
In medical room-9

According to Om,

As I told you earlier, I know this girl differently from what I think about Siya. Seeing her at first sight, I thought she was a delicate girl but she gave a straight answer to Leena. After that, seeing her thin body, I thought that she would not be able to eat much but she finished five burgers in a few minutes.

To tell you the truth, when Ronnie told me about the burger eating competition, I was very worried about Siya. I was afraid that if she lost, she would have to apologize in front of so many people and what was even more troubling was that she would have to hear the same things for a whole year.

I am the richest guy in this college and I can say the most handsome too but I don't like all this very much.I have seen how rich people are arrogant and how they look down on others. I have seen many new students getting into trouble with these rich students, so I did not want Siya to face the same problem.

I was not able to understand that today was the first meeting between me and Siya, yet I was not able to see her very upset. I was amazed when I saw her eating five burgers in just a few minutes. Ronnie, whose food I have personally seen, had lost to Siya. Siya was very happy and now I wanted to congratulate her but on the other hand, the loser was my girlfriend.

"Baby Ronnie's health has deteriorated, we have to take him to the medical room."

I wanted to send Siya to Congress school but Barauni's health had deteriorated so I had to take her to the medical room. Ronnie's entire face had turned pale and he was vomiting again and again.  His condition had become so bad that he had to be given a glucose bottle immediately.

The doctor had clearly said that he had become so ill because of overeating. He may have to stay there for a long time. Leena left her brother there and went away and I sat there for some time. I cried and asked how he got so ill. Then Ronnie told me that he had eaten too much in breakfast this morning.

"You should have thought of this first before leaving."

When Ronnie and I looked towards the door, Dev was standing there. Although Dev and Ronnie are not special friends nor are they special enemies, but there is always a spat between them. I don't know what the problem is between them but whenever they meet they always blame each other.

" "Did I ask you for any advice?"

Dev said coming inside.

" If care had been taken earlier, the situation would not have been so bad. But you are your sister's slave, you do whatever she says."

Dev was right here. Ronnie is very afraid of his sister so he does as she says. Ronnie doesn't know whether he is afraid of his sister or loves her but he does whatever she says. The doctor got angry at Dev because he had stopped Ronnie from talking too much. I also explained to Dev that he should not worry too much by crying, so he sat quietly for some time but could not sit for long. After some time he saw Ronnie and said while getting up.

" How did you feel after losing to a girl? Will I'm going to throw you a party because she ate your leftover burgers. I have never seen a girl more gluttonous than her in this world."

I could see how angry Ronnie was. His white face gradually started turning red in anger. He was about to answer Dev angrily but his face started changing. He quickly started searching for something and when he couldn't find anything, he turned his face to the side and vomited there.

I quickly picked it up and started caressing Ronnie's back. I showed my eyes to Dev but he was busy laughing. On one side Ronnie was vomiting and on the other Dev was laughing and I was stuck in between.

" "I told you to get out of here."

The doctor said coming there and leaving from there almost pushing Dev. Dev was still laughing and I was laughing seeing the doctor pushing him out, but seeing Ronnie on the other side, that laughter was disappearing.

I was also getting late for the lecture, so I left Ronnie there and went to the class room. I apologized to Ronnie for this but he also understood. The doctor told me that Ronie's parents have been called and someone will take her from here.

He was also right because it was just a medical room and did not have all the facilities. If a child fell ill while fighting in college or in any other way, he could get temporary medical care, but he would have to go to the hospital only if he became very ill. When I reached the lecture hall, the lecture had already started and Professor Maya refused to let me inside.

" Miss Maya We went to the medical room with our friend. If you don't believe then you can ask the doctor."

Dev said this from behind me. Miss Maya looked at Dev and then she allowed both of us to enter. I knew that whatever had happened in the canteen had spread throughout the college. Perhaps these things might have reached the staff room also.

We both came inside the lecture room.

Dev and I used to study together. At this time there was history class where Miss Maya was our history teacher. To be honest, I don't like history at all, I don't like reading at all, I only like Judo Karate. I looked at Dev sitting next to me who was carefully writing all the notes and listening to Miss Maya.

Dev is a very good boxer and enjoys joking but when it comes time to study, he becomes very serious.

Many times I feel that I wish I was like Dev. He is as smart in studies as he is in other things but I am only good at Judo. I'm not so good at everything else. I overheard some friends talking about what happened in the canteen and also heard that the girl whom everyone was calling skinny had become very popular in the college.

I want to meet her and talk to her. But now she has become quite famous, so will she talk to me?