
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime und Comics
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/Frank POV/



(Well well well, I went fishing for some fish, and yet here I am, catching myself a couple Maous. Isn't that just, funny?) I said as Sirzechs then looked at me as his eyes dilated as he said (Y-you're not the Slayer!) as he then got ready to go into Super Devil mode or whatever the fuck it was called. (Au contraire my dear dear prey. I'm not completely the Slayer, not anymore. I'm something close enough to be called, a shitty descendant. One that's not perfectly following the same code that he does. He's terrifying even to me, but I think I know how to struggle against that bastard.) I said as they then got a little closer.

(Oh, and don't worry about both of your siblings, I didn't kill them, well, yet that is. They're going to play a very funny little role in the thing known as life, and I, I am to exploit their actions to get some stuff that I so gladly want to have. The first, being some fresh blood.) I said to him as my hands then turned into their clawed form as I almost felt the rage taking my mind. It was screaming at me to kill them in the most brutal yet efficient method that it could perform within a short period of time, but thankfully the Full Control was capable of edging it.

(I will say this, older Gremory and older Sitri, one of your siblings is going to have to die for what's coming.) I said as the two of them then began to blast out their anger as they wanted to save their siblings, but then Sirzech's old dad went and got in front of them. (Lord Slaye-) he tried to talk as I yawned. (Don't kiss my ass and call me a lord. Lordship isn't something that I view as, all that stellar.) I said to him as I looked at him. The poor bastard was already fucking pale from the fear of being so close to me. And since I was a head taller, I guessed I should do something to let the have a little chance to escape.

Or should I just kill them here right now? It would save me a lot of the issues that could arise from them warning the other factions. But then that means I can't fuck any of the people that appear in canon. (I'll cut a you a deal here, what's you're name again, Zeoticus or something like that?) I asked him as he nodded like he was a nympho sucking a dick. (Good, go and eat those raw fish guts, and I'll let you take your kids, and their friends' siblings, and let you all go to the underworld as peacefully as I will let you go. In exchange, you, will be introducing me to the Peerage system that you all so happily concocted up ever since you fuckheads didn't have anybody to fight.) I said as they started to sweat again.

H-how do you know about our-) Serafall was talking as I chuckled a little as I went and scooped up the dirt covered fish guts that I originally wanted to throw away as I put them in Zeoticus' hands. (Ah, Gremory's sister went and told me. It's so funny for all of you to think that I don't know what you fuckers were doing while I was off stuck in a tomb. And seeing that you all realize who I am, that means that there are still stories about me. But again, I'm not the First Slayer, and just to really spite all of you-) I said to her as I watched the Gremory house head consume the guts with speed as he chewed them and swallowed them in front of me. (-I sure as hell, am not the only Slayer.) I said as they took a couple minutes to suck that in before they almost entirely fainted. I chuckled as it grew to higher laughter.

(Oh my fucking god, you idiots actually believed what I said? Well, it's sort of true, but thankfully for you, I'm just an older version. Or relatively, if I were to describe it, being the Slayer is my Sacred Gear, in a sense. But it's also not a Sacred Gear. Don't really know where the damned thing fits into all of this. All I do know, is that I am still as fucking good at hunting your kind as always. After all, I'm pretty much fucking older than all of you, except for Ophis and what was originally Big Red. I was actually genuinely surprised that I was able to kill that dragon. And I am pretty sure that some of you were actually able to see me do all of that.) I said as I patted Zeoticus on the shoulder as I passed him my half eaten fish.

(But ultimately, the real reason I wanna go into your Peerage system is that I want to kill more of you. But it's mainly just your shit ones. I'll honor the sacrifice that your daddy made for all of you Gremory, up until the moment that any of you actually grow the cojones to try and break this little deal of ours.) I said as they all looked down as they realized that I was genuinely acting lime the devil in their perspective. It's funny as hell to fuck with them. (Also, I'd like to go back to high school for a short period. It makes me feel some nostalgia ever since you and the fucking Maykrs went and tried to attack Earth. That was my bottom line then, now, I'm a bit more tolerant, but that's still a bottom line that you shouldn't try to breach. I will rip and fucking tear again, if I ever see an innocent fucking human getting hurt from you, or your rival factions, you comprehend that, you rat bastards?) I gave them my little two cents since they were close to pissing themselves silly.

(And oh yeah, I'll be going to highschool here. Making sure that your siblings aren't actually fucking stupid as shit. Fun fact Sirzechs, your sister is getting very very close to hitting my shit list. She's a bitch, and a dumb one at that. And all that holier than thou crap can go and thrown straight into the trash chute, you get me?) I said as they all nodded again as I smiled. (Good, leave me a nice little teleporter here for me to play around with, okay? It's a lot easier to get around places when you can teleport. And as much as I love my new bike-) I said as I pointed to my pretty little hog (-it's a massive expense on gas, and I know how much gas is gonna go. So yeah.) I said to them as they nodded and all went back into their little portals.

Hmm, honestly, could have gone to the more bloodthirsty route, but I guess this is also passable. It's kinda sad that they're all pd fucking terrified of me even when I don't have all of that great Argentan training. Well, the only real memory of that is all from the Slayer anyways. Literally speaking, I can only just try to locate the little nun that wants to be sent to the church. After all, she is quite the devout person.



/3rd POV/



The Maous then went back to Sirzech's office as they sat fell down to their knees as the cold sweat couldn't stop dripping down their faces. (H-how did we even survive? I honestly expected that he'd kill us all.) Asmodeus said as Sirzechs took a bottle of alcohol as he swigged all of the contents down his throat as he threw it all outside. (I DON'T GET IT! WE WENT THERE TO DIE AND YET HE WAS STILL LENIENT TO US. HE ALLOWED US TO LIVE. And yet, it feels like we signed a death treaty for our people.) Sirzechs shouted as Serafall was close to breaking as she was huddled up in a fetal position as she then realized something. (WHY DID WE FORGET TO GET OUR SIBLINGS?! THAT'S THE FIRST REASON WE WENT THERE!) she said as Zeoticus was standing there completely silent as he sat down on the couch that was in the office. And tried to think.

(Son, that man. It's true, he's not the same as before. We, we can get peace from him. He may have the same hate for all of us as before, but it isn't as strong as always. There's no other way to say it. We need a peace treaty with the Doom Slayer. We need to contact the Old Devil Faction and tell them of what we experienced. Knowing them, the ones who fought against him so often, they'll probably think that we went crazy as he went to kill something else. But we have a good way to show that it is the Slayer.) he said to them all as he then leaned over a little more as he continued.

(We'll bring him to the underworld, and have him take a look at everything.) he said as Sirzechs looked at his father as if he was a complete idiot. (Now don't look at me like that. This, this will take two birds down with one single stone. Or in this case, a single bullet. The Slayer wants to beat down a couple of the more unruly ones, and we, we can use that to show the Old Devil faction that we won't be having to figure in any wars against that monster.) he said as Sirzechs then walked over to his father and patted his shoulder.

(Father, are you fine in the head? Did the fish intestines that the Slayer give you make you sick? You need to calm down.) the Maou said with pity leaving his voice as Zeoticus then looked at his son and pointed at him. (My son, you and I both know of the stories, and when the older lords find this out by themselves, they will go mad. We need to allow every single one of them to see that the Slayer is a beast that will only kill when provoked. If not, they'll think that the Slayer is weakening and decide to try and doom our race to the same fate of our predecessors. We cannot allow that to occur!) he said to his son as Sirzechs had a grim expression as he then pulled out another bottle and chugged the contents.

And when he slammed it down on the table, he sighed and looked this fellow Maous. (If, and only if we succeed, what then? We'll have a monster on our throats, and he's not the type to tolerate us for long. His wrath will goes again, and we will be slaughtered once more. Heh, he might even actually kill us all. He's too good at what he does. After all, he is our predator, and we his prey. There is no escape from that walking calamity. And there, there is no peace when he takes us away from the mortal planes.) he said as Zeoticus then comforted his son by hugging him.

(Then we will fight, and this time, we may have more comrades that what it would seem. But I hope, and I truly hope, that we can accomplish this all peacefully.) Zeoticus said as Sirzechs nodded as all of the Maous then went off to try and have a grand meeting done.

Meanwhile, the Slayer, otherwise known as our protagonist, was currently looking at the sunlight passing through the trees as he heard the sweet calls of nature go all around him. (This shit be boring as hell.) he said to himself as he then looked at the little mushroom stew that he was able to make himself. {And all of this, from a fucking convenience store nearby. How useful. I guess it is true that they are a "convenient" store . . . . yeah I think I need to go and talk to somebody, I'm going straight into the looney town.} he thought as he put the pot off of the fire as he then got up and strolled out of the forest for a while.

{Alright, it looks like that whatever the hell it is that the devil girls places onto the town is now pretty much fucking gone. And if I'm also correct, Issei's old parents are pretty much about to leave to start a new life somewhere else. This, this is all coming off as a good decision. But I guess I shouldn't count all of my eggs just yet. It's just been a couple hours after they left, after all. And if it's only been a couple hours, then that means that the school, should be open right aboooooooouuuut . . . . now.} he was thinking to himself as he heard that classical Japanese school bell as he saw that the sakura trees were currently in bloom.

{God this is so textbook anime. Oh my fucking Christ, what I wouldn't give to be knowledgeable enough to know how to fuck this world over. Oh wait, I guess I do.} Frank thought as he then walked towards the school, wondering if he should be a teacher or a student there. {Albeit it would be an interesting thing to just be a janitor there.} he thought as he then exchanged some Luck for a d3 as he then rolled it.

(A/N: Alright gang, you all remember the drill, anything done with chance is actually gonna be rolled. And guess the answer.)

2286 words. Haha asshats, you thought that you'd get an actual answer, BUT IT WAS I, DIO! But seriously, yeah it's a cliff. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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