
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime und Comics
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325 Chs

I Looked Round

/3rd POV/



Five days after the "incident", Frank has been holing himself up in the control room of the dungeon. He knows that his connections with the Ricci family is a dangerous one due to certain issues with it.

He didn't want to really leave them since they were a family that did care about the people that they loved, despite their connections to the underworld of our society. Yes, he wanted to bring them along, but there was a bit of a problem, there was fresh news on the television, and the survey says that he died.

Yes, the young master of the Ricci family, the family that ran the Western side of the world was dead by the hands of the dungeon master who also has the exact same name as him. It sounds stupid, yet for some reason the populace was eating up all of this.

(Bloody shite, it's as if they're evolving, only backwards.) Frank said as he then walked away from the screen to go and check up on all of the children. Eri was a good kid that was going to be needing immunity to 053, so he did the same schtick that he did to Haruhime.

Now you may be wondering, why is Ereshkigal safe from her anomaly? That's because she's a goddess of death, and considering the canon that was written about her, this is probably some of the most bullshittingly useful shit that had just occurred.

You know what this is? Usefulness out of nowhere. That's what this shit is, and I'm bloody proud of it. (Well, now that's been dealt with, time for me to go and think up a decent heist plan for I-Island.) Frank said to himself as he then walked over and tried to make a decent list.

Step 1:

- have Domain completely surround the whole island with walls and openings to the First Floor.

Step 2:

- make sure that it's shaped in the form of the Foundation logo.

Step 3:

- abduct all the scientists and take all that's there inside of the Island, mainly the information, secondly the experiment logs, and finally all of their products.

Step 4:

- ???????????

Step 5:

- profit?

Now that Frank had written his entire plan for what was to become of I-Island, he stretched out his body and thought to call it a day, when suddenly he gets a notification that the Domain wanted to warn him about someone who was capable of going into the second floor.

{Oh my, who could that be?} Frank thought to himself as he wanted to find out who was finally able to find the second level of the dungeon. Considering that it was technically the same except smaller, it's not gonna be all that stellar but the sole fact that someone was able to get to the second floor without dying was still a great feat in itself.

(Domain, I want you to put me in the same situation as the fire time. I want to go and see as to what exactly has been able to go through my dungeon.) Frank said as the Domain appeared right in front of him.

She was starting to wear a lot more clothes than before, that's mildly concerning, considering how women are a lot of the times. But nonetheless she was still a very important par tod the plan.

\Is there anything that you need master?\ she asked Frank as he kneeled down on one leg to get to eye level with her. (I need to you to go and bring me over to what busted the alarm. You did mean it when there was someone who got to the second floor right?\ Frank asked her as she then looked confused before she checked it herself by closing her eyes.

After doing so, she opened them in mild shock and exclaimed to her master \How could there be someone who found the second floor! I thought that nobody in this planet was going to be able to get there!\. Frank was looking at her with a wry smile and a shake of a head.

(Don't worry about it so much kiddo, I'm gonna be the one checking up who or what was able to get there. You just gotta beam me up.) Frank said to the Domain as she then looked at her master with worry. She knew that he was strong, but he was still careless at times and she didn't want to see him get hurt.

(Come on Domain, I'm not gonna die yet. Got too many plans on my mind that I gotta stay alive.) Frank said as the Domain then sighed and hugged Frank. \Please be careful Master.\ she said as Frank chuckled a little bit and started to teleport.



/2nd Floor Stairwell/



The second floor of the dungeon is but a very similar sight to the first, the only difference is that it's slightly darker than the last time.

There have been many people in the history of the dungeon to be able to get lower than the first, but that was in the old world when Frank was still not a part of the system. Now, there had only been one person so far to be able to get lower, and that person's name, was Yamada Jiro.

The man in question was currently panting in exhaustion form running away form all of the goblins that were chasing him down beforehand. He didn't know what was it exactly that he had done, but for now, he was safe, or that's what he had thought at first.

There were many danged in the dungeon, and whenever monsters were the same as the floor above, always assume that they are stronger than the formers.

Yamada Jiro was just another normal person from Japan, absolutely nothing stellar in of himself except for the fact that he knows quite a bit about the future.

(Son of a bitch! Those goblins weren't supposed to be this dangerous at this point in time! Just what changed from the original timeline?!) he cursed to himself as he then got up and looked at his surroundings.

The dungeon was not like this in his original timeline. That's right, he was a regressor from a different future, one where they sent him back in order to save this world with future knowledge.

Unfortunately for the people of the world, that reality wasn't as hard as this one. You see, Yamada Jiro was a poor lady who got into the one reality where there's someone who was in control of the dungeon.

Not only that, but it was also a reality where the only powers that one could possibly have were the ones that were gained via Mana, not by Quirks. Sot the simplest way to explain it, is that he's very much screwed.

The poor man soon grabbed a bottle of blue liquid before downing it in one swift motion. He then raised his hand up and looked for the damage that was done to his abdomen. He saw the effects of goblin weapons and was appalled by it.

He knew that the goblins would have evolved in some point in time but he never expected it to be this quick. {What the hell is wrong with this reality?! I thought that my knowledge would have given them a chance but seeing it now, they're all done for if not for the fact that the dungeon master never came out this quickly!}

The man thought to himself as he cursed. The dungeon master was never a thing from the original reality that he came from. All that happened there was that the world that he lived in was overrun by the monsters.

And yet there was even more danger in this world than his very own. The dungeon, which originally only held it's control over the Southeast Asia, was now completely covering the entire world. If the dungeon master wanted to cause a worldwide outbreak, then nobody could do anything against it.

Not only that, but the Excelia that people gained in this world was so minimal! It almost felt like the dungeon master was deliberately making sure that the people were going to stay weak.

(I don't give a shit anymore, I'll still kill that bastard for what he's done to my world. And after that, I'll find a way for me to save my o-) he was muttering to himself when he heard rocks being shifted in the corridor.

He quickly grabbed his trusty knife and held it in a reverse grip before quickly peeking. He didn't know what was there, or what had changed from that little part of reality, but he was sure that whatever it was that was kicking those stones around was almost certainly off trying to kill him.

He then readied himself for combat when all of a sudden his surroundings changed from the dank caves lit up only by the local fungi, to a completely white room.

(Well well well, I never expected someone to be here snooping around my home. Just hoe exactly did you get your ass around all of those goblins that you were able to get to me?) a voice said to him as he looked around and swung his knife.

He knew the voice since he saw it from the golden screens. He was in the midst of the dungeon master, and from what he was talking about, he was mildly intrigued with him, getting the interest of a monster was not something that he wanted on his bucket list.

(Come out and face me like a man you coward! I know you're just a weak little bitch who uses his subordinates to do his dirty work!) Yamada said out loud as the void started to chuckle.

(Hahahahahahahaha, oh god, oh that's fucking precious. You really think that I would give a shit about what you say about me? Dude, grow the fuck up, if you're here to be a hero when I've destroyed fucking cities upon cities then go and kindly fuck off already. I have a job to do and this is it, it's not that fun unless I do it myself.) the voice said as Yamada could clearly tell that he was toying around with him.

(Hoh? So you're just doing this because you have the power huh? You arrogant bastard!) he shouted again as the voice starting clicking it's tongue. (Oh let's calm down for a minute. What exactly made you want to come here? It's not as if you know what goes on in this dungeon, unless, you know how this place works.)

{H-how does this bastard know what's going on in my mind?! Not only that, he's getting even more sceptical about what I'm doing here!} Yamada thought as he tried to find a good excuse to get the dungeon master out of hiding so that he could get rid of him once and for all.

(You're thinking illogically here buddy, let me list your flaws. Number one, you made me interested in who you are.) the voice said as Yamada kept searching around as to where it came from.

(Number two, you're giving yourself away as someone who knows something. Now considering how you've been talking to me, I would think that you were just some random idiot who got lucky and found the second floor stairwell, but that's what you think. I'm curious since you were even able to get here.) the voice said as Yamada was getting more and more terrified at what the voice was saying.

(You're not dumb, well, not as dumb as you make yourself to be. You know how the goblins, the fucking goblins that I gave Special Forces level knowledge on how to fight, fight and are even capable of killing them. You're someone who had future knowledge, that's how much I can tell.) the voice said as Yamada felt a chill go down his spine.

(Now, how exactly am I gonna be getting all that information out of you? Oh wait! I have just the thing.) the voice said as Yamada was getting more and more filled with despair, when all of a sudden, a sculpture appeared right in front of him.

(You better have fun, it's a very special toy that I got. Don't break it, it's too strong for you.) the dungeon master said as he laughed one last time before he left.

2082 words. Well, a regressor soon comes in, I wonder how that'll end up as. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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