
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime und Comics
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/Frank POV/



(You all see this right now? THIS! THIS VERY MOMENT, THE MOMENT WHEN THE CLOCK CLICKS TO THE RIGHT HAND, THIS IS THE MOMENT WHEN WE GAIN OUR VICTORY OVER THE ENEMY! We will slaughter, we will show no mercy, for when have they ever shown it to us?) I asked them as my voice became quiet as I watched over the smoldering bodies of all our enemies as they were right in front of the city.

(We have protected this city for enough time for our strength to consolidate! Now, now we will bring the fight, TO ALL OF THEM!) I gave them the good old warlord speech as they all cheered for the next battles to come. And for the people within the city? If anybody still has their Profound Energy, then we do the only thing that would be good for them. Slavery, just as simple as that. And as for those who gave up their Profound Energy willingly? Well, they get to live cleanly, without any issues until the very day that they die.

But that's enough of me talking of the present, why don't we take a few steps back to see what exactly I did to them, shall we?



/A Couple Hours Ago, I Don't Fucking Know, I'm Just the Title Card/



(Alright, so first and foremost, I'm gonna do this.) I said to Midoriya as he then watched me as I placed down a Monkey Buccaneer and then immediately went for the 5-2-0 just to keep it nice and Gucci baby. And after that, you already have some idea of what I'm about to do. (Now, we get these babies and we will be set for the rest of the battle when it comes to defense.) I said to him as I placed down about ten Monkey Aces and immediately upgraded them all to the 2-0-5 because the very moment that any enemies come into the range o this thing, and know that the range of the projectiles, not counting how it's pierce is at, is technical infinite. That's right, anything that can at least be a dot in the distance will immediately be shot down for the sake of it.

And just to make it worse for all of the enemies, I did one more thing that'll blow them all up sky high, and maybe even destroy their corpses if they were to get all too close to it. That's right my friends, I got the 2-5-0 Tsar Bomba. And let me tell you first, the Pierce Cap for the ability? Gone, reduced to atoms. And I love that little fact since the Tsar won't affect friendlies and will only really harm the people I consider enemies.

Oh yeah, and just to make it worse, I quickly placed down a 5-2-0 Max Sacrifice Super Monkey Temple because why the hell not! And now, the delegates are all just trying their bed to run away from the effects of the nullifier so that they could begin to actually fly away. Their strength was at the very least Sky Profound, and I do not want to have to deal with even more retarded fuckers running into this little city of ours. And just to really put the nail in the coffin for them, I made absolutely sure that there were enough guns on the walls to make the night sky turn into day when they're all fired. And that's just the walls.

The trenches? Pillboxes and mines all over the no man's land. The city itself? Any place that was wide enough was turned into a fucking artillery range. That's great, and just to really make things shit for them, we get ourselves some orbital bombardment from the other planet itself. That's some next level shit right there. They know the arcs that are required to make the shot and hit some tangos, so that's all great.

And now, we are armed to the teeth with weapons, tactics and fallback points to the point where this place is starting to look like a proper fortress. We even have the time to makes canteen with some gourmet food for the Citadel soldiers. Yes, we actually have the time and resources, to do that. And I loved it when things go greatly, because it's less of a headache when we have to start with the paperwork. Isn't that just absolutely majestic? And to top it all off, they even made me a good looking office. Yeah, I'm surprised as well. The Citadel soldiers said it was for me since there were little to no casualties when we fought against the enemies and that any deaths were only really from the Kriegers and the Orks doing a suicide charge for the hell of it.

The room was nice, a little gramophone for the music, except it was actually pretty hightech and it was just looking like a gramophone. There was a bottle of interesting alcohol, but I'm not a fan of it, so they just took the bottle and said that there was a tub of vanilla in the desk itself. And that, that was my favorite part of it. A bloody tub of ice cream within the desk? And it was in a built-in freezer? I was fucking ecstatic, so I immediately got myself a spoon and then eyed the room a little. It was just beautiful design, no issues with asymmetry, and for sure as hell it was clean.

I was waiting for when the next battle would be, so I got to cleaning up my Bolter and then whistling a fresh then cuz I wanted to. And after what was about two hours, an Ork came running into the office and said (BOZZ! WEZ GOT AN ISHYU IN THE BATTLEFIELD!) as he was strangely heaving. (Alright then soldier, get the rest of the lads ready for another war. This one's gonna be a lot bloodier than the first, but don't worry-) I said as I looked at the Flying Fortresses in the sky (-it's sure as hell not gonna be any of ours.) I said to him as he saluted me and ran for the next possible place where he could find his brothers in arms. And as for me? Well, I saw the mud tracked in and shrugged as I took the spoon and the tub of tasty tasty vanilla ice cream with me as I then walked over to the walls. And it was fucking hell on earth.

I could see thousands upon thousands of strange beings running at us with blades, hammers, and even with bows. They did charge them all of their shots with Profound Energy and then tried to loose some shots, but the very moment the shots got into the field, they lost all of their Profound Energy and immediately whizzed out on the ground. The archers within their groups were shocked as hell since they probably had some amount of faith in their skills and Realm, but unfortunately, when you fight a guy who has the tech to suck out the very "powerful" energy that you use and make it into a usable material of war for his generals, you'd be pretty fucked as well.

And as I watched as they all slowly but surely realized that they didn't have their sweet little Profound Energy to protect them, a sonorous and mad laugh came from the very bowels of my throat as the beastly smile on my face grew and broke the muscles on my cheeks. It didn't bleed obviously, it's just, it's just a little bit wider, okay? (Show them what hell is REALLY LIKE!) I said as the Fly Fortresses then started to fire extreme amounts and since they were buffed by the Flagship, they were also ever so slightly stronger. And have any of you ever heard of our lord and savior otherwise known as Perma Brew? Oh yeah, yeah you can already see why that's bad for the enemy.

I didn't even need to expand the abilities to the point where we also need a 2-5-0 Village. All I did was give them a 2-3-0 since that's the only real thing that would allow it to just, go the fuck off and kill a lot of them.

And as sure as the day has the sun above it, the Aces, they fucking shredded the enemies. The bodies were all piling up nearby the limits of the nullifier as I and all of the soldiers were watching with awe as the demons that weren't humanoid-looking were all mowed down and then blown up by the bombs AND the darts that came out of the Aces. It was really fucking effective, that much I could say. And just to really accentuate the fact that whenever I'm here, we'll survive, I did something just purely dastardly. I went down from the walls, with my ice cream in hand and walked closer to the bodies as the Aces stopped firing since there wasn't all that muh left of them.

And as I came close to the pile, there were Orks and Kriegers alike all behind me with their guns and sharp weapons out, ready to kill anything that tries to kill me. And just as I was looking at them, I felt something grab my ankle as it was a female humanoid demon. (W-what are you?) she asked me as I hummed and ate the last bit of my tub as I passed it off to a random Ork. (Go tell the Citadel soldiers that I really like this vanilla ice cream, have the creator of this one sell it in the Citadel, I think some of the people there would enjoy it quite well.) I said as the Ork was confused for a moment and then went away.

And I was still there, holding a spoon and with a female demon in front of me. I crouched down to see her straight in the face as she most likely had broken bones in her that were cutting through and jutting all over the place. (Tell me cultivator, was suffering for over dozens of years worth it to b killed by cripples who learned how to cripple as well?) I asked her as she then looked at me with confusion and pain as I then took the spoon in my hand, and shoved it straight into her spine. Or what should have been her spine, because I felt jackshit when I went through the area.

{Great, they turn out to have a completely different body structure. They probably even have different organs as well, knowing them.} I thought as I got up as she was already wincing in even more pain as I snapped my fingers and Hans the Flamethrowerbringer then brought the flamethrower and gave it to me. (May you never meet another monstrous and pained group like us in your next life, demoness.) I said as I turned on the gas and roasted her as the Kriegers threw liquid Prometheum on the rest of the bodies as I watched the fires grow.

And I then had the Kriegers return back to the base as the Orks then watched over the fires to make sure nothing came out of them alive. (And that, Midoriya, is why I like to play around with some of my toys. You can never truly expect how strong they could all be when you find the right situation for them.) I said to him as he smiled wryly and shook his head as Belle and the others then looked at me. (What the hell did you just get kid?! What in god's name are those things? And why the hell do they have monkeys in them?!) Stain asked me as I shrugged.

(Don't really know, and I don't really care. I just know how they work, not how they came to be. Well that's actually a lie, I do know their origins, but it's so ludicrously odd that you'd think I was bullshitting you.) I said to him as he looked at me with an annoyed face as he then sighed and started to grumble. (And you're welcome at that!) I shouted out to him as he flipped me the bird. (Alright then you freak, what exactly did you want us to do? I know that you have some crazy plan to get rid of another noble or something like that!) Hestia pointed at me as I looked at her and said (First of all, I'm human, not a "freak" or whatever the hell you try to call me. Second, yes we're killing another leader of a nation, it's either kill or just, you know, sack 'em and tell them to slowly relinquish their power. Either or honestly.) I spoke with the Scout's Honor hand in full view as Midoriya laughed as he then asked me something new.

(But what exactly makes this new target of ours a target for you Franku-san? I know you, but this is very odd for a choice.) he said as I then shrugged at him again. (There's this little gut feeling that tells me to kill all of the demons in this place and make sure that none of them are able to survive this. If this little feeling gets stronger near their little monarch, then I'll probably kill her as well.) I said as Midoriya then nodded as he smiled at me wryly, again.

(Well, whoever is the target of my friend, is a target of mine!) he said as I thanked him for trusting me by patting his shoulder and leaving. The next segment is coming, and I intend to have my people prepare for it.

2295 words. Oh yeah, this one really took me a lot of time to do since it was me getting into the vibe. And I like getting into the vibe when I write. Anyways, and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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