
Leaving Town For a While

14th of Sunt, 5018.

The bright yellow sun was at the top of the sky, looking down at the small rural town. Carson, followed by his troops holding guns, walked through the paved roads, waving and smiling at the locals. The locals replied warmly, recognizing him, waving and smiling back.

"Hey, Kila! That is a nice gown you got there!" Carson complimented. 

"Thank you, Major Carson!"

"Hey! Antonio! I hope to see you on my birthday! I would love to hear use your flute!"

"Sure, Major Carson!" Antonio replied, before continuing to play his flute.

"Hey! Harmonica! It is good to see you and your brother have recovered!"

"Thank you, Major Carson. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you! We are truly grateful!" they replied.