
The Martial Unity

**Join the Discord server for a high-quality Map of Kandria!!! ** A passionate researcher and lover of martial arts and combat sports finds himself reincarnated in a fantastical world of Martial Art. No longer shackled by the disease that afflicted his body on Earth, he decided to dedicate his body, heart, mind and soul to becoming a Martial Artist. What happens when a man of Earth meets an unearthly world? What happens when science meets fantasy? Follow Rui as he journeys through his Martial Path in a world of fantasies and tribulations. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Please support the novel with power stones, comments, reviews and gifts for more frequent updates. Even the tiniest bit of help does more for me than you can imagine. Join the novel Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/688uxZaAVF Art by: https://digitalrowye.com/

Lord_Streak · Aktion
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2345 Chs

Mind Palace

For the Apprentice-level technique, he could go on one step further and give out techniques that employed a basic amount of data analytics. It didn't need to be something insane, but Martial Apprentices could certainly use a good deal of more rigorous data-driven analytics.

In this world, he even had a trump card that he didn't have in his previous life.

'The Mind Palace technique,' Rui mused.

If Rui were to be asked which technique he would retain and was forced to lose all other techniques his Martial Art had, he would unhesitatingly choose the Mind Palace technique.

It wasn't even close. Not even remotely.

It was the final key to the power of the VOID algorithm. It was the final piece of the puzzle that made the VOID algorithm not just practical but also extremely powerful!

Without it, he was far weaker.