
The Mate He Needs

Volume 1 - The Mate He Needs Ariel Standish is in love with someone she can not have. Her sister is the cherished one and Ariel the failure. Despite this Ariel is only really upset about one thing. That her sister will marry the man that Ariel cares greatly for. She tries to bury the feelings she has for Malachi. Even if they have known each other since they were young. However when Ariel finds out the secret Malachi and his family are hiding. It captures Malachi's attention and Ariel knows it's wrong to allow it. Still how do you resist temptation, when your temptation begins to seek you out? Volume 2 - The Mate He Desires Adeline Hines is stuck in a loveless marriage. One that she wishes desperately to get out of. What's worse without her knowledge her husband leverages everything that Adeline has worked hard for. To get it back it pushes her into working with another powerful aloof figure, Dassen Lenu. Dassen however is dealing with a curse of his own, a real curse.The chance for love and family stripped of him in one unthinking moment in his past. Then he meets Adeline, Adeline who makes him wish for more. Adeline who might just be the one to help break his curse and let him love again.

Lee_C_Conrad · Fantasy
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127 Chs

Assassination Attempt

"What's happened? "Ariel asked moving to get in on the passenger side. She saw Malachi following and automatically got in the back. Natasha didn't say anything either way, they got in.

"Natasha are you sure you're okay to drive?" Malachi asked as she looked angry and upset.

"Fine." She snapped as she flew out of the parking spot and down the road. "My parents are at the hospital, they had to fly them there. They aren't sure if they'll make it." Now she looked like she might start crying.

"What happened?" Ariel asked quietly from the backseat.

"They were attacked, our home is gone." She sobbed. She gave a nasty glance to the backseat. "And you with your freakish problem, you better be able to help them!" Ariel felt stung, why wouldn't she help her parents? She was also upset that they were possibly dying. Natasha didn't have much more information.

"Natasha, shouting isn't going to help." Malachi said in a calming tone. They were silent for the rest of the drive to the hospital. When they got there Natasha parked haphazardly and got out before them running up to the doors. Her sandals slapping against the pavement and tugging at the white dress that was over her suit.

Malachi and Ariel following just as fast. They went in the door and Natasha was at the front desk. "I'm Natasha Standish. I was told my parents were here."

"Ms. Standish this way." An older looking doctor said and the three of them followed. "I'm sorry it's just family.

"They are." Natasha said impatiently with a wave at them like they didn't matter. The doctor gave a nod. He took them to a private sitting area that was cut off from the rest.

"Have a seat." The three of them did. A moment later another man came in. A rather official man who looked solemn. He spotted Malachi and gave him a nod, clearly recognizing him. Natasha immediately stood up and came at the man. Behind him another doctor was there.

"If you would have a seat here, I can talk about what happened." He said gesturing to the seat. Natasha didn't budge.

"Just tell me what is going on! I want to see my parents. Where is my mother? How is my dad?" Tears were flowing down her face. She brushed off the man who tried to have her move into the sit. He was silent for a moment and clearly didn't want to have to be the one to tell them.

"I'm afraid that we were unable to do anything to save your mother." He said clearing his throat. "She was pronounce dead on arrival, I'm very sorry for your loss." Natasha stifled a sob and Ariel was already silently crying next to her looking at the floor.

"What about our father?" Natasha asked composing herself a bit.

"He's in surgery right now. I have to tell you that the odds of him making it are very small. We are trying everything that we can."

"Can we go up?" Ariel said looking at the doctor and rubbing at her nose.

"I'm afraid not. No one can go in, it's a very crucial time right now. They are in surgery."

"But I can…"

"I'm sorry Ms. Standish." He said cutting her off. Ariel lowered her head and the doctor moved to leave. "I'll let you know what I can as soon as possible." Ariel knew they wouldn't believe her even if she told them.

"Miss Standish." The official said moving over and holding out a hand to Natasha who took it lightly and then he did the same with Ariel before Malachi. "I'm Sergeant David Eldermen, and I need to speak with you about what has happened. I known right now might not seem like the best time, but I'll try to make it quick." They nodded and he gave a sigh.

"We believe that your parents were targeted, this wasn't just a random shooting and robbery. They set the house ablaze, it had just started when it was spotted. They were able to get your parents out before it spread to the rest of the house."

"Do you know who?" Malachi asked as the two women with him were silently unable to speak at the moment.

"We are investigating it. However there isn't much to go on, and we would like you two to be under protection." The two women didn't say anything, just sat there, Malachi stood and motioned for Eldermen to come with him. Neither of the Standish sisters seemed to be listening anymore. They moved out in the hall a bit and Malachi looked at him.

"It was an assassination attempt wasn't it? Their family holdings would end up under Ricardo Alectro if they are killed. The only other relative that could claim ownership of the land and crop yields that they control is Terry Janqu, who's currently married to Ricardo's sister." This was one reason for the marriage.

"It's one possibility. We know that you and your father hold the largest shares here, and control a good portion of the populated area along with the cultivated land. The Standish control a lot of fertile land, and though it's smaller than either you or Alectro owns, it's worth a substantial amount. It's not controlled by either of you. I'm sure that your marriage to Miss Standish is rather convenient." The official gave him a pointed look. Malachi was aware that everyone was a suspect. Still, it felt like an asshole thing to say to him right now.

"Are you suggesting something? Obviously the land and shares would be part of our assets together, there wouldn't be a reason to go after her parents." Malachi said feeling the hair on his neck stand on end. He better not be thinking he had something to do with this, nor his father. It was ridiculous.

"Look, those of us here in the cities have no problem with how the Vento's of past and present run things. We aren't ever wanting, nor fighting, unlike Alectro's lands. To do my job I have to look at every possibility you know that. Obviously there isn't anything to connect Alectro to this. Even if someone was caught, they wouldn't talk."

"Of course not, they be dead the second that they did." Malachi rubbed a hand down his face. Money and power, how it ruled people.

"I'll let you know if we find anything. But I suggest that you keep a close eye on the two Standish. I didn't know that they had a younger daughter."

"Most don't, I'm sure that it is Natasha who is set to inherit what her parents have left. Ariel is a bit, overlooked if you will." Eldermen just gave a nod and moved off. Malachi went to go back to where the others were sitting. A lot of heavy thoughts on his mind.