
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime und Comics
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Because I Do :)

/Frank POV/



(Well then, that wasn't that bad of a chat was it?) I said to the poor old decrepit fuck that decided that there should only be the city of Rakia that should exist. Let me tell you all beforehand, I am an equal opportunity destroyer. I will equally destroy all things, I do not give a fuck.

The old shit nodded to my words as I smiled and patted him on the back. I then went Minecraft mode and got some rotten flesh.

(Eat this to show that you really are serious about living, and if you do, I may even spare some of the people here. But I'm gonna be choosing who lives and who dies.) I said to the disheveled king as he looked at the rotten flesh of something that just appeared in my hand.

(Come on this isn't the worst thing you've eaten, right?) I said as I shoved the meat into his hand. I didn't connect him to my powers so I'm pretty sure that he's just gonna vomit it out when he eats it.

And well, he started to eat, but then something else had just occurred. Somebody had alerted the guards and now I'm completely surrounded by people trying to kill me.

(Step away from his Majesty!) one of the guards said as I yawned in his general direction. Oh, I wanna toy with him. (Oh there's no need for that old chap, you know, I can see something great coming from you!) I said as I walked to him and pat his shoulder. Now for the hook.

(I can see it in your eyes, a ruler is in you good chap! And I serve great rulers alone, and when I do, I find only the most charismatic people in the world!) I said to him as the poor sap started to lower his spear. (You, you really think that I could be a great ruler? M-my parents said that all I'd ever amount to wa-)

(Of course you'd be a great ruler, look, if you still don't believe me, then I'll do something that incriminates us both.) I had interrupted the poor victim as I quickly went back to our dear friend, the king of Rakia.

(Come on old buddy! You're not gonna want to miss this!) I said to him as he was still puking his guts out from all of the rotten flesh that I gave him.

(Okay buddy I want you to come over here for a quick minute. I need you to take his blood and drink it.) I said to the guests as he looked horrified. (But that's the king of Rakia! I can't just that to the reigning monarch of our city!) he sais as I just waved him off.

(Oh pish posh, it's just another person that'll die anyways. What his blood is, is something that is gonna make you have second thoughts as to what you wanna do to him.) I sad as I gave him a simple knife that I grabbed from a place that wouldn't know about.

(Here you go, now all you need to do is cut his neck, r more specifically his carotid artery and dri-) I said as the poor shmuck really went to town with the old dude's body. Hell, he even went the extra mile and cut off the guy's ears and ate them.

(Well there you go, now you've just been tricked. And right now, your "allies and comrades" are gonna come straight into this here throne room and see you eating the king's ears and drinking his blood.) I said to the poor guy as I then went into /op and flew up.

(You my friend, just got pranked!) I said as I laughed at his misfortune and despair as he tried to kill me, or even get me incriminated as well. (There ain't a chance for you to come kill me so I suggest putting yourself out of your predicament and killing yourself.) I said as he looked at the knife in his hands.

(Well come on, you don't have all day to wait. You have a choice to make for yourself.) I smiled at him as I quickly went into my inventory and grabbed an invisibility potion. (Or, maybe, just maybe I could he-) I said as I witnessed a man kill himself by stabbing a knife into his forehead.

. . . . . Well that I didn't expect, touche good sir, touche. Well, now this city is rightfully and properly fucked, I guess it's time for the experiments. I quickly went up and grabbed the wooden wand that all server operators have.

I then hit one corner of the castle as I flew to the opposite side of it and hit it as well. And then, I suppose if you've played enough Minecraft then there's a good chance of knowing what comes after this. /set tnt. ;)

After the command ran through, I grabbed a bucket of lava and threw the contents on top of one of the blocks of TNT. Well, this castle is fucking huge, and since I basically just set it all to TNT, so if it lights up, then this city is genuinely fucked. And there's no chance in hell of someone surviving this since there aren't any people that are properly levelled up.

Hell they don't even get any Excelia here in this shitehole. That's how fucking stupid Ares is, doesn't think about anything aside from wars and death.

Well, we all know what's about to occur, so ladies and gentlemen, I would appreciate it if you all gave me a nice loud round of applause. Thank you, thank you, my ego grows with this applause.


(If you understand math then n = number. And x means "times", so it's read as *n times*. Just substitute whatever number you want from it.)

Ah, the beautiful sight of no lag in sight. It truly is amazing to see that tick speed isn't a problematic deal here in a place like this.

{Well then, if that isn't enough, the lavacasts could also help out!} I thought as I then grabbed a bucket of water and another bucket of lava.

{Yep, I'm a fucking griefer here, flame me bitches, your anger fuels me.} I thought as I watched them try and get out of the damage area. So many other buildings in the general area was damaged severely. And castle itself is practically non-existent.

I give myself a 69/420 honestly speaking, I didn't think of lavacasting beforehand. Oh wait! I should also leave them with one more gift. [/give @s command_block] An orange block appears in my hands as an evil smirk grew on my face.

[/summon wither

Type: Repeating

Setting: Always Active

Tick Speed: 0]

:) I'm a monster and I'm not afraid to say it. I then left the command block and watched in morbid horror at the fact that I've essentially doomed this world. Not even 3199 can come this close to being this dangerous. Aside from them being basically infinite.

{This was a fun excursion. Well then, time for me to leave this dead zone.} I thought as I double jumped and flew back to Orario. I needed to clean off all the loose ends.

There is absolutely no way in any hell for the story to still continue when there are things like Withers roaming this world. But this isn't the last thing I'll leave them.

The last thing is going to be my perfect encore. My final symphony for them, one last performance before they inevitably perish by my hand.

(System, I want you to explain to me how the world travelling would work.) I said as the prompt appeared right before me. [World Travel allows you to go to any world without any forms of weakening unless you so wish for any Host. And any beings that you wish to bring along with you will cost you [Luck: +1]. This price is a constant and will not change anytime soon.]

The smile I had had grown even further than before. I was getting tingles as to what was gonna happen when I brought the dungeon to a place like Harry Potter. The ineptitude of some beings there just make me laugh.

(System, how about things like the Domain? Does that cost me anything?) I asked as the system redirected me back to it's previous statement, highlighting the cost. Oh boy, I'm so fucking ecstatic right now.

I laughed in absolute glee as I thought of the gods that I could kill with my powers. I had an infinite supply of Luck as long as I asked the Domain for some more. (Things are going good for a change! I still can't believe that I started out in a fucking alleyway.) I said to myself as I decided to take a break in a first outside of the city.

It was a beautiful sight, a lush forest with a crystal clear pond, abundant flora and fauna living their lives, a child limping their way away from what looks like a gobl- {Hold the fucking phone, a child limping from a goblin?} I thought as I decide to get closer.

The kid was, well, odd-looking to say the least. He had white hair and red eyes, there was this weird symbol under his left eye and had what seemed to be very sharp teeth. {Do I talk to him?} I thought to myself as I weighed the options logically.

On one hand, this kid might be someone important. He might be someone that fate has chosen or some shit like that, seeing he has the fucking protagonist aura screaming out right in front of me.

On the other, I don't need to help him since I'm going to destroy this world and fuck the gods over by harvesting as many as I possibly can. Plus, he might be a problem to me.

Oh well, heads for yes, tails for no. (A/N: I legit used a coin flip for this, I follow the chance, nothing more nothing less everyone.)

Surprise surprise, I have to kill the poor lad. It really is a shame, I honestly thought that I could recruit the guy or one shit like that. {Well, I'll just be smart about this and just use the command block in my hand.} I thought as I wrote a command into the block.

[/kill @e] Thankfully the command doesn't affect me since, well, unless I made it a repeating command block it would- Honestly fuck it. Infinite death is the best method in order to ensure that they aren't getting out of this.

[/kill @e

Type: Repeating

Setting: Always Active

Tick Speed: 0]

There is absolutely no fucking way for this poor lady to survive what I've thrown at him, but just to make sure I'll watch him die a couple hundred times before I go. If he does die a couple hundred times.



/The random kid's POV/



I need to save them, I need to tell them what's gonna happen! I need to kill. the. dungeon. mast-.



/3rd POV/



The child had dropped dead. The goblin had died as well. The entirety of the animals had died in the forest. And the kill log had been shown to Frank.

{Well then, it seems that there's nothing wrong here, aside from that one name.} Frank thought as he looked at the one name that he never thought that he'd see.

[Bell Cranel has fallen out of the world]

{Well, that's a bit worrying innit?} Frank thought to himself as he then quickly flew back to the city, but first, he drank another invis pot. He had to ensure that this world was well fucked before he left.

And that meant that there wouldn't be anyone to go against him leaving. Although it may mean that Ereshkigal my hate him, he'd pull the risk off, why you ask? Because he wants to do so and there's nothing that he wishes to regret.



/Back In Orario/



The city's air was seemingly empty, the sky was blue, there were even birds chirping in the distance as some people walked along the many twisting and winding roads of the city.

But all of a sudden, the sky went gray, and everyone felt a sense of dread. Something was wrong, and they all felt it in their bones.