

Rui stared at the three Martial Masters with apprehension. 

There was the fact that he knew the three of them had confronted Master Deivon about Rui.

And one of them apparently even believed that he was the Virodhabhasa.

He didn't even need to ask which one of them it was.

One look into Master Uma's eyes, and he could literally see the feverous devotion oozing out of them.

She gazed at him like he was destined to be the deity of her worship.

He should have felt flattered.

Honored that such a being worshipped him.

Yet he didn't feel anything other than terror.

'When she sees me, she doesn't see me, Rui Quarrier.' His eyes narrowed. 'She only sees the Virodhabhasa. I am a vessel of the divine or something, not a sovereign individual.'

"Congratulations Champion Falken," Master Greminga smiled.