

"That's quite the high esteem," Rui remarked. "I'm not sure if I have the ability to earn their approval."

"Nonsense," Master Ceeran huffed. "You have already earned their approval. The only ones who don't approve of you are jealous!"

Rui winced at the man's strong statements. Rui would never dare to say such a thing, he had far too much respect for every Martial Master. 

"Rest assured that most Martial Masters are pleased with you just from your contribution of the Hungry Pain technique, you have enriched all future Martial Squires, something that will undoubtedly benefit all Martial Sects, and thus their leaders as well," Master Ceeran smiled. "While you have been rewarded heftily by the Martial Union, there is no doubt that have managed to gain the debt of the Martial Sects as well. When the time comes, many of them will honor that debt and approve your nomination as a constituent of the fiscal committee."