
The Masked Oath

When Casimir's mother was killed before he could even count, his life took a turn for the worst. His early maturity was not a choice and neither was honing his sharp mind especially when being an orphan in an unforgiving world at such an age, was a death sentence. But against whatever odds pitted against him Casimir made it to the age of awakening mostly intact, that is if you chose to ignore his mental capabilities. Despite the early misfortune, his already dark fate would take another defining turn when he would awaken with a dreadful and terrible origin.

Croppedtrolley · Fantasie
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59 Chs


Casimir followed quietly after the old man. They walked through the ruins of the once Mighty Temple. Casimir's eyes frequently wandered as he took in his surroundings. The old man ahead of him in the large purple robe moved with purpose. Casimir could never see his feet nor hear the steps of his large stride. There was something embroidered on the back of the large man's robe but Casimir did not know what it meant, however, he did know it was clearly symbolic of where the old man originated from. Perhaps maybe it was an insignia of a lost civilization considering the old man had revealed to Casimir that he was much older than he would have guessed.

He sent his aura forward and destruction bathed the environment. Although he didn't inherently feel as if he was in danger when walking with the old man, he opted not to trust someone he had just met.

'... Not like I can do much to him anyways...'

Casimir was aware that he was very much inferior to the old man. He couldn't sense the man's soul core rank and his aura met resistance when faced with going through the old man. A lot of variables had sprung up but he was glad to be relatively safer now even if it was just for a few hours.

Casimir further scrutinized the stranger. He had been asked to keep quiet but questions kept brewing in the back of his mind. He was afraid that if he kept quiet any longer he'd forget the more important ones because of course the still mind enchantment was still on. The old man however began to whistle a tune unfamiliar to Casimir. Jovial and carefree was about the best way Casimir could describe his new acquaintance. Perhaps that would make him easier to deal with, only time would tell.

"I'm sorry I cannot wait any longer I've got very burning questions and I fear I may forget them if I'm silent for too long."

Hearing Casimir's plea the old man's hand rose to stroke his beard, contemplating what the young man had said. Casimir's eyes were eagerly trained on the back of the old man awaiting a response.

"Very well then ask away, however, I will answer whatever I want that will be the price of your impatience."

"Fair enough."

"Oh and in the case that we are attacked make sure to stay out of my line of sight for your own safety of course."


" I will start by answering your first question, I am Evander the wise of Narcerus. I am a scholar and a warrior... Helios' Petulance is my tale."

'Helios as in sun?' Casimir asked himself.

Currently, there wasn't a shortage of those whose power descended from the sun god and the word petulance rose a lot of questions within Casimir's mind. He still didn't know what fables in earnest meant or represented and how they made mortals more powerful.


"Have you not heard of it, boy? Are you a street urchin perhaps... I assume that even if the nation perished, it would at least be recorded within your history books would it not? I have not spoken to the lad who came recently so I do not know anything that happened within the last 50 or so years."

"I'm actually an orphan."

"I see..."

"How about the monsters I met outside?"

"Ah you mean those little mutts? they are creatures that belong to the temple... a fail-safe in case you did not have the will to live. They'd just eat whatever of you was left."

"I see... and this place... what trials or challenges must be overcome to escape?"

" You do not wish to be a prisoner... do you by chance have any ones you have to return to for your sake I would advise you that it would be better to forget them now than to break your own heart."

Casimir did not respond however it was clear to him that even the old Geezer did not believe they would be escaping anytime soon.

"So the reason why I did not meet any other monsters outside it's because they're controlled phenomena in the first place."

"You could say that..."

"Then within this temple why are we safe?"

"That is because you are within the jurisdiction of the dead king's Chambers. The temple has regions in which it is considered safe and in those regions is where the majority of the challengers and what remains of them reside. We are not many but we are quite the handful."

"How do challenges occur and what is the final test? What are the criteria for completing the dead king's test? You never said anything about that yet."

"Well... how do I put this... there is not just a single test boy and neither do we actually know what the final hurdle is however of the ones that have been completed there seems to be a puzzle and that puzzle is quite difficult."

"And where do we initiate the challenges?"

"Well the challenges can be initiated within designated areas of the temple...every challenge has been At least done to some degree. There just hasn't been... Progress on the mental side of things quite frankly."

Because the still mind enchantment was on Casimir's suspicions rose.

'He seems to be very willing to tell me a lot...I don't know if he's being truthful or not but...'

"Are we in a safe zone?"

"You are asking that now? No, we are not however there is nothing dangerous enough for me within these ruins."

"If it's not much of a bother would you mind telling me your soul core rank and why I cannot sense it? Why does it feel as if there is a wall surrounding you when my aura does a once-over on the environment."

"Well I am of the fourth realm boy, and that sensation is because of my own aura. My powers are from the sun and by extension aura holders from the principality of the Sun god possess auras of the orders of rulers, I assume your aura is of the order of destroyers?"

"Yes... how did you know?"

"Your fable possesses the word, Gedeon, even a fool knows the name of annihilation incarnate." the old man did little to hide his annoyance, perhaps it should've been obvious.

"I see..."

Casimir had made an interesting acquaintance and he would acquire as much knowledge as he could.