

A story about a child with the mark that will bring about the destruction of worlds, such a great power lies in the hands of a child. what is the fate of the world?

Asiazobor_Daniel · Fantasie
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27 Chs

The prophecy II

"We finally arrived at a very tiny cave with an entrance," Amma exclaimed, her voice filled with relief. "Finally, we made it," she continued, stepping cautiously towards the cave.

"You don't think we can fit in that cave, do you?" Gina questioned, her eyes fixed on the small opening.

"I don't know about you guys, but for me, I'm definitely going inside to find answers to my questions," I declared boldly, determined to uncover the truth.

In that moment, Logan's sharp instincts kicked in. "Gina, look out!" he shouted, swiftly pushing her away from a hidden trap. Gina stumbled, but luckily avoided falling into it.

"Gina, are you okay?" I asked, rushing to her side, concern evident in my voice.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Gina replied, "Yes, I'm okay. Oh my god, Logan!" She hurried to his side, worry etched on her face.

Logan managed to reassure her, saying, "Yes, yes, I'm fine. It's just a little cut from that blade." He pointed towards a blade with mysterious markings, its significance still unknown to us.

"That blade, it... It's real, and the legend... If the legend is real, then Logan must die after twenty-four hours," Amma muttered to herself silently.

"Amma! Amma! Please, you have to help him!" Gina cried out desperately, her voice filled with anguish.

"I wish I could, but I can't. My healing abilities won't work on him because he was cut by the blade of the legend, the blade with mysterious markings. I'm sorry," Amma replied, her tone filled with sadness and regret.

Unable to bear seeing Logan bleed any longer, I mustered the courage to speak up. "Amma, Amma," I pleaded, my voice trembling. "Is there anything you can do to help him?"

Amma paused for a moment, contemplating the situation. "Yes, but not entirely. I can only stop his bleeding for a few minutes," she finally answered.

Feeling a glimmer of hope, I asked, "Okay, so how many minutes will it continue after you stop it?" I asked "I don't care, just make it stop please Amma" Gina pleaded with tears on her face. "I understand, Gina. I'll do everything I can to make it stop," Amma reassured, determination in her voice. She hurriedly walked over to Logan, placing one palm on his face and the other on his wound.

"Look at me directly in the eyes," Amma instructed, her gaze locked with Logan's. "Now, stop bleeding," she insisted firmly.

"I can't," Logan cried out in pain, his voice filled with desperation.

Amma repeated her command, this time with a different tone. "Stop bleeding," she said, her voice carrying a sense of power. Miraculously, the bleeding ceased, and the cut on Logan's body closed up.

"It... It's gone! The pain, it's gone! I can't feel it anymore!" Logan exclaimed, jumping up in joy.

"Thank God you're free now. Thank you, Amma," Gina expressed her gratitude, relieved and grateful for Amma's intervention.

"Please, Logan, stop jumping," Amma insisted, her tone gentle but firm.

"But why, Amma? I'm healed now!" Logan protested, continuing to jump with excitement.

As I observed Amma, I couldn't help but notice a hint of hidden pain in her expression, something she was trying to conceal from us. It remained unclear to me what troubled her.

"Okay, guys, remember, we don't have much time left. Let's go to the magic mirror of Lalorama quickly," I urged, leading the way as we all walked down the cave, our hearts filled with a mix of hope and urgency.

Logan led the way, while I walked slowly beside Amma, wanting to have a private conversation. Gina stayed with Logan at the front of our group.

"Are you hiding something from us, Amma?" I silently asked her, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"No, why would you say that, Jordan?" Amma responded, her voice filled with innocence.

"I saw you, I saw your face, and it seemed like you were keeping something from us," I replied silently, as Gina glanced back at us.

"Hey, what are you two whispering about, lovebirds?" Gina playfully asked.

"Seriously? Lovebirds?" Amma and I exclaimed simultaneously, taken aback by Gina's comment.

"Hmm..." Gina brushed it off and continued walking with Logan. Amma quickly turned to me and pleaded, "I'm not hiding anything from you guys, okay? Trust me."

I really wanted to trust her, but I couldn't shake the feeling that she was keeping something from us. "Amma, you have to tell me what you're hiding right now, or I'll inform the rest of the team," I insisted, determined to uncover the truth.

"Okay, please don't tell them. I'll tell you. Look at me," Amma replied. I turned to meet her gaze, and then she said, "Forget your question and focus on the road, Jordan." Her eyes glowed with a mysterious white light.

Amma's voice reverberated in my ears, causing intense pain. I realized she was attempting to make me forget my question, but I couldn't resist. Sensing my distress, Amma pressed her lips against mine, kissing me softly to prevent me from screaming. Just then, Gina turned around and caught us in the act.

"Seriously, guys? You're doing this right now?" Gina exclaimed, clearly taken aback by our unexpected display of affection.

Caught off guard by Gina's interruption, I suddenly remembered that we were kissing and had completely forgotten about the question. "Umm...," Amma stammered, at a loss for words.

"At least let us get home first, okay?" Gina insisted, urging us to focus on reaching our destination.

Curious and confused, I asked, "Why were we kissing?"

"Don't be silly, Jordan. You kissed me first, remember?" Amma replied, trying to jog my memory.

"No, I don't remember kissing you. All I recall is that we were heading to the magic mirror of Lalorama," I responded, growing more puzzled. Then, a thought struck me. "Wait... Did you do something to me, Amma?" I asked, seeking an explanation.

"No! Why would I?" Amma responded silently, her expression conveying innocence.

"Behold the magic mirror of Lalorama, here we are," Logan exclaimed, drawing our attention to a door in front of us. Bold writing on the door read, 'LALORAMA, FREE THY SELF AND YE SHALL SEE THY PAST AND THY FUTURE.'

"Do we have a key? How do we open it?" I asked, seeking clarification. Amma replied, "It doesn't require a key to open. Only a person who's worthy can open it with just a push."

"Okay, who would go first?" Gina asked, looking at me. I quickly replied, "Hey, don't look at me."

"I would go first," Logan volunteered, stepping forward towards the door. He exerted all his strength to push it, but it remained stubbornly closed. "Well, I guess I'm not worthy. I've done a lot of things, so I don't think it would open for me," Logan admitted, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Let's see if I can open it," Amma said, determined. She approached the door and exerted her force, but the same result followed - the door didn't budge. Now, it was down to Gina and me.

"Gina, it's your turn. You know I can't open that door. I'm just a child," I said, trying to pass the responsibility to her. Gina smirked and replied, "Oh, really, Jor? A child? A child who knows how to kiss a girl who's a hundred years older than him. Don't worry, I'll go."

Gina approached the door, attempting to open it, but to no avail. It seemed like Gina was also hiding something from us, or perhaps all three of them were keeping something from me. They all turned their gaze towards me as I cautiously approached the door. I reached out my hands, and to my surprise, the door opened automatically and a sharp cry followed.

I was completely shocked and turned around quickly, only to find Logan standing there, bleeding again. Amma let out a sigh of relief, as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. It was then that I remembered what I wanted to ask her, but for some reason, I decided to stay silent. Amma worked her healing magic on Logan's wounds once again. We all entered the hall, it's so big! The floor was covered in a mix of fresh and dried leaves, but there wasn't a single tree in sight. It was dirty, with cobwebs everywhere. Right in the center of the hall, there stood a giant mirror, covered in a dusty cloth. Amma uncovered it, and to our surprise, it was enormous! Gina couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow, it's so big!" Curiosity getting the best of me, I asked Amma, "So, how do we bring this mirror to life?" Logan chimed in, saying, "The only way is to bring the light of the sun to it." I was baffled and asked, "But how? How are we going to do that?" Amma calmly replied, "We'll connect the broken mirrors to control the sunlight." We gathered the pieces of mirrors scattered on the floor and started connecting them. After three attempts, we successfully directed the sunlight onto the mirror, but nothing happened at first. We waited in silence for about ten seconds, and then, like magic, a mysterious face appeared on the mirror.