

A story about a child with the mark that will bring about the destruction of worlds, such a great power lies in the hands of a child. what is the fate of the world?

Asiazobor_Daniel · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 8: chasing the beast

We hurried along the path of the footprints, but they suddenly vanished, leaving us in an empty space in the forest surrounded by sand. Panting, I asked, "Is this it, Amma?" Amma responded, also catching her breath, "There must be something or someone here, the footprints can't just end like that." Frustrated, I admitted, "I should have been leading the way, Amma. We're stuck in a dead end, in the middle of nowhere." I picked up a small rock from the ground, expressing my anger and frustration.

"Jordan, calm down. This forest is full of surprises," Amma reassured me, trying to convince me to be patient. However, consumed by anger and impatience, I flung the rock I was holding into the sky, venting my frustration. I turned my back towards the direction we came from, feeling defeated. "Amma, I told you this was a waste of time," I grumbled. But Amma persisted, saying, "Jordan, trust me. This isn't a waste of time at all. Look at this." I turned to face Amma and was astonished to see a massive mountain appear out of nowhere. "Oh my god, Amma, how did you do that?" I asked, a confused smile spreading across my face. Amma chuckled and replied, "You think I did that? It was you, Jordan. The piece of rock you threw brought this about. And who knows, Gina might be here." Excitement building, I responded, "I hope so, Amma". "There's only one way to find out!" Amma replied as she walked gently to the other side of the mountain. "Wait, you mean we should go this way?" I asked, pointing to the footprints that were now reappearing and leading straight into the mountains. Amma nodded, urging me to follow them before they disappeared again. We carefully traced the footprints, eventually reaching what appeared to be an entrance into the mountain. With quiet determination, we entered the cave-like interior. And there, my heart sank as I saw Gina, bound to a wooden structure, her head hanging down and her mouth tightly tied. "You fools, I knew you would come," the beast sneered with a distorted voice. I paid no attention to his taunts and focused on Gina, carefully examining the marks that covered her body. Anger surged within me, causing the mark on my forehead to glow a fiery red. "Hahaha, you fool, you can't stop me now. You're nothing but a kid," the beast laughed, underestimating my determination. "I promised, Gina, I'll never leave you behind again. I swear," I reassured her with determination, my heart pounding. Without hesitation, I sprinted towards the beast, and to my surprise, it charged towards me as well. But that didn't deter me. With all my strength, I landed a powerful punch on its chest, sending it flying. Swiftly, I positioned myself where it would land and delivered another forceful blow to its back. Fueled by my anger, I relentlessly unleashed a flurry of punches, determined to defeat the beast. I kept pounding the beast until there was nothing left of it but Logan. I couldn't stop, my anger consuming me. But then, I heard Gina's desperate scream, "Stop it, Jordan!" Amma had already freed her from the wooden restraints. I tried to halt my punches, but the rage was too overpowering. Amma rushed to intervene, and in my fury, I turned and threatened to strike her. "Jordan, it's me, Amma!" Amma exclaimed, her voice filled with fear. "His eyes... they're white!" Gina exclaimed, her voice trembling. It was then that I realized my own eyes had changed color too. "He's consumed by anger, Gina. It's the spirit of bar'boh within him," Amma explained, her voice shaken. Slowly, she extended her hands towards my face and chanted a spell, whispering, "Sleep, Jordan." I felt myself gently falling, caught by Amma to prevent me from crashing once again.


Gina's POV: Amma's mention of bar'boh left me perplexed, so I couldn't resist asking. "Amma, who is bar'boh?" I inquired. "Bar'boh is the God of anger and strength," Amma responded. "But what does he want with Jordan?" I questioned, seeking answers.

"I'm not entirely certain, Gina. It seems we have many questions that we'll have to discover the answers to on our own," Amma replied. "No, Amma, this isn't your battle, okay?" I countered. "Jordan's fight is mine, Gina. I will fight for Jordan until my very last breath," Amma insisted with unwavering determination.

"Wow, Amma, why would you do that? Is Jordan your boyfriend?" I asked, curious about her motivations. "No, he's not," Amma replied. "Then why are you willing to risk your life for him?" I inquired further. Amma took a deep breath and responded, "Well, I'm doing this because I'm in love with Jordan. I know it may sound crazy, but it's the truth." Understanding her feelings, I replied, "I'm a girl, and I can relate. I feel the same way about Logan."

"Does it not bother you that I have feelings for Jordan, even though I'm a hundred years old?" Amma asked, her voice filled with uncertainty. Hearing her question, I couldn't help but smile as I gazed at her, contemplating the thought in my mind. "How is it even possible for a young girl like you to be a hundred years old?" I wondered aloud. Sensing my curiosity, Amma responded, "I understand what you might be thinking, Gina."

"What?" I asked, my curiosity piqued. "You're thinking that I'm too young to be a hundred years old. But did you know that Logan is older than me, with two hundred years?" Amma revealed. "OMG, really? That means he's three hundred years old?" I exclaimed, trying to wrap my head around the idea. "And fifty," Amma added with a mischievous smile, as she effortlessly carried Jordan and created a portal that would lead us back home.

"OMG, three hundred and fifty years old," I muttered in disbelief as I walked over to Amma. Suddenly, I heard Logan exclaim, "Ouch, my back!" Concerned, I rushed towards him to offer my assistance. But then Amma's voice filled with hate interrupted, "Gina, you have to let him go. He doesn't deserve our help." Determined to shed light on the situation, I replied, "Amma, there's something you don't know. Logan didn't do all that by himself. He was under a spell by that old demon woman."

"The spell was incredibly powerful, Amma. Even after her death, its effects remained active," I explained. "But right now, let's go home. Logan has so much to tell us, and maybe his story will lead us to the answers we're seeking." With determination, I dragged Logan into the portal that Amma had created, and she followed, carrying Jordan in her hands.