
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime und Comics
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325 Chs

I Might be the Type To Get a Murder Boner

/3rd POV/



The people of Japan were all living their pitiful existences, being led around like sheep by their politicians and their funny funny "heros". As if any of those people could've considered a hero. The concept of a hero is one that is subjective, not an objective.

It is nigh impossible for a true hero to exist, and if there was one, they would have a major flaw either way.

And so, since a hero can never truly exist, Frank has taken it upon himself to go and become a different kind of fucked, the one that only listens to Chaos sometimes.

And so began the wrath of the dungeon master Frank, and the fear of the people as things start to go awry.



/Frank POV/



And now, now was the time to start up the good old stream! But this time, it's gonna be live to every single person living on this island country! And I have a good plan as to what I wanna do with I-Island. It involves a plan that requires time, and well, time is the one thing that I have too much of anyways.

I told the Domain to start the broadcast and now, now is when things will go upside down for the people! Lights! Camera! ACTION!



/People POV/



The people of Japan were just living normally when all of a sudden a golden screen appeared right in front of them. A majority of them were confused, some thought it might have been some unknown hero using their Quirk, others thought it was a kid randomly using their Quirk.

But the logistics of the country have been relatively quick to discourage the thoughts of the people, albeit they don't tell that to the people since it's logistics.

The golden screens started to light up as the people were all very confused at that point. The words that were on there, much like the last time, except slightly off, were "Stream Starting in 5 minutes".

They thought it may have been some idol that nobody remembers nowadays. Oh how wrong were they. The moment it lit up, they saw a man in a mask right in front of them.

(GOOD DAY TO YOU ALL JAPAN!) the man spoke in English as some people were confused by what the person said. (My name is Frank, and I am a being from the days of old, a bring from the Age of Gods!)

The few people that understood English were all very confused as well when he said something about the Age of Gods. (If none of you know what the Age of Gods is, then please pick up a book on mythology because your lives are going to be dependent on how much you do know about it.) the people who understood were getting worried about what the man said and started to tell other people about what the man said.

(Now, what is my duty in this strange era of powers and heros and villains you ask? Well! It's simply my duty, to bring the Age of Man.) he said with a menacing time laced in the end of his words as earthquakes started to rumble around.

(I will have you know, that the Age of Gods allowed people to do so many great things! But since the Age of Gods ended, the Age of Heros has taken its place, and boy oh boy! It has gotten stale.) he spoke as all of the people were scared that the floors of their buildings would give in and that they'd die.

(Well, since the Age of Gods has finished, and the Age of Heros seems to be taking too long in the course of fate, IT IS MY DUTY, TO USHER IN THE AGE OF MAN!) he shouted at them as the earthquakes got so bad that the ground broke.

To all of the people's surprise, the cracks in the earth gave way to large holes in the ground, almost perfectly spherical.

(Welcome, all ye who seek wealth and power, TO THE DUNGEON!)

The man laughed as they then heard an immense guttural roar coming from all of the holes. So many people were scared of what was going on that they hadn't noticed that some people were falling over in pain, clutching their heads from the pain that was going on.

(And as the dungeon master responsible for this great tragedy! I shall bestow ye who have no powers, ye who have no gods, and YE WHO HAVE BEEN OPPRESSED BY THOSE WHO SHALL BE WEAKER THAN YOU, I bestow ye, the power, of MANA.)

As he said the words with as much fervor as possible, the people who were suffering from a headache suddenly went limp for a short moment before blue light soon emerged from their orifices.

(Know, all ye who have the power of Quirks, that your time is nigh.) he said as all of the people who had fallen down were already awake and shaking off the awakening of their Mana, since none of them actually had it beforehand.

(Be happy that I decided to keep some of the divine beings alive, because you'll be needing them to be able to survive going into the Domain, my Domain.) the man laughed as the people were all terrified. What was a Domain? Who was he? And who was he talking about?

While all of this was happening, the MC's child body was out in a random playground as he was mentally questioning his sanity because of Anti's logic.

(A/N: What did I do now?!)

Frank looked at the fourth wall as he spoke to our dear author (You gave the damned kid a fucking ability?! You have fucked me over essentially!)

(A/N: Oh piss off man! It's just him with Mana! Sure he may be hyper analytical, sure he may be a little shocked that he was able to get that weird feeling in his body, but who's to say that I give a shit about what they think? I was winging everything about this story to begin with!)



/Frank POV/



. . . . . . Yeah I'm gonna act like you didn't say a damned think alright? Good. As I was saying, I was watching a very specific Izuku Midoriya "play" around. Well, as much playing as there was in forcing him to eat dirt and cry all the time.

Jesus Christ I may not like his trope but holy shit this is just full on physical assault at this point. Like come on law and order over here! Somebody needs to go to juvenile detention! And why the shit are the parents all looking at him with scornful ey- oh wait he's Quirkless that's why. Man, I guess it's sort of good that I decided to go and give the Quirkless people Mana, now they're able to best the asses of the Quirked cunts.

{Although this may change the course of fate in such a way that certain events may never happen, I really don't think that's the most probable thing to occur. Fate will find a way to regain control, whether by manipulating the characters, or manipulating the plot itself.} Frank thought to himself as he walked over to Izuku.

Despite all of the toxic shit that other people write, such as Izuku getting pounded by the angry Pomeranian, he noticed that these weren't just characters anymore, they were people much like him. He had mercy up until a point.

And right now, he felt a little merciful. (Marilyn!) he shouted to the maid as she quickly walked over to her young master as she bowed to him. (Help this one, he's a little weak for now.)

After getting her command she nodded and tended to him. {I have one who is reluctant to follow me, but now, now I can get someone who will be completely and utterly loyal. You will be the Leman Russ to my Man-Emperor. Except you aren't my son and I never made you inside of a test tube.}

After thinking up such a cringey line he went and saw that the parents were looking at him with disdain. (You do know that I could just have you all fired from your jobs right?) he willfully said to them as they then realized that they were surrounded by men in black business suits. (Or I could just make you all quiet right here?)

The parents understood the implications of what he said but as any dumb person that exists, there was one kid that decided to mock him (Ha! You're just hiding behind all of your bodyguards! What are you some baby?)

I was feeling merciful, until this little shit decided to speak up. (What's your Quirk kid?) I asked as I walked towards him. My pink hair was always used as a point to insult since it looks odd. But then my common counter-argument would for me to say "In an age of powers, why are you thinking that having a naturally occurring pink color for my hair is unlikely?"

Or that's what I thought since I was a child and nobody really expects much from me. That is until I proved that I was capable of thinking maturely to a point. And by that point, my grandparents were still spoiling me since I was a kid anyways. You really cannot predict what goes on in somebody's mind.

My parents on the other hand were just shocked beyond help. They were smart at their age but my grandparents said that I was something else entirely. That sort of made my ego go big, that is. until I remembered that I was still an immature little asshole who likes to cause mass murder.

(But then again-} I thought as I looked at the kid who was rambling off about how good his shitty little Quirk was. {Being the bad guy is much more fun!}

As I finished that thought I quickly ran up to him and punched him in the gut. I secretly made use of [Full Transformation] and may have made my punch slightly stronger than before. It was a fun sight to look as the little dipshit was laying on the ground vomiting up whatever the fuck he ate.

His parents, who looked like the average asshole, tried to go up to me to stop but they were blocked by the bodyguards. (Get up, if you really think that you're gonna live easily as a heir then you've got something coming for you.) I said as I rolled up my sleeves and got into a boxing position. The little shit looked at me with scared eyes and tried to call for his parents, only for him to see that he was alone for this fight.

(Oi! I said get up! If you really think you'll become a hero, let me give you a nice little lesson as to what being on really is like.) I said as the shit got up and got into a boxer's position. I nodded, the kid had some balls to pull this sort of shit on me.

Unfortunately for him, I'm extremely petty, but not Xianxia petty, that level of petty is just downright unreasonable. So I went and feinted and gave him another hook into the gut. He was holding back tears as he fell down again.

His body was trying to cough up more shit to vomit out but I just kicked him again. This time I went for the face, the little count was trying to cover it up by I was still hurting him either way. Those knuckles of his aren't gonna hold up for long, seeing as joe they're bleeding as well.

So I grabbed him up and gave him a headbutt straight into his parents' arms. I the snapped my fingers and one of the bodyguards dumped a briefcase of USD right in front of their feet. (Next time, and I really hope you take this to heart-) I said as they were trying to keep their son conscious (Be careful of who you decide to scorn.)

After speaking those words I then saw Inko Midoriys looking for her son. I whispered to my maid as she then brought the boy into the woman's arms. (Midoriya-san, the young master of the Ricci family has decided to help your son. Be thankful that he was feeling generous.) she said as Inko was confused.

This wasn't a bad day today. Not bad at all.

2088 words, well, I guess this is okay. I do have some plans as to how I wanna make this go out. This chapter will probably be uploaded a month after I've written it, so yeah. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace!

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