
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime und Comics
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325 Chs


/Frank POV/



I regret doing that, so. bloody. much. There's no other way to say it, there is way too much for me to regret when it comes to the shit that I pulled off. {This . . . has turned into a very difficult situation.} I though to myself as there was a lot of things that I did wrong. First and foremost, I went and made more enemies for the Blue Wind. Normally this wouldn't be that much of an issue if I was alone. Unfortunately, the contract that I made with the princess doesn't exactly make it all that fun. So yeah, that's a bit of an annoyance. I can't exactly take the same path of scorched earth because tat would be a very bad thing, and would place even more targets on my back. {Oy vey, and to think that this all happened because I was bored.} I thought once more as I shook my head and walked out of the area and back to the viewing point that the princess took up in. {The best scenario that I could possibly try and look for is most probably the one where they don't try to have any malicious thoughts towards me or her highness, but so far, there's not much wiggle room for it.} as I thought for the last time I finally entered the room to to see her angry expression trying to bore a hole into my skull. (Now before you try and kill me with this annoying method, I have to say with certainty that Che is not a good man your highness, I should know, it takes a monster to kill a monster.) I said to her as she grumbled and spoke again (Weren't you the one that said that he couldn't be trusted? Why is he fighting for Frozen Asgard then?!) she voiced out her displeasure as I sighed again. (Your highness, he's not fighting for them, they're making him fight for them. That's the difference, and from what I can tell from them, it's definitely a bit of a deal that their Sect Mistress made with them. But I can deal with it, if I was alone, unfortunately, I am not and that means that you and your father's empire have become a real liability, no offense.) I said to her as she then slumped into he chair with a scared expression.

I rolled my eyes as I sat next to her (I have my methods to protect you and your father's empire, your highness, it's just that it would mean that I will have to remove certain groups from the census that is the record, permanently.) I said to her as she looked at me and wondered with worry. (All I need, is your permission, and I will personally tear apart these lands for the contract that I hold with you, do I have it?) I asked her as she then shook her head. (I still feel that this isn't the best choice. Why does everything have to devolve into senseless violence, every single time!) she said as she put her head in her hands.

I paused for a moment and spoke (The reason as to why it ends up devolving into violence is quite the abstract thing, your highness. Some say it's because of cowardice and miscommunication, others say that we're no different from the beasts that walk this earth alongside us. I'm not a wise man, your highness, I've done terrible things, and made true hells to the people who were affected by them. I watch their pain, and think what if it was own? What if it was me on the receiving end of the spectrum? I say your highness, I have no issues with that. I have made people suffer, and sooner or later, I will suffer. That's life, but to answer why we choose violence, I must give you a quote that I once read, or more specifically, two of them.) I said to her as I cleared my throat.

(An incompetent man uses violence as their las resort, is the first quote, but the second, it has some amount understanding to it. That's because a competent man uses both the sword and the pen, hand in hand. For one talks of the possibility of war, and the other wishes for peace.) I said as she then nodded as we sat in silence. (So what now?) she asked me as I then relaxed a little (We wait, these sects, they're not a true union, such is the case of humanity with how divided they tend to be without a good reason to even join.) I said as she then continued to stay silent as we watched the little children go off and constantly insult each other for no good reason.

(Frank, I have a question.) she said as I allowed her to go on. (How old are you?) she asked me as I rubbed my chin. (By the biological age, I'm a solid 90+. If we were to take the age of my souls mixed in with all of the experiences that I've gathered, I'm easily more than five trillion, but psychologically? I don't know, I've never really thought about my thought process. I have the heart of a child in me, and I have many reasons to say that I need to grow up, but why should I? I have the means and methods to keep myself as young as possible, and you ask me to not be young? I may be the type to think things philosophically, but even I fear the void that comes after life.) I said to her as she nodded once more, stood up, and said (I'm going to make sure that you'll feel much much older after all this is done!) she smiled as she said that as I rolled my eyes as I replied (Good luck with that, your highness.) I said to her as she chuckled a little.

I don't see her as a person that I love, but she is good company when it comes to it. But I'm still there for Eresh.



/To the next fight/



Finally, the next bloody battle. I cannot explain just hoe annoying it was to watch these little kids that haven't even gotten hair in their pubes. (Well then, time for me to beat another child in. This is going to be a mess.) I said to myself as I walked into the arena and noticed that my next opponent was another girl. (Excuse me, umm, who are you?) I asked az the crowd started to boo me. (WHAT DO YOU MEAN BOO??! I LITERALLY ASKED HER A VALID QUESTION AND YOU'RE ALL OUT HERE TRYING TO MAKE ME LOOK LIKE I'M IGNORANT, IT'S NOT AS IF ANY OF YOU ACTUALLY HAVE A SHOT WITH HER IN THE FIRST FOCKING PLACE!) I shot back at the crowd as the girl in front of me creased her eyebrows and said (I am Xia Qingyue, disciple of the Frozen Cloud Asgard, and I will defeat you to bring honor t-) she talked as I interrupted her (Yeah yeah yeah, I already know, your mother went to the Divine Realm because she has someone else that she fell in love with. Guess what? Your father cucked a god, that is by fat one of the most respectable things that a man can do. And she even felt love for your father! Give my regards to him, I can see why he's a good man. But seriously, he would be a huge target if you went and left for the Divine Realm to look for her. You would most likely be violated immediately after you've ascended and that's not a joke.) I said as she went wide-eyed as I could feel the temperature drop to an extreme degree. (How do you know all of that?) she said as ice fractals started to form around. I whistled at her ability (No wonder why they wanted you so bad in their sect, that's quite strong for even your level.) I spoke as she didn't really care since she was rocking the expression that she wanted to make my nutsacks completely frozen and crush them under her heel.

(Woah woah woah there kiddo! Calm the hell down, can't get an answer out of me if you rip my jaw off!) I said to her as she slowly but surely calmed down. (Alright, I know because I have knowledge about the future.) I said to her as she asked (How can I tell that you aren't lying?) I then rubbed my chin as I answered (Not my issue, alright, here's how it goes, you don't get to meet your mom, because she ends up killing the guy that you sent to find her. She doesn't want to see you or your brother, because of fear that her new husband may kill you for just existing. That's why. Also I have a little bit if a vendetta to your "husband". He's done some very questionable things and I don't plan to explain as to what they are, but I can say this-) I said as I walked towards her and dashed straight in front of her, whilst utilizing Full Transformation to make me larger than ever. (-the things that may occur within this battle between us may scar you and tear your psyche apart, but it will never be worse than what Che did. And I need to make sure he'll never be able to do any of that, because he can consider me another enemy to what he wants to do. You hear me Che?! This is another's declaration, I will hunt your despicable ass down to the very corners of reality itself, I will bear hell upon my back if it means that you'll be in worse. Your sins, despite being littler than the ones that I've done, I will make sure that you pay for them.) I said to the crowd as I could tell that Frozen Cloud was wondering if it was worth trying to get him in the first place.

(You better start to run Che, because I will promise you this, the death of the woman that you truly love, is the least of your worries.) I said as Qingyue took a couple steps back as she was ready to fight. (You are not that woman, girl.) I said to her as I immediately let out as much of my rage and bloodlust to make her run away. And thus, another boring victory was achieved. {And here I thought that I could actually get a good fight.} I sighed at the thought as I was about to leave the arena, but then the world soon turned gray and I was right in front of a being that I can truly get a good fight out of. (Well well well, if it isn't the Ancestral Goddess herself. What does the being who has achieved strength out of the very concept of cultivation itself want from a man who's power can get close to hers?) I asked the goddess as she then floated there without saying a single thing. And so I waited for her to answer me. And it was quite the while before I got my answer.

(Why do you try to break the chain?) she asked as I was a little confused until I noticed it. There were ethereal chains surrounding most of the people that were there, and Frank noticed that there were many of them being slightly cracked. But the most was Yun Che's. (Oh, ohhh! So that's what you're asking about. Oh my dear dear little friend, haven't you heard of the concept of boredom? They're not going to be your puppets for long.) I said as she then hummed. (Then if you wish to change their fates, you must break mine.) she said as I was confused until she got into a fighting position. (Oh now this sort of language-) I said as I cracked my neck and pulled out my Bolter and claws. (-this is a language that I can really talk into well.) I said as I waited with mad eyes for her to throw a swing at me.

2052 words. Yo, wassup. So there's not all that much that I need to say about this little chapter aside from me wanting more blood on the floor. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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