, I'm more than certain that I just made a couple fuckups with this one right here.

(Tell me, little one. Tell me thy name. Tell me the name of the creature that I am meant to conquer, to bring over to my friend and comrade-in-arms and in peace. Tell me your name, and I might just think of allowing you to rend your father's bastard soul and consume it.)

She took a moment to collect herself as she grit her teeth, and looked at her captain before she sighed and spoke her name to me.

(Zesshi. Zesshi Zetsumei, is my name.)

I took a moment, realizing that Anti was retarded enough to not even remember the name of an important figure in this world. Well, relatively important.

(Zesshi Zetsumei. Would you believe me, if I said I knew the meaning of your name?)

The Bishops that were tied up were all struggling with their ropes, trying to get me to stop making their personal Nike question her existence.

{Nah, we ballin for this one right here mofos. Imma make this girl go directly into her Joker mode and have the most fun turning her into another subordinate.}

(Your name, my dear, is a very interesting thing. Originated from the tongue that your mother and her comrades came from, there are two genuine parts to your name.

Zesshi, the End of Death. And Zetsumei, the End of Life.

There was another name that would be perfect for you. Paradox, or rather something with a dash more flare to it.)

I acted like it took me a moment, making sure that my machines did some passive scans in the environment to make sure that we were completely and utterly safe.

(Ah, yes. I have one in mind. An interesting one by all accounts. Thou, thou shalt be called Antilene. The Truest of all Ends. I have but one single request for you.)

I cut off her shackles and extended my hand to her.

(I wish for thee to become my executioner. For when the day comes that I tire, and not even the most perfected, cooled and comfort-laden beds would suffice to aid this, then I shall cal upon thee.

Become my on-call killer, for the day that I wish to be killed. To be on the day that I want to leave.)

The half-elf looked completely flabbergasted, and I wouldn't even be surprised about the job proposal I offered her.

(Yes, yes I do!)

Oh my fucking shit did she just act like this entire thing was a fucking marriage proposal?



/Zesshi POV/



A perfect being. That's what was right in front of my eyes. Something so perfect that it was a sin to just look at it. The power that it could produce, the strength it could easily call upon.

(Child, allow me to pop whatever foolish thoughts you may have. I am a being of metal. I do not have genitalia.)

And at that moment, it all came crashing down for me.

(W-what do you mean?! Someone like you must have an heir right? It's only obvi-)

(I love my wife, truthfully, and I am more than capable of creating the perfect manifestation of the love between me and her, but we will take our time. After all, what is the difference between a couple years and an eternity?

You are sorely misguided if you believe that I intend to have concubines, or secondary mistresses, or sex slaves. That is a foolish thought from a foolish person.

Wasteful, tactless and no truthful charisma used by the lowest of the lowest. There exists no measurement for how much I would abhor these sorts of beings. They are not fit for many things, let alone love.

And do not make me think that you subscribe to this sort of belief.)

I, what? How, how does someone like him?


(No, I want children. My blood or not, via the power of me and my beloved's throes of passion or by me chancing upon them, I want children. They are one of the few things that would have made me happy.

They are the apples of my eye. They are the things I cherish the most. I wouldn't even begin to care for an empire that I built for the ground up, if it ever meant that they'd feel neglected by me.)

This thing. What's wrong with it? Why is it, so....so.....


(Pardon, young one?)

(You burnt this world down, and yet you keep talking about how you would do it all over again just for a couple little creatures that don't even come from your own balls!)


(Then why?! Why would you ever do something like that? What would be the point of any of that? Why would you be willing to gift something that isn't even your own child a broken hell?)

(I never said that they'd be inheriting a hellscape. I would have cleansed it, perfected it, made it an eden for all who were weary. That, and the fact that I want to do so.)

The thing stood over me as it looked down on me like I was just another insect for it to remove.

(I will do this, because I have the strength to do so. I will love my little ones, because I am more than strong enough to love them.

And I would rend realities apart, tear gods into shreds and consign the death of millions, if it ever meant that my children will never get hurt.

I am a father. What you had, was just a progenitor.)



/Frank POV/



Man that's just, yeah. I just realized that it's been far too long since I've seen my kids. This kinds sucks now. I was kinda thinking I could make a bit of bs, but now that we've finally gotten to the meat of Zesshi's little trauma, I'm guessing that there really wasn't that much point hiding some parts of my past.

(Bring this one over to one of the better cells. A private one. She will not be made into my concubine, rather, she will be reborn as one of my subordinates.

She will know power beyond her minuscule world view. Ascension shall be afoot, for I and Ainz Ooal Gown are here. And this world will know peace, whether by laurel or by ashes.)

The bishops were all terrified about their fates, as I motioned Aura to come forth.

(Aura, I need you to do something for me. See if your brother thinks this half-elf to be a fine specimen. I intend to see your species' existence continued.

The notion of him being submissive yet powerful will be very good for her to open up to him. I have no intentions to take this woman as a bride, so I will leave this up to you.)

She had sparkles in her eyes as she looked at her brother mischievously. I really couldn't believe it either.

There were a lot of fucked up things that could be said about this, such as that one guy that had a crush on Antilene for far too long, to the point that he's already seething in rage, thinking that I wasn't actually telling the whole truth.

Well~.....I think I have a couple ideas to work with. I remember that bandit girl that survived my pure uncontrolled aura seeping out, that also included Ainz' own. I have a good plan in mind.

She'll be the guy's brand new "wife" and they'll be off happily ever after, while Antilene over here tries to simp over a pure elf boy that's submissive and breedab- oh fucking god Anti why would you ever make me have this sort of thought process in specific?

(A/N: I know that we're going to probably have to age Mare u- wait. How old is this elf?)

Well, there's the chronological age, which is inputted for NPCs when they're first made, and then they age accordingly to their own rates.

(A/N: Umm, okay then. Elves age really slowly.)

Yeah, so he's likely going to be an adult in a very long time. But they'll just be allowed to be familiar with each other. It makes a bit more sense than locking them both into a room and pumping it with aphrodisiacs.

Elf bebes are something that would be nice to see walking around, albeit I really hope that the gestation period for a newly conceived elf is going to be a bit similar to humans, because imagining seeing an elf being pregnant for nine years is not exactly all that of a pretty sight.

Mare was shivering a little for whatever reason. Man the anime logic is just going full blast here today. But after all of that bullshit that I needed to get rid of, I had more than a couple ideas in mind about how to go forward with this.

Let's see, the council of dragons next, perhaps? Hmm, I suppose, after that we could go off and see that place with that Neia girl.

Scary eyes and well trained? That's a nice mix right there. I keep asking myself if any of this ever did actually count as me trying to make a harem? Well, here's the fun part.

Technically I am, but it's not harems for myself. I don't touch them, and I even go out of my way to try and bring them over to my "subordinates".

Removing the very existence of a goddess off of Belle and Izuku was one of the best decisions that I've ever made. Well that and trying to make him suffer from the fact that he'll be wallowing in the puss puss for generations to come.

I've been a good Christian boy, and I have more than enough awakenings to how horrible I can be as a person, but in the end I'm still as human as I started out as.

If you don't count the multiple demonic bloodlines, my existence turning into an Elder God, yadda yadda yadda, all of that good shit.

What I'm out here trying to say is that I've had fun. I've had some ups, some downs, and some shake your fucking sanity all around, but it's been the wildest ride so far.

I'm pretty sure that I've got a couple other ideas up my sleeve, but the dragons go, then the Elf King, then that Neia girl is gonna get got with her queen and the queen's sister.

Racist as she may be, she is a certifiably interesting individual and I intend to interrogate her fucking soul to kingdom come.

That's the only real way for this to ever get interesting.

Welp, I looked a bit around as the bishops and living members of their respective Scriptures were getting towed off, and I thought to myself, what sort of madness would have happened if it wasn't this specific system that I awakened?

What paths would I have ever taken in my life if I didn't start out in Danmachi with what was essentially a deficit of Luck, some very clutch powers coming to me and all of that other things.

It really makes a man think, don't you know? All of those iterations that could have been made into their very own reality.

It could be something truly great, but I'll just be here, taking my sweet sweet time to ensure the safety of those that I care about, while ensuring the destruction of those I don't care about.