
The Mask delivered to me

A random mask appeared at Red's House out of nowhere. Upon wearing the mask, strange things begin to happen. Bad luck would seemingly be stuck with him as he gets into new troubles one way or another.

Aphath · Fantasie
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157 Chs

Tips for Big Monsters

Dropping from such deep height with no light to see, it was hard to sense anything at all. At the end, we landed on the ground. Taking out a torch,aster Darius light it up to check where we were as he starts getting more excited.

"God, its been so long since I'm in a labyrinth."

Looks like a maze to me to be honest. The whole damn area was covered in walls, with snakes slithering and hissing when we used the torch to navigate this cold and creepy area

There was also this awful stench, where I know it too well. The smell of the dead. Circling around travelling left and right. We took a break sitting down and have our meals. Though it was kinda nasty, with the dirt everywhere, dead corpses. It made it miserable. As I reach for the egg and placed it near the fire to keep it warm. It cracked. Looks like it's going to hatch soon.

While resting, I continued with the aura practice. While inside my mind, I still couldn't imagine how it was going to release. Until I remembered a Chinese saying that Grandmother told me.

"Listen up Xiao Hong** (Red in Chinese), we as people should not try to keep mess with our shoulders and forehead. These are the place where we have a small flame there. You may not see it but it's there and it is there to protect you."

Visualising what my grandmother said, I tried focusing an image on my part first, my shoulders. But it didn't seem to make sense to exert power there, so I tried redirecting what ever image I had to my right hand. And behold, I got it.

Master Darius looked at it astonished, "Aura art is normally spread to your entire body even if it's weak. But instead, you focused it on your hand first? I never knew that's possible... HoHoHo."

On my right hand was a little flame looking wave circling around it. Got to say, I was pretty proud of myself.

With that we proceed forward to deepest part. More monster related to snakes appeared as the bulldoze our way in. At the end we reached a door at least 10 times bigger that Master Darius.

We opened the door and proceed in.

"This must be a boss room."

"It's humongous." I replied adding on,

"I bet you today's dinner that the boss is going to be a sna___"

Just then I felt bloodlust from behind us, I summoned Fang and dodged roll, to the side.

The monster came crashing on us but Master Darius used a single hand to stopped it, avoiding myself to crush to death.

"Alright time for me to let loose abit. You sit there and see what can you learn from this." As he ordered me to sit down.

I nod my head slowly dumbfounded, to see the monster. It was another big ass snake. Larger than the Imoogi as well.

But the real monster wasn't the snake. It was the King. That monster didn't just stop the snake from crashing us. He stopped and Grabbed it, by it's face with his bare hand controlling it.

"Now Listen up. Here's gonna be a lesson on how to fight an monster several times bigger than you."

He flings the snake all the way to the back, crashing it with a wall.

"Against someone like this, make sure you keep a huge distance. Especially one with deadly venom. It may be big but it can move fast and strike fast.

[It's a Basilisk. So one touch of the poison and thou will see heaven.]

"Why are the enemies I fight all reptillians."

Master Darius grabs his greatsword and stab it against the ground and waited.

The Basilisk for pissed and starts thrashing about, using it's tail to smash the surrounding. I dodged the incoming debris while Master Darius just kick the tail to another side.

"Normally big creatures like this would have somensort of weakness in its body somewhere" He said as he jumps forward Basilisk and slashed it's back.

"Around here." As he shows me a spot on the Basilisk scale that is soft compared to the Hard ones.

"But I'll not defeat it this way and show you another way."

The Basilisk got angrier as the King continues to mock him.

[Basilisk is known to be King of Serpent, for him to be humiliated in this manner must be infuriating.]

Following him, he also said,

"Another way to aggravate the monster is to cut his tail off. In this case_____"

He jumped and cleaved the other end of the Basilisk.

I kinda feel bad for it.

"Now, here's a tutorial explanation on Aura. Aura is a natural technique where it incorporates the energy around you to your body and fill it in like a vessel, converting it to explosive kinetic energy."

"Compared to mana where all the internal magical properties recognizing the data required in a spell, which evokes the start of either a skill or magic spells. These two uses a different type of energy. And the two also have very different properties. So you could use both Magic and Aura in the same time."

I stared in awe, shocked that my Master could actually something so complex.

"Though you can't really mix both of this energy together. However you can use Aura in a vessel while executing a magic skill."

He concentrates his aura on his weapon, the weapon had a glow of Yellow light on the blade. From there he took out the place and Evoke a magic spell.

[Aura Blade] + [Magma Crash]

He slams the attack on the ground in the direction of the Basilisk. It tries to escape only for the floor to collapse under her with magma consuming it's flesh. The Shockwave of the blade was also reflected, Slicing it's entire head off, decapitating it.

The attack went to far as the entire labyrinth crumbles causing a huge hole where the attack is still ongoing in the walls, melting everything in it's paths.

"Crap, shouldn't have use it here. It's too small here." Master Darius said, as the wall around us start to crumble and shake violently.

"God damn it, do you not think before you shoot, you idiot!" I yelled as I started running.

"Is that any way to speak to your master?!" Master Darius replied, running together.

We ran forward, away from the cave in that was rapid chasing us.

"Infront!" As I said think that the front entrance was insight, just for it to crumble as well. Shit, I thought to myself, seeing that there was no way out, but in the corner of my eyes was a room. I broke the door open and we all retreated in. With everything behind that door crumbling and collapse.

As we try to sit up and figure out where we are. There were gold coins and antiques everywhere on the floor. It was the treasure room.


Just then the egg on my back, hatched.