
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime und Comics
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325 Chs

Here You Little Shite

/Frank POV/



Well then, I guess I was really fucking tuckered out to be sleeping face first in what I could only assume to be piss.

And yes I went outside and emptied to contents of my stomach thought the same orifice that it entered, and yes, I didn't like it.

Though when I went back in I saw something that I didn't really expect, I saw Ereshkigal shivering in her sleep. Now that's either because she may have a cold, or she's having a nightmare.

She's sweating a bit so I guess it might be a- (Nee-san, don't leave me.) she said in her sleep. Oh I have fucked up royally. Oh no she's attached to her sister. That isn't good at all.

Not good, nightmare shit fuck! She's attached to her sister?! Oh wait, in their mythology it was stated that they were two sides of the same coin. So hmmmm🤔-

(A/N: Yes I will be using emojis to help give you an idea as to what emotion I want to convey to you all. And no I don't give a fuck if you're angry about it.)

- what do I wanna do here? I got it! I'll play the role of some fuckin' taboo bs story and tease her ever so slightly that she'll go unconscious from the embarrassment! That'll work out fine!

Now, I just need to put on the right kind of clothing. Ah I guess I could go topless. Goodbye my beautiful rolls of fat, I'll miss you so much. *sniffs in big sad* Okay, time to transform with a fucking four-pack, reason why? I prefer to see a two by two.

And if you don't like you horny little shit, then fuck you. I go into the "pantry" and got a relatively clean cloth and doused it in water. And I ran back to clean her head up.

(Ereshkigal, are you okay?) I whispered into her ear as she slowly but surely wakes up and sees me looking straight at her. Now, here's the scre-



/3rd POV/



{Ishtar! I'm sorry, don't leave me here!} Ereshkigal said as she reached out to her sister, who was a lot more "feminine looking" than her. She didn't want to say it but she's always loved her sister, she's been there, being nice to everyone including her, who just stays in a cave and deals with souls.

*Nghh* she grained out as she slowly opened her eyes and saw her child, Frank, cleaning her up with a cool cloth. (Ereshkigal, are you okay?) he asked her as her mind short-circuited, something was awakening inside of her, and she didn't know if she would like it. She swiftly got up and gave him her lips.

(A/N: Yeaaaahhh, I don't know where I was going with this. I like my fair share of romance, but holy shit am I terrible at it. Leave comments roasting me for the shit I wrote.)

Frank's mind was also buzzing at what Ereshkigal did. {Wut, wudufuq just happened?! Why the shit did she kiss me?} he thought as she then parted her lips with his and ran to the "bathroom".

He blinked multiple times as to what just occurred. He then got up, went straight into a wall, and banged his head multiple times while trying to make sense of what had just occurred.

After an hour or so of them staying in separate rooms, Frank was already feeling a bit peckish, so he decided to cook up some good old meat. Yes he has cooking oil, and no he didn't buy it from the system.

He got it from the flea market that they went to yesterday. Where else would he go to get such things? So now, he was just gonna cook. Did you expect for me to write about what he would cook? No, that's an ass move and this ain't no cooking fic.

{Still, why the fuck did she try and do that to me?} he thought as he then massaged the area in front of his ears. Yes I don't know basic human anatomy, bite me.

He then finished up the cooking and left the extra oil in the pan so that he could use it for a similar meal later. He then took a deep breath and knocked on the bathroom door and told Ereshkigal that the food was ready.

She quickly got out of the bathroom and sat down with her head looking downwards. He sighed at this and sat opposite to her. {This is awkward.} they both thought as they ate.

Thankfully the awkward feeling in the air dissipated as Frank the got up and washed his and Eresh' dishes. Ereshkigal looked at him for a split second before going to back on the bed and screamed into the pillow.

She then fell asleep for her afternoon nap. Frank then sighed as he sat down on a stool. This complicated things way too much, if he wanted to leave without any issues then he could just use some Class C amnestics, but there were problems.

Firstly, she was a goddess and the amnestics might not work and then she'd be heartbroken. Second, he tried to compare her usefulness to the other girl in the dungeon, namely Haruhime.

She was a good natured girl yes, but she didn't try to do anything at all. She didn't have any real purpose aside form taking up resources and try her damnedest to fuck him.

Frank doesn't want to deal with such a toxic type of relationship. If he wanted to be in one, then he would choose someone his age and let things grow naturally. And he wasn't done horndog who'd try to fuck anything, he wasn't Zeus.

And thirdly, despite her being a goddess, she was chained to this world by her divinity, thus it would be near impossible to do something like that. Unless you had a system.

{System, are you capable of severing the connection between a god and their world without the god losing their divinity?} he thought as he then got up and walked around the room.

Ereshkigal was a bit more useful than Haruhime, mainly because even though she's a god, she still sort of cares about the people that end up in her domain. And also, Frank is fickle, he was human after all. But even if he was fickle, he had some sensibilities, albeit they went missing sometimes.

{Fuck it, coin flips always make things better.} he thought to himself as he then flipped a Vali in the air. And when it landed, he sucked a breath in and sat down. {I'm so sorry about this Haru.} he thought to himself as he looked at the coin, which landed in heads, which was Ereshkigal.

(Now, do I have a clear conscience, no definitely not. But fuck do I feel somewhat better. I'm fucking scum for this but I already made that choice for myself when I decided to kill so many off.) he said to himself as he got up and stretched.

{Now, how do I go about this?} he thought as he then walked back into the bedroom and looked at Ereshkigal, his mouth breaking into a little smile as he then got a chair and slept there. He needed to rest from all the thinking that he did.



/Ereshkigal POV/



Why did I decided to do that?! (What is wrong with you, you indecent girl?! You're preying on your child!) a chibi angel popped up on her shoulder as she admonished the blonde goddess.

(Haaaahh? What the heck are you saying you old hag? Did you see that guy? He's the finest piece of meat that you'd get on this damned rock!) a chibi angel appeared with a pitchfork in hand.

(You vile wretch! Why would you try and sully the chiseled, well oiled, and smoking hot body o-) the chibi angel said as real Ereshkigal was starting to have smoke come out of her ears. (You see that?! You're also not immune to him! Hah, I bet he already has experience when it comes to girls.)

The chibi angel then got mad at the chibi devil so they then started to fight, yes it was boring so I won't say shit about it. (Could the both of you drop it already?) Ereshkigal shouted at the two of them, they both looked at her, expecting her to make a decision already.

(I-I think that Franku-san is quite nice, b-but, I don't know if he'd-) she spoke until the chibi devil said (If he'd want you? Have you even noticed the kinds of things that he does to you?! He's definitely going to accept you for who you are.)

Ereshkigal took a few moments to think until her mind started to drift away into thinking about Frank's body. It wasn't so muscly, and it wasn't that unrealistic, plus he was very gentlemanly. Her face went red as a line of red came out of her nostril.

(Oi! Get your head out of the gutter! He's still your child!) the chibi angel said before getting cut off by the devil (In name only, he isn't your biological child, and it makes things seem even more fun~) it said as Ereshkigal then hook her head and went out of the bathroom.

She saw Frank finishing up cooking their meal for the day and almost started to drool at the sight. But she felt something was off, as if he wasn't alright. She felt worried until he put a plate of food in front of her.

She then looked at him for a moment as he then sat down opposite to her without saying a word, and what seems to be absolutely no emotions on his face at all. Not a single bead of sweat, not a single grunt at all.

She felt scared until he looked at her, she peered into his eyes and it felt as if he wanted her to eat, so, she ate, without questioning or even talking.

When she finished she quickly went to the bed room and went straight into the bed, where she grabbed a pillow and screamed into it from the frustration.

(Wow, you really are a maiden in love. Even going do far as to grab his pillow of all things, shishishi.) the chibi devil said as her mind went blank as she accidentally took a whiff.

{I can smell his scent!} she thought as more smoke came out of her head. As quick as most men in their first time, she grabbed the other pillow which was hers and acted as if she went to sleep.

Unfortunately for her, the temperature was right and she soon fell asleep for real. Meanwhile, outside, Frank was questioning his sanity and his choices before going inside.



/Hephaestus POV/



The preparations are almost complete. Almost every single one of my children have entered the dungeon to stay in it. There was only one person left, and she was looking right at me.

(Kami-sama, are you really sure about this? This may be a trap.) Tsubaki said to me as I sighed again. She was still sceptical about Frank and his "goodwill". I don't blame her, all the things he's done for us was miraculous to say the least.

If he wants what's due to him then I'll do my best to give it. Even if it may be obscene, but I trust and hope that he is who he says he is. And he is how he acts.

I went back to my forge and saw my precious flame go up to greet me. I smiled as I then grabbed a blueprint for a new weapon.

It was strange for me to get a request from a fellow god but I shrugged it off. If they pay, they pay. And if it's illegal, then I'll just report them to the Ganesha Familia.

But seeing as how I'm colluding with the dungeon master of all people, I doubt that they would try and help me. Thankfully there wasn't any info about what was happening so I was happy.

Now I just have to make this sword, I think I might know what t name it now, Revenge. It does have quite a nice tone to it after all.