

A story about a child with the mark that will bring about the destruction of worlds, such a great power lies in the hands of a child. what is the fate of the world?

Asiazobor_Daniel · Fantasie
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27 Chs

The prophecy III

"Hi there, magic mirror! I'm Jordan," I said, attempting to introduce myself. Amma quickly interrupted, instructing me on the proper way to address the mirror. "Be silent, Jordan. To communicate with the mirror, you must say, 'Arise Oh magic mirror of Lalorama, the one who sees the future of the past.' Then, explain why you're here," she explained. I nodded and replied, "Okay, I'll say it now." Taking a deep breath, I continued, "Arise oh magic mirror of Lalorama, the one who sees the future of the past I'm here because I want to talk to you. I have a question that has been troubling me, and I need your guidance." As soon as the words left my lips, the mirror began to move. The face that had appeared earlier locked eyes with me and spoke in a loud and weighty tone, asking, "How may I help you?" Gathering my thoughts, I responded, "My name is Jordan." The mirror, unimpressed, urged me to get straight to the point. "Just go straight to your question, human," it insisted with its commanding voice. Feeling a sense of urgency, I poured out my concern, "There's this recurring dream that haunts me. It's about a mysterious woman who always seems to need my help, but every time I reach her, she tells me I'm too late, and then she perishes. Please, what can I do to make this stop?" I pleaded. The mirror's response hit me like a thunderbolt. "I'm sorry, human, but I cannot assist you with that. The strange woman in your dream is your mother," it revealed. The words echoed in my ears, and I struggled to comprehend what I had just heard. Memories of finding my lifeless mother in our home flooded my mind. The mirror continued, "To end this dream, you must first help your dying mother within your dream."

"But wait, how is that even possible? I mean, I saw my mom's lifeless body in our house. How could she not be my real mom?" I asked, my mind struggling to comprehend the revelation. The mirror responded, "The woman you grew up with wasn't your biological mom. You were born and switched at birth." Confused, I questioned further, "But why? Why was I switched?" The mirror explained, "Your mom was afraid that the people after the mark on your head would harm you. Your biological father was the leader of an occult group who worshiped the gods of fire. They wanted the mark's power to unleash chaos, according to a prophecy." The truth was overwhelming, and I couldn't help but wonder what my role in all of this was. I asked, tears streaming down my face, "What did the prophecy say about the Mark? Tell me." "Long ago, in a time of great conflict between humans, elves, and demons, they battled for a powerful gem. After years of fighting, the God of light created a being to bring peace. You, as the last of your kind, hold the fate of the world in your hands. The Mark on your head is the very gem they fought for." The mirror replied "Why me? I can't handle this anymore. First of all, I don't have a real family. Secondly, I'm the one who's going to destroy the world. This is so much for me to take in. I said with endless tears on my face "It... It's okay, Jor. I promise to be the best sister and mom to you, okay?" Gina said with a sad voice "Do you know about this, Gina?" I asked "Yes, but she did it to protect you. Knowing about who you are at such a young age might make you destroy the world earlier." The mirror interrupted Gina from answering my question "Am I not too young to know now? I'm just 15." I said angrily

"That's what you think, but you're older than me. That mark on your head is a thousand years old, and anyone who possesses that mark is equal to it in age and experience. They also have great wisdom, thinking abilities, and can solve complex riddles, and so much more," the mirror replied.

"Ouch, it's started again, Amma! The bleeding has started again," Logan cried out in pain.

"Mirror, mirror, what's Amma hiding from us?" I asked eagerly, looking at Amma.

Amma looked me in the eyes and confessed, "Amma is thoroughly hiding something from you guys. Amma is not actually stopping Logan from bleeding. She thinks she can't do it, so she takes the pain to herself to make everyone feel comfortable from Logan's screams."

"Oh, Amma, why would you do that?" I said silently, feeling a mix of admiration and concern for her selflessness. Logan continued to scream in pain.

"Magic mirror of Lalorama, can you show me where the ancient one is currently?" I asked, hoping for a glimpse of the mysterious figure.

"Yes, I will, and this will be my last answer before I go," the mirror replied, ready to reveal the ancient one's whereabouts.

"Okay then, please add a photo of my father before you go," I insisted, wanting to capture a precious memory.

"Okay, done," the mirror replied as it turned blank, fulfilling my request.

A photo of a man appeared on the mirror, and I whispered, "This must be my father." The mirror then changed, showing us the ancient one's apartment, but she wasn't there. After that, the mirror turned blank and disappeared.

"Amma, can you take us there now?" I asked eagerly.

"Yes, but not without the blade," Amma replied.

"I have the blade," Gina chimed in.

"Okay, guys, let's hold hands together," Amma insisted. We joined our hands, and Amma's eyes turned white again. After some incantation, a portal appeared in the center, and we all jumped inside, bursting out onto an unknown land. In front of us stood a hut.

We cautiously walked inside and called out, "Hello, is anyone home?" But nobody answered. So, we started exploring the hut. Unfortunately, I saw a knife coming towards me very fast, as if it wanted to stab me. I tried to run away, but the knife kept chasing me, as if someone was controlling it, trying to kill me. I couldn't outrun it, so I decided to stand and fight. I grabbed a long piece of wood from the floor and waited for the knife to reach me. When it did, I swung the wood and hit the knife, causing it to fly and stab into the wooden wall of the hut. I used the wood to threaten the air, as if there was someone there. Suddenly, I heard someone stumbling and knocking things over, but I couldn't see them. I tried to hit this person with the wood in my hand.

"Show yourself, we're not here to fight, we're just seeking passage," Amma said. Then the person started revealing herself from head to toe. It was an old woman, the ancient one.