

A story about a child with the mark that will bring about the destruction of worlds, such a great power lies in the hands of a child. what is the fate of the world?

Asiazobor_Daniel · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 22: Earth's isolated kingdom

Suddenly, the sky erupted in a brilliant blaze of light, casting a luminous glow upon me and Amma as we urgently darted towards the elders' house. The celestial radiance illuminated the heavens, resembling a magnificent inferno ablaze with otherworldly energy. In that moment, a singular thought consumed my mind, igniting an unwavering resolve within me. With resolute determination fueling our every stride, we propelled ourselves forward, our limbs propelling us with an intensity matched only by the fervor of our purpose.

Gina's POV: As our sprint persisted, we were suddenly halted by a mesmerizing sight that pierced through the darkness. Above us, the ebony sky was transformed into a canvas of radiant illumination, resembling a ferocious inferno devouring the elders' dwelling. Compelled by a sense of urgency, I instinctively commanded my companions to come to a stop, their eyes fixed upon the breathtaking spectacle. "Cease, my friends! Behold the blazing inferno that engulfs the elders' abode. Let us venture forth and uncover its mysteries," I implored, my voice underscored by an unwavering determination. However, Alice, fortified by her own resolve, rebuffed my suggestion, insisting that our primary objective should be to locate Jordan. Elfin and Logan, steadfast in their allegiance to Alice, echoed her sentiments, leaving me momentarily sidelined. Yet, after careful consideration, I resolved to join their cause. "Very well," I conceded, my voice resonating with tenacity. "Let us proceed in our search for Jordan, but with swift haste. The enigmatic brightness painting the heavens with the hues of a raging inferno beckons our return. Who can fathom the secrets concealed within?" With unwavering resolve, we redirected our course, sprinting toward the unknown. Finally, in the distance, the figures of Jordan and Amma materialized, hurtling toward us with relentless speed. In unison, we came to an abrupt halt, bracing ourselves for the imminent reunion.

Jordan's Perspective: As Gina and the rest of the group came into view, my steps came to an abrupt halt. Confusion swirled within me, and I urgently sought answers. "Gina, what's happening? Why were you all running?" I questioned, my voice laced with bewilderment. In response, her hand met my face with a resounding slap, tears streaming down her cheeks. "How could you abandon us, Jordan? What if... what if something terrible had befallen you in those woods? Never again shall you leave my sight," she lamented, her words marked by a mixture of anguish and concern. Overwhelmed by her emotions, I instinctively enveloped her in a tight embrace, my voice trembling as I spoke. "Gina, I didn't mean to. I swear, I had no choice. My thoughts consumed me, leading me to flee. But the good news is, I am here now. Let us return to the elders' abode and uncover the truth of what unfolds there." My gaze shifted, revealing Elfin and Alice standing together, observing me from a slight distance. Logan's innocent voice broke the silence. "I thought you wouldn't come back, Jordan," he uttered. Before I could respond, Gina interjected, her voice resolute. "Enough waiting. Let us proceed," she declared, igniting a renewed sense of purpose within us all. With synchronized determination, we sprinted towards the elders' house.

After an arduous ten-minute run, we arrived at the elders' dwelling. To our astonishment, the structure was engulfed in flames, and the guards lay lifeless in its wake. Fueled by unwavering resolve, I rushed into the elders' chamber, finding her struggling for survival. In her weakened state, she clutched my trembling hands, uttering her final words. "Jordan, avenge me," she whispered. A heart-wrenching cry erupted from deep within me, shaking my entire being. Unexpectedly, an enigmatic aura emanated from my body, revealing the unfolding events. I witnessed the elder, tears streaming down her face, confronting a man adorned with a short beard and a hat. Desperation filled her voice as she denied his accusations. "He's gone, I swear! He will never return!" she pleaded. The man laughed callously, asserting his unwavering belief. "I can sense his presence, and you cannot deceive me. Instead of searching for him myself, I shall leave a message for him to find me," he declared. With a snap of his fingers, a torrent of fire materialized, raining down upon the house, reducing it to smoldering ruins. Witnessing this devastation, my cry intensified, unleashing an explosion of power from deep within me.

Rising to my feet, consumed by anger, I bellowed his name into the night. "Zargo! I am here! If you seek me, come and face me!" However, a gentle touch on my back urged me to quell my rage. I turned, only to discover Zargo himself standing before me. The man who had callously taken the life of the elder. Fueled by determination, I unleashed a surge of unstoppable force, propelling him through the air with great momentum.

He collapsed to the ground, pleading desperately, "Please, Jordan, don't do this! I'm only doing what I believe is right. Join me!" Consumed by anger, I charged towards him, delivering a powerful punch that sent him sprawling. Gripping him firmly, I unleashed a relentless barrage of punches, deaf to Amma's calls for calm. Fuelled by an unquenchable rage, I unleashed my fury upon him, his cries and pleas for mercy falling on deaf ears. Suddenly, an intense red glow emanated from my forehead, my eyes transforming into piercing white orbs. My clenched fist radiated an ethereal glow as a thunderous scream escaped my lips. With a resounding punch, I struck his face, launching him through the air with incredible force.

Bloodied and battered, he staggered to his feet, his voice tinged with pain. "Jordan, please, put an end to this. Together, we could be unstoppable. You possess the power to shape this world according to your desires. Just work with me, Jordan, please!" His words tugged at my emotions, but my anger surged forth, refusing to succumb to his manipulations. "No! I would rather die than align myself with you, Zargo. You embody pure evil, and I will never join forces with darkness," I vehemently retorted. Another bone-crushing punch reverberated through the air, sending him hurtling through the open space before crashing to the ground. Astonishingly, I heard his voice utter, "Stop, that's enough!" His commanding voice resonated, creating a powerful wave that cleared everything in its path. He rose to his feet, his severed head miraculously rejoining his body. Determination coursed through my veins as I lunged towards him, preparing to deliver yet another devastating blow. However, his voice echoed as I drew near, freezing me in place. "I said stop!" His words carried an indomitable power, rendering me immobile. Gracefully, he approached me, his voice gentle yet firm. "Jordan, today I won't kill you. I merely wish for you to reach your full potential before our final confrontation. And guess what? For now, I will bring an end to the Earth Isolated Kingdom. Find your way there and prevent its destruction." With those words, he disappeared into thin air, leaving me stunned. Amma's touch on my back brought me back to reality, grounding me in the present.

To my astonishment, no discernible damage had been inflicted. It felt as though I had been granted a glimpse into the future, yet the experience had an inexplicable sense of reality. Amma's comforting hands remained steadfast on my shoulders, while Gina's voice broke through the haze. "Jordan, what's happening to you? Why are you fixated on one spot?" I stammered in response, struggling to find the right words. "I... I don't know, Gina. It's like I had a vision. Zargo's reign of terror ends here, but his next target is the Earth Isolated Kingdom. We must go there immediately and prevent its destruction." With Amma's support, I rose to my feet, the weight of our impending mission hanging heavily in the air. Gina sought clarification, her voice tinged with urgency. "But where exactly is this Earth Isolated Kingdom located?" Uncertainty clouded my reply. "I cannot say for certain, Gina, but I believe the time travel pendant might hold the key to our destination." Demonstrating wisdom beyond his years, Logan interjected, "Ah yes, the Earth Isolated Kingdom. I know of its whereabouts." Amma interjected with a hint of skepticism, cautioning us against misplaced hope. "Hold on a minute! Are we referring to the Earth Isolated Kingdom from our mythology? If so, it doesn't exist. Don't concern yourselves, Logan." Her finality hung in the air, but Logan persisted, revealing a side of him that had remained hidden. "Perhaps you are correct, Amma, but there are aspects of our existence that you have yet to uncover. I am much older than you, with more than a century of knowledge. The time portal pendant can transport us there, but we must first learn how to wield its power." Jordan, I took charge and declared confidently, "I can activate it. I have mastered the technique and can control its ability to transport us wherever we desire." Stepping forward, I urged the others to provide me with a visual depiction of the Earth Isolated Kingdom. The crowd fell silent as Amma reluctantly admitted, "I could have assisted you, but Jordan specifically requested that I refrain from using my powers on him again." A smile played across my lips as I redirected my gaze towards her. "This is a unique circumstance, Amma. For now, do as you wish with your powers." She returned my smile and approached me, her eyes glowing a brilliant white as her hands gently caressed my cheeks. Suddenly, I found myself engulfed in an illusion, transported to a dense forest teeming with bamboo trees. The transition was so seamless that it took a moment for me to realize I had returned to reality, with Amma's hands still on my face. "Wait, what just happened?" I questioned, bewildered by the experience. Amma's response was resolute. "Come on, Jordan. Take hold of the time portal pendant and transport us to the place I revealed to you." Filled with determination, I rose to my feet and moved away from the group. Grasping the time portal pendant hanging around my neck, I extended it forward, envisioning the image Amma had shared with me. The pendant shimmered and emitted a radiant glow, creating a portal before us. Urging my companions to enter, I lingered behind, ensuring their safe passage. However, Elfina and Alice hesitated, lingering at the threshold. Alice spoke with a mix of gratitude and sadness, tears streaming down her face. "Thank you, Jordan, for forgiving me for all that I have done to you. Now, go and save the Earth Isolated Kingdom while we clean up the mess Zargo has left behind." In response, a lump formed in my throat as I expressed my heartfelt sentiment. "I wish I could spend more time with both of you, but duty calls. Farewell." With resolute determination, I stepped into the portal, which promptly closed behind me, leaving Alice and Elfin behind.