

A story about a child with the mark that will bring about the destruction of worlds, such a great power lies in the hands of a child. what is the fate of the world?

Asiazobor_Daniel · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 9: the secrets

With a mix of emotions, I opened my eyes and found Logan lying beside me. Fueled by a hint of anger, I decided to leave him there and stood up. As I made my way to the door, I was greeted by Gina and Amma outside, embraced by the gentle caress of the cool evening breeze. We had returned to the floating island of Ersatz City. Walking towards Gina and Amma, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and anticipation for what lay ahead.

"Gina!" I called out her name, relieved to see her. "Hey Jordan, you're awake," Amma retorted with a hint of sarcasm. "How long have I been out?" I asked, feeling a bit disoriented. "It's been three days now, Jordan. Amma's grandmother asked us to leave you, assuring us that you'll be okay," Gina replied, her voice filled with concern. "And what about Logan? How long has he been out too?" I asked, my care for him evident. "Logan has been fine since the day we arrived," Gina reassured me.

"Why is he lying close to me?" I asked, my confusion evident. "He ignored what my grandmother told us. He thought he could help you recover quickly, so he's been lying close to you, giving you his strength," Amma explained.

"Did he actually make me recover quickly?" I questioned, curious about Logan's impact.

"According to my grandmother, you were supposed to spend ten days before waking up. But it's only the third day, and it seems like Logan's strength has indeed helped you recover faster," Amma replied, her voice filled with admiration.

Gina, concerned for Logan, asked, "Is Logan going to be alright, Amma?"

"Of course, yes. He's an elf, and he'll awaken soon," Amma reassured us as the door swung open. It was Logan, stumbling outside.

"Logan, you're awake!" Gina exclaimed, rushing to his aid. Meanwhile, I still harbored some anger towards Logan for his actions.

"Jordan, I know you're still mad at me, but please hear me out," Logan uttered, his voice filled with desperation. I felt conflicted, but a part of me wanted to give him a chance. I turned my back and started walking into the room, but Logan's next words made me stop in my tracks.

"Jordan, please wait. I know who killed your mother and father. That mark on your forehead is not what you've believed it to be. I know the truth now, Jordan. Please listen to me," Logan echoed, his words captivating my attention.

"You do?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Yes, Jordan. I do know more about you now. Just listen to me," Logan insisted, his voice filled with sincerity. I glanced at Gina and Amma, their eyes fixed on me, waiting to see what decision I would make.

I couldn't resist the bait. I walked towards Logan, eager to hear what he had to say. "I told you he would listen to him. Half of your meal is mine today. I won, Gina," Amma exclaimed, her playful tone breaking the tension in the room.

"Aaarrrggghhh! Jordan has changed since the day we came here. So I only have to eat half a meal today. You won, Amma," Gina retorted, making a funny face.

"Wait! You guys bet on me? You never cease to amaze me, Gina," I said, chuckling as I continued walking towards Logan.

"Tell me about my dad, Logan. Who is he? Where can I find him?" I insisted, my voice filled with determination.

"Your dad..." Logan went silent for a moment, catching his breath. "Your dad is an elf and a great leader of the Elvara demonic group whose aim is to destroy the world using the mark on your forehead," Logan finally revealed, his words shocking me to the core.

"Wait an elf?" Amma asked but no answer

"But why? Why would they want to destroy the world? And why did he kill my mom?" I asked, tears streaming down my face, my heart heavy with grief.

"Your dad didn't kill your mom, but he gave the orders. Your mom was like a barrier to them, so they had to take her out to get to you, Jordan. And remember, all that you've experienced in the past few days is just the tip of the iceberg. There's more to come," Logan explained, his words holding a solemn truth.

"Logan, you're not helping at all. Stop saying it like that," Amma interjected, her voice filled with frustration.

"How exactly are they going to use this mark to destroy the world?" I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me.

"The prophecy you heard about the mark on your forehead was a lie. That mark actually has the ability to trap a God within it and harness the power of that God," Logan revealed, his words leaving me in awe.

"Why do they want to destroy the world when they could save it?" I questioned, struggling to understand their motives.

"The Elvara demonic group believed that destroying the world would grant them ultimate control, not realizing the chaos it would unleash upon themselves," Logan explained, his voice filled with a mix of understanding and frustration.

"Logan, you said you did all this for power, right? So what power have you gained?" Amma questioned, her curiosity piqued.

"I've learned how to communicate with the spirits of the dead," Logan replied, his tone carrying a hint of pride.

"Hahaha, that's so simple! I can do it with the blink of an eye," Amma laughed, teasing Logan about his newfound ability.

"Besides that, Amma, I can also manipulate and command them to fight for me," Logan added, his words holding a sense of authority.

"Oh, really?" Amma's laughter faded as she processed the implications of Logan's powers.

After a moment of contemplation, I mustered up my courage and asked, "Logan, do you have any idea where I can find my dad?"

"Yeah, why?" Logan inquired, his curiosity evident in his voice.

"I want to bring an end to all of this once and for all," I insisted, my determination shining through.

"That's madness, Jordan! You heard what Logan said. He's the powerful leader of a dangerous occult group. I won't allow you to go and fight him, Jordan," Gina interjected, her concern for my well-being evident.

"I'm not seeking your permission, Gina. This isn't your battle; it's mine. It's time for me to put an end to all of this. I'm doing it for my mom, for this world, for you, Gina, for everyone," I reiterated, my resolve unwavering.

"Jordan, your dad could be anywhere, but there's one place where you can summon him to fight: the Great Court. It's located on the east side of this floating island," Logan replied, his voice filled with knowledge.

"But my suggestion, Jordan, is to wait for his attack before you fight back. He's planning on attacking the floating island of Ersatz City, and I believe that would be the opportune time to strike back," Logan concluded, his words carrying a sense of strategic thinking.

"Wait, what? Attacking the city?" Amma exclaimed, her voice filled with shock and concern.

"Yes, Amma," Logan replied, his tone serious.

"And you didn't even bother to warn the people about it?" Gina questioned, her frustration evident.

"I did inform Master Shi Nacko, and he ordered me not to disclose it to anyone," Logan explained, his voice tinged with a sense of duty.

"Master Shi Nacko knew about this?" Amma asked, her voice filled with disbelief.

"Yes, he sent me there as a spy to gather more information about the Elvaras," Logan revealed, his words carrying the weight of secrets.

"What is his name?" I asked, my voice steady and brave, causing Gina and Amma to turn and look at me.

"Margro. Margro is his name," Logan replied, his voice holding a sense of caution.

"In order to put an end to this war, I'm going to confront Margro tomorrow. That's my final decision, and I don't want to drag you guys into this," I declared, ending the conversation with determination as I walked away.

I lay down on my mat, my eyes closed, hoping to find some sleep. But every time I shut my eyes, the image of the man from the photo that the mirror of Lalorama had shown me would appear, mocking me with laughter and taunting words. "Too weak," he would say. It was more than just a vision; it was a warning. I knew I had to prepare myself to face him, alone, tomorrow. With determination, I rose from my mat and ventured deep into the forest, seeking solitude to practice and hone my skills further.