

Republic City is now full of Equalist airships patrolling the skies and the Aang Memorial Island statue is now wearing Amon's mask while the Equalist banner is hanging from the staff and there are mecha tanks surrounding the city hall as Hiroshi is standing on the front steps talking to a large crowd of non-benders.

"It is a glorious day, my Equalist brothers and sisters! Amon has torn down the tyrannical bending government! He has declared bending illegal and has the Avatar on the run! Our great leader has a vision for the future. One day soon, bending will no longer exist and we will live in a world, where everyone is finally equal! The United Forces are on their way right now to try and stop that dream, but we will prevail!" Hiroshi announced and the non-bender crowd cheered loudly.

Among the crowd are three chi-blockers who look at each other and they walk off to Republic City Park and arrive at a small clearing with a large rock in the center and one of the chi-blockers bend the rock revealing a hole and they go for the hole before the rock slides back over it.

The chi-blockers then remove their masks revealing to be Kota, Korra, and Mako and they are walking down a dim hallway.

"Can you believe Hiroshi?! 'The Avatar's on the run'. I'm not running from anyone! Let's go back up there and knock some heads; they'll never know what hit 'em." Korra said.

"Korra, that's not smart. This situation's only gonna be worse." Kota said.

He later sat down in the refugee shelter along with the others as he rubbed his temples in stress.

"General Iroh's coming with an entire fleet of battleships," he added, "I just hope he gets here as soon as possible."

'With Asami'

Meanwhile Bolin and Asami are sitting on crates and Bolin is playing with Pabu and later Kota, Korra, and Mako arrive.

"You two were gone a while." Asami said.

"I was there too, you know." Kota said.

"I know, but they took their time." Asami said.

"We were DOING reconnaissance." Mako said, annoyed.

"Whatever." Asami said, annoyed.

Just then the same man Korra met before known as Gommu arrives.

"Welcome back! Hope you worked up an appetite, 'cause dinner is served." Gommu said stirring a pot of stew and pours it into a dish.

"Thanks so much for letting us hide out with you the past few days." Korra said.

"Honored to oblige. My associates and I heartily oppose Amon's so-called 'Equalist' policies. We got benders and non-benders living together down here, but do you see us fightin'? No siree; we've figured out how to harmoniously co-exist." Gommu said.

"You are a wise and noble hobo." Bolin said, eating some stew. "This is the best-tasting street gruel I've ever had. Seriously." Bolin said.

"I culled it from the finest dumpster the city has to offer!" Gommu said as Asami is eating it but then turns green and spits the food back out and coughs and then puts it behind her allowing Pabu to eat it.

"Eh, I've had worse." Kota said, remembering the times he had to eat the random grub from the United Forces, "At least we're together in this, right?"

Kota looked to Bolin and Asami who smiled back and nodded.


Later Korra is sitting next to Naga and Mako comes walking to her.

"Can't sleep either?" Mako asked.

"No, I have an awful pit in my stomach." Korra said.

"Me too." Mako said, sitting next to the Avatar.

"It's so crazy. A few months ago, I was in the South Pole practicing for my Firebending test and now I'm in the middle of an all-out war." Korra said.

"I know. We didn't even know each other then. And now, I can't imagine my life without you in it. You're the most loyal, brave, and selfless person I've ever known." Mako said.

"I think you're pretty incredible too, but...you already knew that." Korra said and the two look at each other but Korra looks away abruptly. "I should probably try to get some sleep." Korra said.

"Me too. Good night." Mako said.

"Good night." Korra said leaning back against Naga's side looking sad.

Meanwhile in Air Temple Island with many Equalist airships around the sky Amon is standing on a platform as the lieutenant drags a blindfolded man who is forced to his knees and the blindfold is removed.

"You will now be cleansed of your impurity." Amon said standing behind the man and then removes his bending. "Next." Amon said as the lieutenant nods and goes for the next victim showing a line of benders who are blindfolded including White Lotus sentries and later Amon takes another bender's bending. "How goes the search for the Avatar and the boy?" Amon asked.

"We're still working on finding them, sir. They can't hide from us forever." The lieutenant said.

"No, they can't. Make sure searching for them is the big priority." Amon said and the lieutenant salutes. "Now, bring me the next one." Amon ordered as the next blindfolded bender is dragged to him.

'With the Krew'

It was early morning at the harbor as the new team Avatar was looking for signs of the UF naval fleet.

"Once the United Forces arrive, we need to be able to help in any way we can." Korra said

"They're here." Mako said

Large naval ships could be seen off the coast.

"Wait a second...where are the Equalist airships?" Korra asked in concern as she looked up to see nothing there.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Kota commented as it felt way too quiet for his liking.

Mako took Bolin's telescope and looked around the harbor, "I don't see any Mecha Tanks either." The fire bender said.

All of a sudden an explosion went off and hit one of the ships.

More explosions started to happen all around the other ships.

"A minefield? Dammit, there wasn't anything about a minefield in those documents." Kota said in slight anger.

Korra, without hesitation, jumped into the water to help.

"Korra!" Kota shouted, "Damn that girl for being so hot headed." He cursed to himself.

All of a sudden they heard a buzzing sound in the air and turned to the sky.

"What is that noise?" Asami asked.

"I don't know." Mako said as he looked into the telescope trying to see anything out of the ordinary.

"Something's coming." Kota said.

No sooner did she finish that sentence, multiple high speed planes appeared as they flew towards the fleet.

"Where does Hiroshi find the time to keep inventing new evil machines?" Bolin asked comically.

As Kota saw this he got some distance from the others and raised seven 2 foot pillars around him.

"Mako, Bolin, get over here!" he shouted

"What are you doing?" Bolin asked as they rushed over.

"Helping out. I need you and Mako to attack the ships," He said with a grunt as he lifted a large piece of the harbor under them, sending them in the air, "While I steer."

"Yes captain my captain!" Bolin said with a mock salute as he realized that the pillars were for him.

"Good soldier." Kota answered and they both grinned.

"Would you two knock it off?" Mako said as they headed to the battle.

Both shrugged, "It's an earthbender thing."

Mako just pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance as he got ready and sent a fireball at one of the planes.

The planes started to drop aerial bombs on the ships.

"Aim for them in mid-drop!" Kota ordered as he shifted their position higher in the air.


"Got it."

They tried to hit them, but only got a few.

Just then a plane pasted them, but Kota knew the pilot.

"Hiroshi." He whispered in shock.

He shook his head and turned to the others, "Aim for the wings they must be vulnerable."

They nodded and started to aim for the wings and managed to get about three.

"Reloading!" Bolin shouted as he moved to the next pillar and Mako moved over.

They kept aiming for the drop bombs and planes.

Just then Korra rose out of the water on a giant water pillar and made large icicles rise out of the water and cut the wings of the planes flying low to the water.

A plane collided with her water pillar and tore through it and she plummeted to the water.

"Korra!" Kota shouted in concern, but focused on moving the large they were on somehow knowing she was okay.

A bomb hit the crow's nest on one of the ships and Kota winced. He felt sorry for whoever got hit by that.

He saw Korra come up moments later with General Iroh and guided his floating rock to them.

"Need a ride?" Kota asked in a humorous tone.

"It would be nice." Korra said with a slight shrug.

"Can we save the flirting for later, my arm is killing me here." Iroh intervened.

"Oh General Iroh, always the killjoy." Kota said with mock sadness.

"Someone needs to be the mature one here." The general fired back.

Kota rolled his eyes at that one.

Mako and Bolin pulled them on and Kota headed back to land.

'Refugee Shelter'

They all gathered around Iroh and Korra used her water bending to heal his burned left bicep.

"I was prepared to deal with Sato's Mecha Tanks and Air Ships, but not these new high speed aircrafts." Iroh said as he grunted a bit from the healing he was given.

"I know. Every time we think we have an advantage, Amon outsmarts us." Korra said.

"Whatever plan we come up with, he always has a better one." Bolin said in hopelessness.

"Amon is winning so far, but we're not out of the fight yet." Iroh said in determination.

"It's always good to have you around General." Kota said with a grin.

"You too, Admiral," Iroh said with a smile.

"Is Uncle Bumi coming?"

"Yes, but I need to warn him and his men. Avatar Korra, do you still have a way to get a message out?" Iroh asked.

"I know just the man for the job." Korra said.

Later Gommu is setting up a telegraph machine while Iroh and the gang stand behind him.

"And WHO is the recipient of this top secret message?" Gommu asked.

"Commander Bumi. Second division of the United Forces." Iroh said.

"Why hasn't Tenzin mentioned he has a brother?" Korra asked.

"He can be a bit crazy," Kota said.

"But he is the bravest commander you'll ever meet." Iroh said.

"Ready, sir." Gommu said.

"Fleet ambushed and destroyed by Equalist aircraft. Retreat to Red Sand Island until my signal. Do not approach the city until you receive the all clear." Iroh said and Gommu finishes the telegraph. "Now comes the hard part. We need to ground those aircrafts. Otherwise, Bumi's fleet would never be able to retake the city." Iroh said.

"They flew in from this direction. The airfield must be somewhere over this mountain range." Mako said, pointing at the map.

"Everyone, get ready. We leave at dawn." Iroh said.

"Yes sir," Kota said.

"It's time to take my father to a lesson." Asami said bitterly.

"Wait, I'm sorry, but I'm not going with you tomorrow." Korra said.

"What?" Mako asked.

"Why not?" Asami asked.

"I'm sick and tired of hiding from Amon. It's time I faced him." Korra said.

"That's not a good plan. We need to stick together." Iroh said, trying to reason with Korra.

"I'm not waiting for him to hunt me down. My guts telling me it's time to end this, on my terms!" Korra stated.

"Then I got your back, Korra." Kota said as he walked to her as he threw an arm around her shoulder and smiled at her.

A smile she happily returned.

Iroh hmm'd, "My grandfather would respect the Avatar's instinct, so will I." Iroh said.

"To be fair, your grandfather trusted my grandfather, so you should trust me," Kota said.

"And that I have." Iroh said with a fond smile.

'Next Morning'

Bolin and Mako gave each other a hug with Gommu crying in the background.

Bolin walked up to Korra and told her to be careful and Korra told him to bring Naga.

"Asami, I'm sorry things got so messed up between us, but whatever happens today, I want you to know how much I care about you." Mako said.

"I care about you too." Asami said, hugging Mako. She later went to Kota and gave him a massive hug that Kota returned back.

"Stay safe Koko," Asami said.

"You too Klutz," Kota said back, she later kissed the earthbender on the cheek.

Iroh, Asami, and Bolin along with Pabu, mounted Naga and rode off while Mako and the United Forces soldiers stayed to protect the refugees.

"Good fortune and success to you valiant heroes!" Gommu said bidding them farewell.

'With Kota and Korra'

The two were walking into the sea and Korra waterbends a large bubble while underwater and they later walk out of the seas and arrive at the shores of Air Temple Island and they put on their chi-blocker masks on and climb up the shores and they find an Equalist airship in which Amon is on board.

"There's Amon." Korra said.

"Let's go into the temple and wait for him to come back." Kota said.

"Then let's ambush him." Korra said.

The two make their way for the temple.

"Hey! What are you two doing here?" The lieutenant asked.

"Uh, we were just transferred." Kota said.

"Well, you're getting transferred again. Amon wants extra security at the arena today. We're also meant to have top priority in finding the Avatar and Kota Beifong." The lieutenant said.

"The arena? For what?" Kota asked.

"The rally. You should've been briefed about this." The lieutenant said.

"We'll be there, sir." Korra said and the lieutenant left.

"Now what?" Kota asked.

"Don't worry, I know another way in." Korra said as they scoot stealthily.

They later arrive at the next part of the temple and Korra opens a wooden panel on a wall and climbs in.

"Let's hide in the attic." Korra said as they climb up through the attic's trapdoor and they arrive inside the attic.

"Hey, we're not alone up here." Kota said and they found someone locked behind bars and it's Tarrlok.

"Tarrlok?" Korra asked as they took off their masks.

"I don't suppose you're here to rescue me." Tarrlok said.

"Not really and you don't deserve it after everything." Kota said.

"Look, we had no idea you were here. Are there other prisoners on the island?" Korra asked.

"No, I'm the only one." Tarrlok answered.

"And what makes you so special?" Korra asked.

"I'm Amon's brother." Tarrlok answered, shocking the two.

"Wait what?!" Kota asked.

"How is that possible?" Korra asked.

"He's from the Northern Water Tribe. He's a Waterbender and a Bloodbender, like I was." Tarrlok said.

"Amon is a BENDER?" Kota asked.

"What?" Korra asked shocked and they looked at each other and back at the councilman.

"Did you know this all along?" Kota asked.

"No, not until he captured me." Tarrlok said.

"How did your brother become Amon?" Korra asked.

"And why is he a liar and a hypocrite?" Kota asked.

"I don't know why, but it all began with my father, Yakone." Tarrlok said.


A smiling Yakone is in a hospital and a surgeon walks to him.

"With the help of his former gang, he escaped prison and underwent surgery to change his appearance." Tarrlok said, narrating the flashback.

The nurse and the surgeon begin the operation and later the surgeon removes the bandages revealing Yakone's new face and he now looks younger with darker hair.

"He assumed a new identity and settled down in the Northern Water Tribe. That's where he met my mother, a warm and caring woman." Tarrlok explained.

Yakone arrives at the Northern Water Tribe in the snowy hills and he finds a woman sewing a coat and they smile at first sight.

"Before long, they started a family together. Amon was the firstborn, under the name Noatak. I was born three years later. Noatak was a good-natured kid, always looking out for me. Those were the good years." Tarrlok said.

Yakone and his wife are outside and two boys are playing together and one is Noatak while the other is a younger Tarrlok who trips while trying to tackle and starts crying but Noatak helps him up.

It's now nighttime and both Noatak and Tarrlok start training at Waterbending.

"Before my brother and I discovered Waterbenders. At first, we were excited by our new abilities, but our training brought out a different side of my father." Tarrlok said.

Tarrlok drops a glob of water.

"Tarrlok, you better shape up or you'll be out here in the cold all night until you get it right." Yakone said in a demanding tone.

"I'm trying, but..." Young Tarrlok was cut off.

"Try harder! Your brother was never this sloppy!" Yakone yelled and Young Tarrlok started crying.

"Dad, he'll get it. He just needs time." Young Noatak said.

"Don't talk back to me, son! Ever!" Yakone yelled.

"Even back then, my brother wanted everyone to be treated fairly and equally. When I was seven, my father took me and Noatak on a hunting trip far away from home. He told us his true identity was Yakone, Republic City's most notorious crime boss and that he was once a Bloodbender of rare skill." Tarrlok explained.

Yakone takes Noatak and Tarrlok outside the village and they sit at a campfire and Yakone explains everything to them including Bloodbending.

"What's Bloodbending?" Young Tarrlok asked.

"The most powerful and feared form of bending in the world. It was declared illegal thanks to that coward Katara. Our family has the strongest line of Bloodbenders in history. You boys have the power inside of you and I will teach you to master it." Yakone said.

"What happened to YOUR bending, Dad?" Young Noatak asked.

"The Avatar stole it from me. That's why I brought you out here, to learn your destiny. You two will become Bloodbenders of the highest order. When the time is right, you will claim Republic City and you will destroy the Avatar. You must avenge me. THAT is your purpose in life." Yakone said.

"The good days were behind us. Every full moon, our father took us on another supposed 'hunting trip', where he secretly trained us in Bloodbending. We kept the truth from my mother." Tarrlok said.

Yakone, Noatak, and Tarrlok are hiding from a herd of yaks and Yakone nods at Noatak who stands up and starts Bloodbending at one of the yaks making it stand up and forces its head back making the yak groan in pain.

"Stop! You're hurting it!" Tarrlok said.

"Toughen up, Tarrlok! You'll need a thicker skin for this." Yakone said and Noatak lets the yak down making it run away along with the others. "Very good, son, very good." Yakone said.

"A few years later, my father taught us to Bloodbend anytime, without the need of the full moon. We practiced constantly and I hated every minute of it. I had no stomach for manipulating helpless animals. My brother, however, seemed to revel in this newfound power. He was a prodigy, mastering my father's psychic Bloodbending technique by the time he was fourteen." Tarrlok said.

Yakone and his sons are hiding from a pack of wolves and Yakone signals Tarrlok to go making him breathe deeply and uses his Bloodbending to make the wolves stand in rows and move from side to side making the wolves whimper in pain and Tarrlok releases them making the wolves leave but Noatak uses his Bloodbending to make them come back and lifts them in unison and then lifts them into the air making Yakone smile at this and then Noatak sets them down and makes them bow to him.

"That's the way it's done. That's what you need to strike for." Yakone said.

"Even though Noatak was my father's favorite, it wasn't any easier for him. He carried the burden of all Yakone's expectations and demands. Something changed in Noatak over the years; the loving brother I once knew became cold and detached. Our father pushed us to extremes, and one day, he made us Bloodbend each other." Tarrlok said.

Yakone makes his sons stand face-to-face.

"Noatak, go!" Yakone said and Noatak starts Bloodbending Tarrlok who struggles and Tarrlok falls to his knees and Noatak narrows his eyes making his brother lean back. "Excellent. Tarrlok, your turn." Yakone said.

"No. I won't do it." Tarrlok said.

"Bloodbend your brother, Tarrlok!" Yakone ordered.

"That felt awful. I don't want to do that to anyone. I never want to Bloodbend again." Tarrlok said.

"You're a disgrace, a weakling. I'll teach you a lesson you insubordinate..." Yakone was cut off as he struggles and Noatka is Bloodbending him.

"Stay away from him." Noatak said.

"How DARE you Bloodbend me!" Yakone yelled.

"What're you gonna do about it? YOU'RE the weak one. You always say Bloodbending is the most powerful thing in the world, but it isn't. The Avatar is. He took your BENDING away. What could be more powerful than that?" Noatak said Bloodbending his father to his knees.

"I made you what you are. You're mine." Yakone said.

"We're your sons, not your tools for revenge." Noatak said and goes for Tarrlok. "Let's go. We can run away from him. Forever." Noatak said.

"Run away? But what about Mom? We can't just leave her." Tarrlok said.

"He was right about you. You ARE a weakling." Noatak said, throwing his father a distance away with his Bloodbending and starting running off.

"Noatak! Don't leave! Please! Noatak!" Tarrlok called but Noatak was gone.

"My father and I searched for days, but we never found a sign of Noatak. We thought he perished in that storm. My mother was never the same after the loss of my brother. My father stopped training me. With Noatak gone, his hopes for revenge withered and he passed away a few years later." Tarrlok said.

Yakone gets from the table and leaves the house.

'Flashback Ends'

"That is the saddest story I've ever heard." Korra stated

"Avatar Korra, Kota , I am truly sorry for what I've done to you both. I thought I was better than my father, but his ghost still shaped me. I became a soldier of revenge just like he wanted me to be and so did my brother. The revolution may be built on a lie, but I believe Amon truly believes that bending is the source of all evil in the world."

"Did he tell you who he was?" Kota asked.

"No, when he took my bending, the sensation was somehow familiar. I later recognized it as my brothers' bloodbending grip." Tarrlok answered.

"So...he somehow uses blood bending to take peoples bending." Korra thought out loud.

"I don't know how he does it, but then again I've never encountered a bender as strong as Noatak." Tarrlok said

"How in the world do we beat him?" Korra questioned.

Kota grinned devilishly, "We hit him where it hurts the most." He said.

"Where?" Korra asked.

"We got major dirt on him, so where can we use said dirt?" Kota question.

Korra thought and her eyes lit up, "At the rally!" she said in glee.

"Exactly, we expose the truth in front of all his supporters..." Kota started

"And his entire revolution collapses!" Korra finished

Korra turned to Tarrlok, "Thank you...for your help."

Tarrlok just turned his head to the side.

Kota started to walk away, but Korra stopped him.

"We can't just leave him here." She said

"Go. Amon can't know if anyone spoke with me. Defeat him. Put an end to this sad story." Tarrlok said and they nod and Korra starts to leave but Kota stays.

"I'll be back for you," Kota said.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry... for attempting to assassinate you. And I'm sorry for comparing myself to your grandfather. But I know your grandfather would be proud of you. Now go, help the Avatar put an end to Noatak's tragedy." Tarrlok said and Kota nods and leaves the attic.