

A story about a child with the mark that will bring about the destruction of worlds, such a great power lies in the hands of a child. what is the fate of the world?

Asiazobor_Daniel · Fantasie
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27 Chs

chapter 2: A new home

"Jordan, Jordan, please wake up," I suddenly heard her sad voice crying out my name. Slowly, I opened my eyes, and everything changed. It was a bright morning, and Gina was the only person in the room with me.

"Where... Where am I? Where are we?" I asked in a low tone.

"Oh my god, he's awake! Jor', I thought I'd lost you forever. I'm so glad you're okay. All thanks to Diane, the goddess of light," Gina said blissfully. But for me, I seriously don't understand anything since I can't remember what happened to me or where I am.

"Where are we, Gina?" I asked.

"I don't know for sure, but the goddess of light did mention that this is the Air Temple of Ersatz City. It's completely forbidden and hidden from the human world," Gina reported.

"Oh great, I'm very confused, and it's all thanks to you, Gina. How the hell are we here if no humans are allowed?" I asked, baffled.

"Well, actually, I do... Wait, wait, wait... I know why we're here! Yes, we're here because we're not humans. Look at me very well, I'm not a human. I'm a Cyclops, can't you see? I have an eye on my forehead. And you're a chicken, that's all I see," I disrupted her jokingly, making funny faces.

Then she got angry and said to me, "You think it's a joke, right? Just because you don't believe in magic doesn't mean it's not real. And as for the goddess, she said she brought us here because she was assigned to protect us by her father. That's why she brought us here to start our training and find our Arcana quickly."

"And you believe that? Let me tell you something, Gina. Magic isn't real. Just look at Dad, he was a supposed great wizard, but he couldn't even protect himself. Magic is all tricks, okay?"

"Do you mean even my magic is just a trick?" Gina asked, her voice trembling.

Seeing her mood, I was left speechless. Then she burst into tears, crying, "I miss Mom."

"It's okay, Gina. I miss my mom too, but she left Dad before she died. That's what Dad said," I replied, trying to comfort her.

"Yeah, I know, but... wait," she paused for a moment and continued, "did you just say 'your mom'? Who's your mom, Jor?"

"Um...," I hesitated.

"Hmm hmm mm," Gina cleared her throat. Just then, a girl walked in, interrupting me. "Hi, I'm so sorry to intrude. My name is Amma, and Master Shi Nacko wants both of you to come to class for practice now."

I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was so beautiful, and her presence intrigued me. I was so lost in her beauty that I didn't hear the message she delivered to us.

"Okay, I'll be on my way now. Where's the class located?" Gina asked curiously.

"When I said 'you,' I meant both of you, you and the boy," Amma clarified, trying to make Gina understand. "Follow me. The class is not far from here," she said as she walked out of the room.

"Wow, Gina, did you see that elf? She's so beautiful! What was her name again? Amma, right? And did you hear her voice? It's so nice!"

"Yeah, Jor', I noticed her pointy ears. Looks like the shape of a leaf, ew" Gina replied with a disgusted face

Finally we came out from the room "oh wow, now I know why they call it the air temple of ersatz city, because it's an island that floats in the sky, am I right Amma?" I asked childishly. "... " Amma was silent

"Would you be quiet Jordan, you act like a child" Gina replied angrily

"Well, I am a child, aren't I? I'm only 15, after all. What do you expect from someone my age?"

Gina ignored my question, but that's okay. I was just excited about the floating island in the sky, the Air Temple of Ersatz City. It's amazing.