
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime und Comics
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325 Chs

Forever Will Be

/Frank POV/



(Alright, so are we good now? Are you all satisfied with this scenario? Because being the slaughterhouse owner that I am, it gets a little tasteless whenever I gotta pull genocides again. Yes, I mean tasteless, not distasteful. It's boring to have to kill you in special ways every single fucking time. It's droll, that's what I think of it.) I said to the rest of the room as they nodded at me. (Good good good, and here I thought you idiots had to go off and try to something even dumber than what I anticipated.) I said to them as I couldn't help but notice that they were looking uncomfortable.

Must be me, I mean, look at me, I just killed a literal Maou, or the bloodline of one in like a couple seconds. (Okay, be reasonable here guys, are you that scared of me? I get that I may or may not have threatened you with mass extinction but that's was like, ten minutes ago! It was just to make sure you guys didn't go off on a tangent about racial supremacy or some shit.) I said to them as they all just sat in their respective spots as I sighed. (Listen, I want peace as much as any of you. And I am very close to achieving it.) I was about to continu my words when the door opened up again to my displeasure. So I just used King Crimson, slowed time down to the point where it's a slight effort to try and move, and then I placed down thirteen more prepared wither structures as I smacked the middle skulls on all of them, and returned back to the room.

I can hear everything getting louder and louder outside as I realized that the shed would be fucked if I didn't cover it. So, wand, command that covers everything that the wand touches with like two blocks of bedrock, and once the entirety of the school is pretty much dealt with, I went back inside and closed the door, stopping the usage of King Crimson as everyone in the room stood up and saw me leaning on the door with a bottle of water in my hand.

(There's a lot of shit happening outside, and I do not wanna have to shovel up rotten corpses if you guys go out. Just don't go out for now, and I had to block off the windows as well, we're going to stay in this here she'd up until everyone that isn't us is fucking dead, understood?) I looked at all of them as they returned their gazes on me as most of them just grumbled at me as I shrugged at them all. There wasn't really an excuse for why I did this, whenever I hear the ground breaking outside, it normally means that there's another's fucking headache ready to be there and try to attack me before I have to waste the precious seconds of speech that I was having with the factions.

(Okay, so, if you all wanna know, I will not be showing you my true form. And as to why I have chosen an extremely normal face, is that I find it funny as hell to see enemies get scared of the normal looking dude that's dragging the skull of a giant as he asks "Hey do you know where the nearest Arby's is?". That's fucking comedy to me, that's all I'll be saying.) I kept giving small talk as the screams only got louder. They should not be getting louder they should be quieter. Well, I mean, these are the stronger variants of withers that I coded in.

I don't know if this is the Hero Faction that's attacking now or if this is still the Khaos Brigade. Well if Cao Cao comes and asks who the hell I am, I'll just redirect them to the idiots named Sirzechs and Michael as they'll be the people explaining everything. Of course I'm going to make use of those two as fucking shields, they're just that useful. (Please, whoever is in there! Please stop these monsters!) a female voice said outside as I walked up to the door and spoke (Hell fucking no! You guys went and crashlanded on my fucking flowers you idiots! This, this is retribution for choosing to break shit and not fix it! I don't care if you're Morgan Le Fay or some crackpot knockoff of Jeanne D'Arc. You messed with the wrong house fool!) as I walked away from the door as I was stopped my Gabriel.

(What?) I asked her as she then tried to push me aside as I just groaned again. (Seriously, you wanna try and save them?! Come the fuck on Gabriel! They're here to try and kill you guys! The Great War was the point where you guys were weak, and the point where humanity prospered! I don't give two shits if you're weak, all I care about, is that there ain't no human blood shed! But these idiots are falling to the strings of a fucking megalomaniac that's surprisingly crazier than me!) I said as she then opened the door only to find the same bedrock that I beat her brother up with.

(The rules that those blocks have cannot be "shattered" or "rewritten" by you Gabriel, that's how this all works. But within those rules, there are methods to destroy and even harvest them. I know them, and I do not plan to help you with them. Yo are on your own here.) I said to her as she made a light spear and pointed it at my neck again.

(Really, again with the "spear to my neck shit"?Do you have any other method aside from tha-) I was talking as she slowly lowered it downwards until it was pointed at my crotch then. I blinked like eight times as I laughed. (Oh yeah, oh you sweet summer child, don't you know I've went through that sort of shit as well? People AND demons aim for the spots that make you bleed the most. That's how this all works, that's how this cookie crumbles.) I said to her as I snapped the spear and went back to my seat on the plastic chair.

(If you really wanna squabble, let's wait it out for a moment. I'll disable the things outside first. But I need those people gone, and I will make sure that they WILL be gone. Even if one of them may have the TRUE LONGINUS.) I said as she went wide eyed at the words that came from my mouth. Michael stood up and said (The True Longinus user is here?!) as he slowly but surely realized that I was pretty much protecting them all from the attacks that were outside. (Yes Sherlock, they're outside. Would you like to join them as they get rotten from the attacks of the hundreds of souls within those creatures that I summoned? Because I Will throw you in there alongside them.) I finished my words as the ever increasing screaming suddenly stopped as I just heard the sound of the withers outside.

(Well, that was, quick.) I was actually fucking confused as to how the hell was there just no sound coming from the outside. (You know this is actually genuinely a bit confusing as to how the hell is there no sound right now, I anticipated them to last longer, but I simultaneously anticipated them to be a bit faster at dying since they're dealing with really buffed up variants of the things that I summoned.) I said again as I tapped the bedrock that was in front of the door, walking through it and seeing only five people alive. There was Cao Cao, Jeanne, Morgan Le Fay, her brother Arthur, Leo who was the kid that had Annihilation Maker (A/N: Shameless shout-out to Soul for making such a good fic, and my fucking god I wanna read more of it!) and finally, Heracles.

(. . . . . Well, that's, actually surprising. Did the monkey kid not survive? Is there anyone else that's still alive here?) I asked as Cao Cao didn't even have his left arm as he pointed the True Longinus at me. As for Jeanne, I don't fucking know, she was on her last legs. The siblings were pretty roughed up. Leo and Heracles looked like they were about to bleed the fuck out. (Y-you! Who are you?!) Cao Cao shouted at me as I got a little annoyed at his voice. (Dude, it's like, three in the morning, hold on let me just, yeah there we go.) I said as I got a mug of coffee for the survivors as they looked at me with wariness and hatred. Well, I suppose I should be getting used to seeing these emotions, after all, I did just kill their comrades, albeit passively.

(My name is Frank, and I am the guy who represented the human race within this peace treaty, that was ultimately within our favor.) I said as I handed the cup to the siblings as I pulled out my opened can of root beer and looked at all of them. (So, let me guess, you thought it might have been a good idea to bring humanity into the fold of the supernatural to really get them do see that they may be screwed if they don't pick up the pace? Oh wow, that's just, yeah, that's pretty stupid.) I said as I finished the can and burned it in hellfire as I then cleared my throat.

(Alright, I got a deal, the deal is that all forces, both angelic and demonic, will cease any and all activities within Earth. The fallen can stay, but they're not allowed to go BDSM on any human, willing or nonwilling. And as for the various pantheons that still exist, well, the Norse are pretty chill, despite knowing what kind of a guy Odin is. But hey! I know that some people have their sins, and I certainly have my large large quadruple sized telephone book of them. And as for Ophis being gone, that's me. Yes, I killed what was essentially her sibling to anything that could've appeared in the gap.) I said as Cao Cao and the others were standing there with fear being very very evident, especially with Morgan.

(Now considering I know most of you, I can only assume that Le Fay may have some sort of magical spell that's more than capable of telling the truth. Am I telling the truth?) I asked the short blonde girl as the staff in her hands quivered as she nodded to my question.

(Thank you Miss Fay, that's very nice of you. Now, all of you, please go home and bury your friends. I cut us a fat piece of cake, and the asshats behind me don't like being starved for too long. I know that this is weird for you guys to be in Japan of all places, but don't blame me, blame the fact that the current Gremory heiress is technically a wee-) I was about to to finish my words when I felt something bounce off my back. I then turned around to see Rias with a smoking finger as I just realized that she got mad at me calling her a weeb.

(Holy shit, you're actually mad at me calling you that? You literally count as one you know?! So did I, but I'm more inclined to the western works, but seriously, you yourself know that being one is almost akin to being shunned by the entirety of the world aside from the more annoying people, right? You fucking weabo-) I insulted her again as I could feel Kiba smacking my body with a metal sword as he tried his damnedest to replicate the death by a thousand cuts shit, I cannot make this up, this is fucking hilarious to watch him try.

(Alright, yeah, you really are one. Okay, first and foremost, Kiba, stop will you? Trying to turn me into sashimi won't do shit for you or Rias. We already got a deal. And second, there are guests here.) I told the guy as I knew that he still held a far grudge to me, until he set his sights to Arthur as I groaned and grabbed him by the collar of his school uniform.

He was actually growling and trying to cut Arthur down. (I'm so sorry, he's had some trauma related to the Excalibur, he hates anything remotely related to it. He's lost so many of his friends and he tries to avenge them by destroying any holy blades.) I explained his issue as Arthur and Le Fay gave pity as I was actually surprised that they just got over the fact that they're still surrounded by hyper regenerating withers that are currently down until I say that they're not.

(And so? Why should we be lenient with a devi-) Heracles tried to talk, until I pulled out the Glock and enchanted it to bullshit amounts as it was fun. And then I shot the "hero" as he fell down, or should have fallen down, but his legs were so dummy thicc that the bottom half of him was still standing upright. There wasn't an upper half. Again, fear, hatred from Cao Cao as that meant that he genuinely wanted to kill me now, and Jeanne was shaking in her boots while the siblings were shocked that I just sporadically killed another hero, with a gun no less.

2273 words. ALRIGHT BIG BIG SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. This fic, it's been such a wild fucking ride. But within my drafts, this counts as the forty-ninth chapter in the drafts. Once I write fifty chapters, I'll stop, and I'll be focusing on my original. This fic might go on a hiatus if I'm ballsy enough, but I wanna try and spread my wings. I've got some years of internet culture under my belt, and I'm glad that I got to share it with you fuckers. Anyways, see you all on the dark side of the moon!

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