
The Masked Oath

When Casimir's mother was killed before he could even count, his life took a turn for the worst. His early maturity was not a choice and neither was honing his sharp mind especially when being an orphan in an unforgiving world at such an age, was a death sentence. But against whatever odds pitted against him Casimir made it to the age of awakening mostly intact, that is if you chose to ignore his mental capabilities. Despite the early misfortune, his already dark fate would take another defining turn when he would awaken with a dreadful and terrible origin.

Croppedtrolley · Fantasie
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59 Chs


Casimir finished his study and made his way to his room. He had just finished his research on the Blood Savannah. It didn't take him long to get there he was now getting familiar with the labyrinthine structure that was the military campus. He reckoned it was larger than the awakened association campus, it had to be it was Cestane's military after all.

Although it didn't bother him, he was starting to see he had a change of heart on the issue of making a friend. Oscar was a good lad and an intelligent one too, it was hard to find intelligent people nowadays and Casimir, who silently trudged through the corridors, knew that now wasn't the time to think about that or not the place either.

After another 10 minutes of walking, he entered his room and closed the door behind him. A lot was going on right now on the military campus. During their lunch today he overheard a couple of their officers talk about an issue they coined "parallel one". He didn't know what it was about but he knew it was the reason why there was now even more activity on the military campus than there usually was. Even some representatives from House Wynn had arrived at the military campus and headquarters to discuss certain issues.

Casimir fell onto his bed and closed his eyes. He was too tired to have a go at the internal gossip that was going on.

It was another peaceful night for him. He was getting more of those towards their campaign which didn't sit well with him, but he convinced himself that not everything was meant to kill you and fate didn't have anything against him and that sometimes you could relax and enjoy peace.

Since the dream that came bearing a prophecy where he met the Eye of Solace, he had developed an unease with dreams. He no longer took them as lightly as he used to and was now aware that whatever happened in the land of sleep most definitely had some bearing on their world.

When he awoke in the morning, he went about the usual. The morning jog in what should have been a bitter cold through the military campus was followed by a shower and breakfast immediately after. Instead of lectures, this time they would be having a briefing with their officers and Lieutenant Banks for the upcoming campaign which was now tomorrow.

The cadets of the fifth squadron filled up their resident lecture theatre. The mood was bubbly and the atmosphere reeked of excitement. These cadets were excited and that was, to say the least about how they felt. Their thoughts were contrary to what had become the ideal human nature ever since civilization came to be. Abhorrence for violence. However, the thought of finally putting to use what they had been taught and weaponizing what they had inherited was nothing short of exhilarating.

However, in such situations all it took was a rush of blood and a spike of adrenaline and things would go South at a devastating pace. Casimir knew better than to let his feelings get the better of him alas he was still human and a teenager for that matter, to say he wasn't looking forward to his first fight and subsequently his first campaign would be a lie.

The cadets took up their seats. When the room had settled, Lieutenant Banks, who along with Officer Morris and Officer Evelyn were already seated in the room, stood up and made her way towards a makeshift podium that had been brought into their lecture theatre for this sole purpose.

Before she began addressing the cadets she scanned the room some shenanigans that Casimir attributed to her overly theatric persona, she loved to live her life like a movie.

"Greetings cadets, it's finally here it seems. Tomorrow we will be departing early morning after breakfast for your first campaign. I understand most of you are excited, I beg you to reign in that excitement. Where you are going tomorrow is a very dangerous place where typically younger cadets such as yourself would not go, however, due to certain circumstances and dangers related to capital affairs, that is where your first campaign shall be. Fortunately, the Blood Savannah is not short of abyssal creatures in nightmares untold so you will get your chance to see how far you've come."

The room broke into excited murmurs and jubilant whispers. It went without saying that the cadets listened to what they wanted to and ignored what they didn't want to hear, that didn't bother the commanding officers, a more optimistic group would be much easier to lead but they knew that they would have headaches soon if things got drastically harder. They usually got harder. Lieutenant Banks held up a hand and sent the room into silence. She sighed audibly for the whole room to hear, clearly making her disappointment available for all to see.

"As I said excitement will not help you all but I don't think there's anything I can say to get you to understand so I will just move on. There will be four vehicles that we will travel in, all of them are armed with artillery and each vehicle should have its own supplies you shall be boarding your vehicle based on your squad and our squads have already been made known via our communication devices you must not be late or else you will be left behind and those who are left behind are punished. The convoy shall proceed to Blood Savannah, we will make a few stops along the way approximately two before we reach our area of interest. Where our campaign begins, the campaign shall last a month and we will be back here. Your performances shall be evaluated, we will have an additional six officers joining our squadron and I shall remain in command as your Lieutenant squad captains will be assigned by your officers. Enjoy the rest of your day cadets sleep early and rest easy you will have a long month ahead of you… you're dismissed."

Sorry about the absence my avid readers i got pre occupied prepared two chapters today, I"ll try do three tomorow as an apology, but no promises

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