
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime und Comics
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325 Chs


/Frank POV/



(Well then, one big bad down, a couple dozen other fuckers left to go.) I said to myself as I then watched as Gigantomachia constantly tried to get out of the entanglement of magic and goblins, hell, those were only goblins and they could fuck ass hard.

{Oh boy, I really made a har dungeon didn't I?} I thought with a smile as I then continued to wait for the next batch of people to kill. {But why would he send the big guy first? Wouldn't it be better if he'd get the Nomus to attack first? Unless-} my thought process was soon interrupted by a giant cacophony of roars as I then saw a huge horde of things that could probably hurt my people.

(Hey laddies! I suggest that you all hold on tight! This wave be a big un!) I shouted to the building as I then cocked my Bolter and aimed right at the front. (Come on.) I said as I waited for a clear shot of the cunts.

(Where the fuck are you little shits?) I muttered as I could feel the tension amongst my goblins as they readied themselves for another round of battle that could kill them, but the again, they really don't care about dying, they just wanna kill whenever I give them the chance to do so.

I then felt my body start to hear up from the tension so I just used [Full Control] to keep it as cool as possible. It did and I was finally beheld the show of a lifetime. I saw hundreds, if not thousands of those fucks run straight into the base.

(THIS IS IT BOIZ! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH.) I said as I then turned on the full auto on the Bolter and just went to fucking town. Gore flew all over the area as I felt the bloodlust go into me. Man, this shit's fun as hell.

I kept at the firing as I could see that their numbers were already starting to thin out. (Come on you little shits! Is that all of the best that you could pull out of your asses?!) I shouted in frustration as I then returned the Bolter to my inventory while pulling out my Glock and Netherite sword, you know, the same one that had the blood of Zeus staining it.

(I'm going fucking lads!) I shouted as the I-Island/Ork Base was still going out with dozens of shells falling from the turrets that they installed on it I then dropped down and looked as I then smiled. These Nomus, oh they were the fucking shit guys. They could use magic, and honestly speaking, that's fucking amazing.

(Finally! A good fucking fight!) I said as I then ducked down to dodge a fireball that was shot at me. It was fucking blue, blue fireballs bro. That's some strong fucking magic I see. (Shall we have a dance?) I said to nobody in particular as I then raised my blade and gun to the enemies all around me.

And it was amazing, one of the Nomus soon leaped straight at me as I then dashed to the side and shot it multiple times in it's eye. It killed the Nomu thanks to the enchants that I shoved onto it. After which, three Nomus soon fired their respective earth, wind, and what seemed to be light projectiles as I then used my blade to block it.

It still did some damage to me since I was making good use of the 1.8 fighting mechanics but hot damn, that worked like a charm. So you know what? We're going further then before. I then returned my Glock and went with one of my hands being a claw.

I then ran straight to the three Nomus as they were still taking a good amount of time to charge up a blast to try and hurt me. They didn't exactly get it off as I then stabbed the first one straight into its skull and followed it up by moving it's head to to the left and making it attack it's own brethren.

And it did, it incinerated the Nomu that was pumping out a bit of ice magic as I then laughed out loud. This was the most action that I could get by limiting myself to this sort of level. I then threw my blade at the final Nomu javelin style straight into it's torso as it then tore a hole into it.

And right in there was where I found it. It had a fucking core. Oh man that's just amazing for me to see alright. (Well well well, come to papa.) I said as I then tried to gut the thing out of the body, only for me to be interrupted by yet another problem.

There were even more of those bastards just vying to get to me and they were still coming. {If one of them has a core, what are the chances that the others have a core within them as well?} I thought as I then smiled, pulling my sword out of a wall that it stuck into and swung it a little bit before I then got into a proper swordsman pose.

(I ain't got all fucking day you cunts, so I suggest that you all start to speed the fuck up.) I said as the Nomus soon all ran straight towards me, hell they even went so far as to run above each other like beasts just to kill me. I then reciprocated the action by giving out a war cry and jumping right into another battle.



/Other reality Toga/



I don't quite get it. The man that called himself Detective Tsukauchi was constantly cursing the man who was fighting outside, trying to help us. But from what I could tell, he was the person that handles the dungeon. That becomes an even bigger mystery since he was helping humans.

That had never happen when we were fighting against the dungeon and All For One back in my world, so the issue that I have is what exactly is the dungeon master thinking by fighting these monsters for him.

I could hear him shouting at dozens of those monsters as they were being slaughtered. I almost wanted to take a look at what was going on, so that's what I did. And what I saw shocked me. He was fighting alongside dozens of green skinned beings as they fought with a ferocity that could only be seen in a monster.

And there were even goblins who were giving help to anyone they could. And the things that they were fighting against? By the gods, they were the very same things that tormented us back in our world. They were Nomus, and I knew what they were made from.

To think that this reality also had problems with the bodies of the people that cared about them being put under severe amounts of torture and reassembly. And these ones? They had magic on their side.

Normally we made use of magic and bullets to kill such beings but here? They were capable of the exact same spells as the people that I knew back then. And you know what was going on? I could smell something in the air.

It wasn't the gore, the explosive compounds that were being shot straight into the air. There was something else, a sweet scent, dry and cloying as it lured you closer and closer to it. And I knew that scent very well, I should, I've been experiencing the same scent for years back in my world.

It was the scent of death, and it was so much more abundant here than I've ever experienced it in any given moment from my past. And I could tell who was creating it, you know why? It was because I saw something beautiful on the battlefield. I saw a dance with my very own eyes, one of grace and brutality intertwined to create a turkey dastardly symphonic ritual.

The dance that brings death, the dance that tells that death shall never be eluded, it was the dance of doom. And it was being performed right before my very eyes by a man who had a smile on his face as he slid around the battlefield with a blade in one hand and the other was simply a claw.

There wasn't anything I could say as he then pulled out guns to make the tempo go even faster than ever. The bullets ricocheting all over the area as he the bobbed and weaved while slicing and stabbing at the enemies.

There were even enemies that were getting attacked by cuts that just seemed to be coming out of thin air, and yet it was so mesmerizing to watch the entire spectacle, that I almost forgot that I was in a battle, and a Nomu tried to kill me.

But right before I could pull my scythe out a bullet penetrated it's skull as I closed my eyes to ensure that the blood didn't go in them. (Hey, don't get tin the damned way! You got me out of my mojo!) he said as he looked really annoyed that I did that.

Truth be told I don't really know anymore about this man. He acts like a murdering villain whenever he wishes, and then at other times he acts like a completely normal person. It's extremely hard to tell what exactly he's going to do next.

But from what I could tell, he's they type to do as he pleases, and I don't think that's a good thing for all of us. {Whatever it takes, we need to have him on our side.} I thought as I then realized that it was stupid of me to think like that due to the fact that I constantly hear him talking about a deal he made with the UN.

Was this his side of the deal? To kill the biggest villain in the world. (Sorry for getting in your way.) I said as I then went to go and kill the Nomus a couple ways away from the man.I was having some difficulties in trying to kill thrm due to them having Magic but ultimately they were still the same Nomus that I dealt with.

I did as much damage as I could do to the few that were within my range and I was finally able to dispatch them. I was already heaving from the battle when I saw what was going on at his side, and it had shocked me. He was fighting above a literal pile of corpses as he made use of multiple weapons as much as he could.

And from what I could see, the abilities that he had really hit the hammer to just how strong this man was. And you know what scared me even more? He was still smiling amongst the corpses, and he even went so far as to laugh as he continued his slaughter.

I was terrified to think that I was really trying to hurt him a few hours ago when I first appeared into this version of reality. And I regret even thinking that I was good. This man, or as Detective Tskukauchi said, the dungeon master, was extremely good at his job of killing.

I really hope that he keeps his word. If not, then we'll all be paying the biggest price of them all, our lives and the lives of everything in this world. I don't want that to happen, so I need a good plan to make sure he doesn't go back on his word.

(Alrighty then!! Looks like the batch was dealt with, what's your count on your end?) he asked me as he then slid off of the pile of bodies while he swung his sword downwards to get the blood off. (I was able to handle a couple of them. If they didn't have magic I would have been able to kill even more.) I said as he nodded at what I said.

(Aight princess, I suggest you take five as I wait out for the big bossy bitch to grow a pair and come fight m-) he said as I could then feel a large shockwave pass through the ground. (Well, looks like someone's late.) he said as the same feral smile came out once more as I saw the greatest enemy of our world appear before me.

2095 words. Well lads and lasses, ain't this a good fucking cliff? Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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